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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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Facebook publications


Today there is Facebook, and tomorrow it might be gone. All over the world, the right-wing, or rather politically awakened pages are being removed by the Jew in power without any announcement or warning. Facebook also removes pages that promote the European culture and history, those that promote European monuments, and even those which show white people. Facebook has suspended and removed online stores selling patriotic clothing, and it promotes all holidays except the Christian ones.



For the above reasons I decided to start this chapter, and paste some of my Facebook entries here. I don’t know the day or the time, but I know that my account could be removed just like Twitter, which is also owned by Facebook. I’m not planning to publish all my political and travel entries here, because there have been too many of them during so many years. I will only include some of them, what means that this chapter will continue to grow.

(My Facebook publications about travels I will paste in the specific countries sections.)

Meanwhile, I recommend my article on the Kompas Travel home page, titled: “Facebook and the media control”. I wrote this article in such a way, so everyone could better understand what the Facebook leftist propaganda fortress truly is, and to understand that a person opening a Facebook account creates a police file for himself. My journalistic activity is under scrutiny of the services, which is why this chapter is very much needed. They have already tried to convince me, that I apparently said something what I have never said. I’ve also noticed that sometimes the mainstream media steals my ideas by changing the narrative, but they never want to have anything to do with me.

Facebook publications, Facebook publications, Compass Travel Guide

‘Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented. Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and the communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence.’


For RT: “Information Facebook houses is a potential boon for the U.S. government if it tries to build up a dossier on users.


Julian Assange

I would also like to advise the Polish Government, that it should necessarily build the Polish version of Facebook, because otherwise Zuckerberg will continue to have absolute power over what Poles can say and what they cannot, and will censor opinions that he believes ‘are gainst community standards’ – whatever that means? For example, the Russians have already thought about it, and that’s why they have their own version of Facebook – VKontakte (VK). Poles however, like when their Jewish owner censors them, and in the name of a false idol of peace they do nothing about it, hoping that tomorrow God would sort it out for them.

Most people are too busy or too lazy to want to read long articles. For that reason, here I present my short political thoughts, so everyone could create their own, basic political profile of me.

Someone might be wondering, what is the most dangerous thing in the world. That thing is ‘TRUTH’.

Some of my posts copied from Facebook


It looks like Zionwood will award an Oscar in the category: ‘Propaganda cinema for children’. The title of the film is: “Single Mother”. A touching story for children about how a white girl decided to fight ‘racism’ and therefore got involved with the leader of a black knife gang. To get through the pregnancy painlessly, she took fentanyl, which is very popular and completely legal in the USA.

For the purposes of the movie the white girl is pretty but everyone knows that if the movie were to reflect reality, she would be ugly, fat, with a cigarette, a can of beer and of course a black eye.

Diversity is our strength. It is always another step towards the Africanization of whites. There will be Oscar.

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In the biggest post-British cities white people are a minority, at about 40%. In London, Birmingham, Luton, Leicester, Manchester and Slough white people make up about 40% of total population and white school children make up 10%-30%, depending on town and city.

According to the 2021 census white population of London was 53.8%, including native British at 36.8%. Population of white people is constantly falling.
(Apparently the biggest enemies of Britain is not the British elite and its BBC propaganda machine – but Russia and Iran).

Maybe by the end of the century they will build native villages for English people, like zoos for threatened species?

British politicians

In the photo: the UK Prime Minister, Mayor of London, the First Minister of Scotland. White people don’t have a chance in any elections in the UK anymore, unless it’s the extreme left-anti-white.

England – a Third World country for a lot of money.


I present a drawing that illustrates well what the liberal welfare state looks like. This is the dark side of socialism, what means that the state takes away from the hardworking and resourceful people and then gives their money to lazybones and fraudsters who don’t want to work.

Lenin said: ‘Take it. It all belongs to you.’ But how could this communist thief give anything to anyone when nothing belonged to him?

British people! The shortest path to poverty and dependence on your liberal socialist puppet masters is to wait for taxed and inflated manna from heaven in the form of benefits. Socialism and communism last so long just because people still believe they can get something for free. Governments have a million ways to force people to contribute to their benefits.

In politicaly correct multiracial countries the so-called ‘minorities’ get something for free, but only so the communists could maintain power. My economic slogan is: ‘I will not give you anything for free but thanks to that I will not rob you’. But would a nation brought up on socialism take up this challenge? In the picture, please note the number of cookies.

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I remind my article titled “SOCIAL PARASITISM”:


I am proclaiming the age of pride in being heterosexual white people.

Facebook publications, Facebook publications, Compass Travel Guide The main advantages of hetero-sexualism are:

– It has worked great for thousands of years, so it’s proven.
– It is not infertile, what means that it’s a ground for a family.
– White children are not lost because they know where they belong.
– In a permament relationship it does not cause HIV/AIDS or venereal diseases.
– It doesn’t cause chaos, because it is clear who is the husband and who is the wife, and naturally what their roles are.
– The environment does not hate and does not vomit at the sight of a heterosexual couple of the same race.
– It helps to extend the white civilization.
– It is not a bizarre and degenerate social margin.
– It is in harmony with nature !!!

!!! Let’s be proud to be white heterosexuals. But we don’t need parades because those are reserved for degenerate freaks with low self-esteem.


In England and the US the overrepresentation of people of colour is a sad norm. I’ve calculated that in England blacks in advertisements perform 8 times out of 10 and they are always shown as uncommonly intelligent experts and heroes. Meanwhile white people are shown as idiots, simpletons, freaks and homosexuals. When the British media show whites, they are mostly white women in mixed relationships and with children of colour.

In Poland exactly the same destructive anti-white propaganda just begins, in which TVN and WP take first places. I don’t see any difference between them. Even the Jewish ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ is not as intrusive as TVN and WP, which promote themselves as a political center. However, it makes sense because Wyborcza and Michnik already have so much on their conscience that they are careful, whilst TVN and WP go with Poles like with a herd of sheep.

Often in the Polish media I see black women portrayed as ‘Polish women’ who are promoted as big stars …. because they are black. They tell you that ‘Poles are black’ and that this is the new normal that you have to accept unless you are ‘racist’. This is how they are voluntarily introducing ‘positive discrimination’, which is a mild term for white apartheid policy.

POLISH PEOPLE. Don’t fall for this mindwashing. They want you to get used to blacks because they have a plan for you. In England they also showed only one at the beginning, and now there are simply no white families in British adverts anymore. Poles are white, and all black stars and models promoted by WP and TVN have only achieved in their live that they are black.

“The case of cultural Marxism”

'Multiculturalism: before and after'

‘Multiculturalism: before and after’


This is how it is in Jewish movies that white people are brazenly removed from their own culture and history. To this end, black actors play white historical characters, and play roles intended for white actors.

There was already Black Achilles, Black Julius Caesar, Black Romans, Black Queen of England and Henry VIII’s wife Anna Boleyn, Black Zeus, Black Joan of Arc, and Black Sir Lancelot. Soon there will be also black James Bond and black Robin Hood. However, I doubt that they would ever make the same mess with black Dalai Lama, because it is all about destroying the European civilization, culture and history.

DID ANYONE EVER HEAR BLACK MEN REFERRING TO: “THEIR RICH CULTURAL HERITAGE”? Black people don’t have history of their own to tell, so they gladly assume white roles.

For that reason I thought maybe I should make a film myself. I REALLY CAN’T SEE ANY REASON WHY THE BLACK BOXER MIKE TYSON SHOULDN’T BE PLAYED BY GEORGE FROM LITTLEHAMPTON! I will name this movie: “Mike Tyson – The Story Based on True Facts”.

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However, I’m planning to make another film. It will be a historical story about the Muslim king of Poland John Sobieski III, who in the name of Allah defended Poland against the invasion of Turkish Christians.

‘THE BLACK HISTORY OF EUROPE’ – (On removing Europeans from the European history and culture.)

I present three films that will show how grossly disgusting anti-white propaganda can be, and with what enthusiasm and hatred the enemies of white civilization write Europeans out of our own history. In addition, there is also an inversion of the natural roles in which men are leaders. According to our enemies, white civilization was created and developed by black women!

Please protect your children from this worthless sewage!

1. Anna Boleyn – the second wife of King Henry VIII of England and Queen of England in 1533-1536. In the film she is black, although in fact she was white as snow because she was of Anglo-Saxon origin.

2. Queen Charlotte – wife of King George III of England. Queen Charlotte was the Queen of Britain and Ireland until her death in 1818. She is black in the Bridgerton series on Netflix. Many articles immediately appeared on the English internet, that “she might have been black and that she had African roots.” They brazenly make idiots out of English people.

3. They also change the Vikings. Again on Netflix there was a ‘historical’ movie in which they try to convince us that the leader of the Vikings was a black woman. The director himself admitted that Jarl Estrid Haakon is a fictional character. Of course she is, because the Vikings were of Nordic origin and the leaders were men.

Changing European history in order to serve modern politics, based on the fight against white civilization.

Changing European history in order to serve modern politics, based on the fight against white civilization.

4. I have noticed that this propaganda has also taken root in England. We have black actors and football players described as ‘English people’. The anti-Biritsh media notoriously show black women, brainwashing British people that they are English and to admire their ‘beauty’ at the same time. This is a standard propaganda in the UK, because America is already there.

I present my article: “An illusive alliance with America” –

I present my article: “Zionwood – the factory of Jewish dreams” –

EUROPE and ANTI-EUROPE (Genocide in white gloves)

I think that even moderately intelligent people should realize that a mixed and divided herd is easier to rule and enslave. The problem is that only about 2% of the nation can think independently.

The extreme leftists (the secret followers of Trotsky and Lenin) blame me for publishing quotes of the Third Reich leaders on my website. For that reason, to cheer them up I will quote their greatest idol: Karl Marx:

“Classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life must surrender or perish in the revolutionary holocaust.”


– Karl Marx – (the Communist was the first to write about the Holocaust)

Following Marx’s quote: ‘the class and race that will perish in the revolutionary holocaust’ is the white civilization, its culture, and the socio-ethnic construct known as the ‘white race’. The so-called ‘multiculturalism’ leads to this. This means that ‘multiculturalism’ ends when white children cease to be born in a given area.

Interestingly, the greatest advocates of diversity, tolerance and feminism are Jews. The Jews promote those devastating ideologies in every country in the world except one Israel. We should not ignore that fact.

Swedish school

School in the so called Sweden.

I present my article titled: “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT PROJECT“. I recommend it to everyone, regardless of political views. Perhaps it will clear up a little in a few heads?

MARCH OF DEGENERATES…. lost people and victims of LGBT propaganda

Another march organized and financed by the international lobby for the demoralization and destruction of the psyche of young people took place in Warsaw. I have no personal grudge against those who have a homosexual problem, but I am against exploitation of homosexuals for political reasons.

In the name of an ideal of DIVIDE AND CONQUER, the elite at the top of the iceberg pays because they want the rats at the bottom to be hostile to each other and bemused as much as possible. The elite realizes that LGBT kills the nation’s strength and unity. In order to rule easier, entertainment must be crude and dehumanizing! In order to govern easier, Europe cannot be Europe of strong white men and women, but a racially and culturally mixed Europe, where men would be effeminate.


– People who are lost and who don’t know who they are anymore.
– Victims of propaganda, believing that sexual minorities are being ‘persecuted’ and therefore out of the goodness of their hearts they went out to defend them.
– Provocateurs (homo and hetero) whose sole purpose is to arouse outrage.
– People who don’t understand why they joined that march, but they ‘know that someone is being persecuted’.
– Politicians (crafty foxes) who count on votes of the leftists.
– Stupid celebrities who want to promote themselves on whatever they can.
– Satanists.
– And ordinary perverts with no shame.

Turkey however has common sense. Over there the fall of humanity was blocked.

In England people keep quiet because they are afraid, but many people are fed up with it and hate it more and more. It can be seen and heard.

In Norway, someone opened fire on the ‘tolerant’ ones under the symbol of rainbow.

Many African presidents refuse to promote perversions, but the US and UK force them to do so. (At least once Blacks are wiser!)

Tiger vomits on LGBT.

Because I am against promotion of degeneracy, I decided to show the picture that best reflects the world’s reaction to the ‘rainbow disease’. (Catholic Bishop, you put it right! Congratulations!)

What will be the result of this demoralization and sexual experimentation? HIV/AIDS eliminates some of them. The rest will be eliminated by the Muslim cultural enrichers, who are growing in numbers in Europe. They will help to solve the problem of tolerance.


There are already 4 million Muslims in England, although in 2050 there will be 13 million. in 2023 there are already 1,800 mosques. Muslims demand Sharia law in the UK… and in France, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands etc…

The Economist reported that every year in the UK, on average, 5,200 Britons convert to Islam, and so far 100,000 have converted to Islam. These are, of course, mainly English women.

Recently Imam who is an authority in the field of Islam has been educating Muslims about living according to the principles of Islam and about life in the UK. The imam complains about an English teacher who showed students press publications about the prophet of Islam and who stated that he didn’t agree with Islam and that it should have no place in England. This teacher is in hiding, has changed his name and is afraid for his life. The police however protects Muslims and the Government pays.

Meanwhile the same Imam talks about the lack of tolerance towards religious minorities and the fact that the teacher teaches against British values, which is multiculturalism only. According to him there is no such thing as British culture. The British government has agreed to this many times.

Imam Shayk Zakaullah Saleem teaches thousands of Muslims that the punishment for extramarital sex should be stoning to death, although in certain circumstances a milder punishment of 100 lashes at a public meeting could also be given. The British government and the media in the UK are silent and continue to finance Islam.

Recently that mosque received £2.2 million from the British Government, and in 2023 the British Government spent £24 million for the protection of Muslim schools and mosques, although the UK Security Minister confirmed that this amount will soon be increased to £28 million.

So far all the English who said to deport Muslims have been sent to prison for ‘racism’. However, if Muslims shout to murder infidels, they get millions from the UK Government.


Queen Elizabeth II was Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth countries, from her coronation in 1952 until her death in 2022. With her passed into history the era of Great Britain which will never return.

Elizabeth II represented Great Britain for 70 years, and photos of her appeared on many banknotes and postage stamps in many countries of the world. The British Empire controlled about 20% of the world, and after its end, after World War II, on the orders of the United States the bankrupt British Empire became the Commonwealth of Nations, to which belonged 54 countries. Today, together with the UK, there are 15 of them left.

Although there is a 10-day mourning in the UK and the media publishes emotional material, there are those who rejoice at the collapse of the Empire and the eventual collapse of the UK, and even the death of the Queen herself. Black woman in the US Dr. Uju Anya wrote: “I hear that the main monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is finally dying.” People of colour are quietly very happy.

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Earlier, students from India and the Caribbean didn’t agree that the portrait of the Queen should be hung at Oxford University because: “they associate it with slavery and colonization”. Well, the same demanding and ungrateful niggerdom gets a lot these days from the UK government … but they have their story.

From my Polish point of view I don’t have hard feelings towards the British Empire, although they were never friends of Poland neither. Although the British Empire didn’t travel on a mission of grace and goodness; I, whilst traveling the world saw its great achievements and technological, civilizational and economic progress. The Queen herself never hurt me and I think she represented the UK well. Peoples of colour only like to remind the bad things, forgetting the good things.

Let me remind my readers that at least in my opinion the British Empire ended twice. First in 1947 when India declared independence from the UK, and then in 1997 when Britain was forced to hand over Hong Kong to China. Elizabeth II ruled from 1952, so after the act of independence of countries of the Indian Subcontinent. Therefore, how can the Indians associate Elizabeth II with colonization? I don’t know, and I doubt that even they would know.

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Many English people remember the Queen in a good way and treat her fondly, but others are against the Royal Family because according to their official story: ‘having an unelected leader is incompatible with their sense of democracy.’ My answer: ‘democracy is a fraud anyway, no matter if there is a Royal Family or not.’

However we judge the Queen and the British Empire, an important era for the UK and Commonwealth has ended. I am not even sure if the Commonwealth would survive the next years and if the UK itself would survive in its present form.

Interesting comments under this post from Poland:

Alexander: The British East India Company is a story of slavery and famine caused by exploitation. I am not surprised that Indians hate Elizabeth II, even if she was not the monarch during the dissolution of the Company. The wounds of history do not heal for 10/20/70 years.

Kompas Travel: According to the annual revenue from tea production in India amounted to US $15.67 billion in 2022, while tea exports from India alone in 2021 amounted to US $687.9 million. Indians only remember what is in their interest. Part of their interest is also the ideology of ‘White Guilt’.


“Honey, are we going to Paris, the city of lovers, the city of poets and artists? We will experience French culture.

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While burning Paris Arabs threatened to kill Marine Le Pen and said they would stay in France to rape all white women in Europe and behead all white men. The Arabs declared they had conquered Europe. There were no arrests for hate speech and incitement to mass rape and murder!!! This is for whites only. (Well, after years of the leftist regime, political correctness,  promotion of white guilt, silencing certain parts of history and licking their black asses, it’s hard for me to be surprised that this is what they think.)

Currently Marine Le Pen’s National Front has over 52% support, mainly among women. Well, Europe’s cultural enrichment has enriched Europe with an avalanche of rapes and murders, and the French have had enough. Moreover, support for the so-called The ‘extreme right’ in Europe is constantly growing.

I’m still waiting for the justification for the verdict for ‘insulting racial groups’ (read: writing the truth). When Le Pen comes to power I predict a domino effect throughout Europe, and then all leftist rags and their faithful minions will receive justification for the verdict. However, I do not consider coloured people to be the source of the problem. They’ve been invited for a specific purpose.

The war strategy of ‘Divide and Conquer’ will only get worse, or as Karl Marx said: ‘one side will surrender and perish in a revolutionary holocaust’. Marx talked about Europeans.

Arabs in France

FRANCE – THE RESULT OF CULTURAL ENRICHMENT (and the issue of South Africa)

When I wrote my articles titled “The cultural enrichment of Europe” the leftists called me “racist, fascist, nazi” and howled with rage. Now, when France is being burned and robbed by lazy black and muslim criminals, I can see once again that I was right.

The only solution to these problems is the mass deportation of people of colour to the countries of their ethnic origin. Any other solutions, such as attempts of ‘integration’, increasing benefits and introducing additional privileges would only worsen racial and cultural problems.

I wonder if the prosecutors and judges who sentenced me for writing the truth are now spitting in their own faces. The truth is insulting. I’m still waiting for the justification for the judgment, which will probably go down in history, and I intend to publicize it. Well, I invite them to France (and their wives and daughters). There are many ghettos there that will make them ‘racist’ too.

5 parts.

In the photo: black crimes against white women and children and calls to murder white people in South Africa. The media will never talk about it, but even the former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott admitted that one year blacks killed 400 white farmers in South Africa.

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MODERN SLAVERY (Without promotion of White Guilt)

We all know the official version of history, that is: ‘white hooligans went to Africa, they chained Blacks in shackles and relocated them to other continents as slaves’.


1. Why people talk so llittle about African leaders selling their own Africans to Europeans? As soon as African leaders saw British ships on the horizon, they themselves tied their Negroes and laid them on the beach, so that the English or French would not have to look for them. Fortunately, now even in England they have reminded themselves about it, what can be seen in newspapers and in museums.
I wrote about it in the article:

2. Has anyone ever said about the Arab colonization of Africa ?? I doubt it! Currently there are 54 countries in Africa; of which there are as many as 19 countries where Islam is the majority (from 52% to 99.99% of the population), and additionally 14 countries where Muslims are a significant minority (14% -35%).

Who started Islam in Africa, because certainly not the British, not the Dutch, Italians or French? Islam in Africa was started by the Caliphate of the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century? Why are Europeans not being educated about this? Because the aim of ‘education’ is to indoctrinate with ‘White Guilt’, so it is easier for Europeans to be conquered. Those who feel guilty will be always more humble, submissive, and enslaved.

3. According to, there are more slaves in the world today than when slavery was legal. In India alone there are 18 million slaves, and in Africa there are over 9 million.
I described this issue in my article:

4. In the photo we can see African slaves on the Libyan coast in 2020. They are enslaved and sold by other Negroes for around $400- $700. Blacks fleeing across the Mediterranean to Europe are very often fleeing slavery at the hands of black slave masters. In India it is the same: both the slave and his owner are Indins, but of different castes.

Why is nobody talking about it? Because the Whites were chosen as the symbol of evil, so that it would be easier to conquer us. This is the basis of cultural Marxism: the division into ‘persecutors and persecuted’; for the globalists’ political wins. I recommend my article about it:

Education is the shortest path to freedom! ! !

Modern African Slavery.

Modern African Slavery. This is the result of the invasion of ‘civilized and democratic countries’ on the regime of M. Gadaffi. Humanitarian crisis + Africanization of Europe + slavery. Libya 2020.

Blacks learned nothing from their own history. I remind that if anybody constantly wanted to blame Whites as the only ones who are guilty of slavery, I have extensive literature to make such anti-white propagandists look like complete idiots! However, people have such trait that they are better off with lies; especially if inflation and interest rates are kicking ass.

Kompas Travel: Maybe it will be unexpected judging by my articles, but when it comes to slavery I honestly feel sorry for black people. Nobody should be a slave! Unfortunately, Africa is still an enslaved continent; either by Europeans, or by Jews, Arabs, Chinese, and also by Blacks themselves: the so-called ‘African barons of war’.

I would also like to remind of sex slavery, which is still doing well in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. Sad is this world.

In England, the more intelligent Blacks in Parliament began to speak loudly about the fact that it was the Jews who controlled 10% of the African slave trade in the Anglophone world, and in Dutch Guiana (today: Suriname), Jews controlled sugar plantations and African slavery absolutely.

These black people were labeled “anti-Semites” for their interest in the forbidden history.


Currently, there is a civil war in the territory of Ukraine, which, as we know, is made up of several countries. I call this war a ‘civil war’ due to the fact that the Russian state was born in Kievan Rus, much of which is occupied by today’s Ukraine. It is precisely this point of view of Putin, which gives him the right to include the former Russian lands into Russia. (Let me remind that the Jews returned to Palestine after 2.000 years, while the Russians and most of the ‘Ukrainians’ are the same people anyway.)

As we know, Ukrainians are settling in Poland en masse, and many of them want Ukraine to join NATO and the European Union. I think Poland should give this chance to at least part of Ukraine; exactly that part which was stolen from Poland by Stalin. If I was in charge of Poland, I would strive for such a solution out of goodness of my heart. Anyway, Russia offerred to give the Eastern Borderlands back to Poland in 1989, and then offerred to give Poland the Ukrainian part of the Eastern Borderlands after the accession of Crimea; so Putin would definitely not have any problem with that.

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When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, the Russian government proposed Poland to partition Ukraine with a very gracious and fair scenario in mind. What I am most interested in on this map is Poland regaining parts of the Eastern Borderlands, which are currently illegally occupied by Ukraine. It is also important that there is still a buffer territory called ‘Ukraine’, separating Russia from Poland. As we can see on the map, Russia also took back the lands it deserved, even though it could take territories all the way to the border with greater Poland, and Moldova. I would also have nothing against such division, if Russia gave Kalinigrad to Poland.

This however will not happen, because first Poland would have to obtain the consent of the USA, Germany and the international Jewry. Poland itself means nothing and its leaders are weak. Well, maybe in this war Poland could at least try to regain Lviv, but to come up with such a proposal, first they would have to have character. In addition, there is a naive Polish society raised on hostile media, which due to its blind support for Ukraine makes itself look more and more disgusting. Poles still don’t know their history, and that’s why they will repeat it soon. The main naivety of Poles lies in the illusion that: ‘if we are good to them, then they would be surely good to us too.’ However, Ukrainians are the elements racially valuable, and Poland has a demographic problem. I am sorry that Slavic people are dying on both sides, but in this war are fighting nations with Polish blood on their hands, both Russians and Ukrainians.

When it comes to Ukrainians, of course I would first accept those who have Polish Cards. Then all the frightened and suffering fertile women, and children, as well as men who would like to join Poland. At the same time, I could deport those Ukrainians who build their national identity on Banderism and who are hostile to Poland; and I would take those who want to work in Poland and have friendly plans for Poland and Poles. Then I would start their Polonization and partial resettlement of Poles to the East. Putin, on the other hand, would take care of his ‘new Russians’ on his side. I would not save the whole of Ukraine, but at least I would save its western part by incorporating it into Poland. Currently, 4 million Poles live in the Eastern Borderlands, and many Ukrainians are also fed up of their difficult situation. For those reasons, there is someone there to hold the referendum for.

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The eastern borders of Poland require another reconsideration.

In order to provide Poles and Eastern Slavs with a living space, I would politely ask exotic and culturally alien immigrants to leave Poland, starting primarily with the Gypsies. I would do my best to implement those plans as humanely as possible. After joining the old Polish lands that are currently occupied by Ukraine; I would save many Ukrainians, I would give them jobs, give them prosperity, and I would also bring them under the umbrella of NATO and the EU. I would also keep an eye on Ukrainians if the conditions are up to their standards, under the regime of deportation.

Ukrainians should be grateful to me for this idea, and they should call me their benefactor. MM.


Here’s another surprise after censors decided to report me to Facebook for ‘hate speech’. Of course, they would prefer to take me to court for ‘hate speech and promoting totalitarianism’, but despite all their efforts there was no basis for it, so they reported me to Facebook. Facebook, on the other hand, would remove everything which is not in line with its ideological thought. Well, I don’t care, but here’s the info. Specifically, it was about my post published above, in which I suggested taking back the Eastern Borderlands. This post was removed from Facebook because it doesn’t meet the community standards. Please read it and judge it yourself. When a Pole reminds what should belong to Poland, it is: ‘hate speech’.

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Kompas Travel Facebook page is at risk of being unpublished.


Post from the series: ‘Political correctness has gone mad’.

Please take a look at this African couple who have been voted the most beautiful in the whole of England. I’m not disputing that they even deserve this title, but certainly not in England. England has been waging an open war against its culture and ethnicity for many decades. Moreover, politicians in the UK openly admitted that:

– ‘British people don’t represent any race.’
– ‘The English Bloodline Is Not Worth Surviving.’
– ‘Soon there will be no blondes in England.’ – (a mild term for the White Genocide).

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I’m curious what Mr & Miss Africa 2021 look like? The same as those in England, I guess? Do my readers still consider me to be a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’, ‘prejudiced racist’ or ‘schizophrenic’?? I hear those and other accusations from time to time! If an abnormal and detrimental system doesn’t know how to fight me, they’decide to declare me an idiot.


When I watch Poland from England, I am also interested in the state of ‘democracy’. In my opion ‘democracy’ is pure fiction. Moreover, I believe that everyone who believes in “democracy”, his worldview stopped in the middle of the 20th century, because today ‘democracy’ is also totalitarian. We see examples of this.

I was even accused and convicted of ‘promoting totalitarian systems’ – although neither the judge nor the prosecutor wanted to tell me what totalitarian system I was promoting. Well, maybe the appeal court will finally reveal that secret to me ???

In my opinion, ‘democracy’ of the Polish Law & Justice party is worth the same as communism in China. In England it is the same: every right-wing party and activist is banned or kicked out of the British Isles. The peak of the disgust happened when ISIS fighters returned to the UK from Syria to claim benefits, and they disappeared in the society. At the same time a right-wing activist from Canada was deported because she was telling the truth about Islam. Thta is English ‘democracy’. It was a big deal in the UK, but life goes on.

This time, the Polish Security blocked the news portals of journalist Marcin Rola, for allegedly ‘spreading pro-Russian propaganda on Ukraine’.That’s an excuse. Apparently the Polish Security blocked it to make Poland safer. Marcin Rola had a different point of view, so he became inconvenient.

WILL ANYTHING CHANGE IN POLAND? – Certainly not. Poles still fall for the scammers from the Civil Platform Party, and now they sold their souls to Law & Justice Party for PLN 500 (actually worth around PLN 300), and they are cheated and plundered even more than under Civic Platform. When a nation is bought with their own money, democracy immediately end Inflation, poverty, desperate loans, sanitary regime and propaganda turned Poles into a nation of slaves. I have the impression that Poles are going like sheep to the slaughter. As long as they have enough food to eat, they chose the strategy of silence in order to survive.

The power of democracy depends on fire power!

New World Order

Kompas Travel: Israel boasted not long ago that Ukraine was the only country outside Israel where both the president and the prime minister were Jews. However, they forgot to add that the current Minister of Defense of Ukraine is also a Jew. Ukraine sits on huge natural deposits, and Slavic people seem to be in the way there. Besides, Ukraine is the breadbasket of the world, what means that control over that territory will enable the control many nations through hunger.

THE FALL OF BEAUTY (political correctness)

As an example I’d like to show an advertisements of Calvin Klein. In the 90’s it was a beautiful, athletic white woman in a swim suit. However, the neo-Marxist plague called ‘Political Correctness’ has imposed advertising of what is sick, ugly and disgusting. In some commercials, Calvin Klein features a fat black transvestite dressed as a woman. These photos are shown on the streets in the USA, what makes people vomit.

This is how white civilization loses not only its identity but also its basic morality, dignity and beauty. I ask my readers to look at these photos and consider whether they should be advertised. To me this is anti-advertisement for which Calvin Klein has already been criticized. I think an advertisement of underwear should be a display of beauty and health, not obesity and genderism.

I want to add that Calvin Klein has mostly pretty models, but this time it showed abomination.

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Degeneration of beauty through political correctness.


I hope I’m not as ‘wise’ as the nation’s chosen ones, and that’s why a few facts came to mind. Am I right? Judge for yourself.

1. PIS has declared a political war on Russia, probably on the orders of the USA. In my opinion, you don’t have to agree with Russia nor support it, but you have to do business with them for the good of Poland. Poland had economic agreements with Russia, but it lost them all because Russia lost patience to Poland’s provocations.

2. Poland closed all coal mines, that is ‘black gold’, which was the main source of energy in Poland, and especially in times of crisis it was a way of energy independence from other countries. Due to climate change concerns and at the behest of Germany, Poland closed all mines; but at the same time the “environmentally conscious Germany” has kept their mines opened and additionally they even opened new ones.
(It looks as if Poland did kindness to the Germans. The PO and then the PIS parties finished Polish mining in order to not to compete with the Germans, and so they could earn extra money from other countries at the expense of Poles.)

3. When the war in Ukraine broke out, the PIS stood up to Russia, instead of cooperating with it and talking about regaining the Eastern Borderlands (map above). Instead of doing business in this war; that is, to have ultra-cheap gas from Russia and also to sell them food, Poland declared another diplomatic war on Russia. In the end, Putin lost his patience and cut off the gas supply to Poland. Let me remind you that Hungary and Germany are still doing business with Russia, so Poland could too. Now Poland will have to import very expensive gas from Norway and from other distant parts of the world, and Poles who have been slaughtered by the economic virus will live in the country of huge taxes, high interest rates and inflation. (Currently it’s 12%, which is still great compared to Zimbabwe or Venezuela.)

4. Every Polish government, PO and then PIS kicked Poles out of Poland and replaced them with foreigners. I think that Ukraine itself would probably lose this war,  also because of the looming threat of hunger, but the Ukrainians in Poland will surely win. Poles rather won’t.)

5. There is a lot of talk about foreign corporations in Poland, but what about Polish corporations? Do they exist? A small country: Czechia, produces Skoda and beer, which it exports en masse. Does Poland at least produce its own bicycles? Is there anything Polish left?

As a lover of tourism and gardening, who apparently does not understand politics or economics I came to the conclusion that the rulers of Poland working to the detriment of Poles. (Let me remind you that Poland has rich natural resources, it is an agricultural country and it has a lot workers, so Poland should be prosperous.)

A country like Poland should be called a ‘client state’. It is a country whose policy is to carry out orders from other countries, against its own national interests. Thus, foreign countries decide with whom Poland can trade, with whom it is to be friends with, and with whom it shoudl argue. All of this in the name of empty promises, a few handshakes and the deity of peace that has never existed. A Pole is like an obiedent dog – he needs a master who will pet him and say: ‘You’re a good Polack’.


The British Government has come up with another ‘brilliant idea’. According to what I’ve read, there are currently over 1.4 million unemployed in Great Britain, of which 750,000 openly admit that they don’t even intend to work. The British have become lazy on their benefits. There is a shortage of truck drivers in England, no one to work in factories, farms and construction sites. Once, the English hated Poles because ‘we were stealing their jobs’, and now, when Poles and other people from eastern and southern Europe have left, the English themselves refuse to work. English people simply don’t want to work or they have too high expectations. The second issue are the enormous social problems and criminal ghettoes.

Boris Johnson – instead of taking his lazy mob off benefits and putting them to work, he plans to flood England with young Indians. Apparently first just for 3 years, but this is a lie because once the people of colour come to Europe, they never leave. Indians are very hardworking, intelligent and pragmatic – but they are also crafty and ruthless. At first the Indians will indeed provide cheap labour, but then they will take over England. Anyway, English cities aren’t even white anymore. There will be more race-mixing too. Lords don’t care, because they only count money and they have no contact with the English poverty and pathology. To Lords, the white working class is just scum anyway.

However, there is something else. The English have this old mentality that makes them constantly look for slaves. Well, I was at a job interview today but I didn’t get it because I was too expensive, and English people obviously wouldn’t do it by themselves. Employing Poles is no longer profitable, that’s why the English are waiting for Indians who would work for less money, and without complaining. However, all of that to a certain time. Indians also occupy increasingly senior positions in the British Government and in the Parliament. Indians don’t have colonial mentality, but demographics and politics will do their job. In addition, thousands of Negroes come on pontoons all the time, but they are not coming to work because they are the  ‘victims of racism and slavery’, so they are the ones who must be paid.

In my opinion, the most serious diseases that English people suffer from these days are: the illusion of having an empire, laziness, an artificially inflated sense of superiority, political correctness, liberalism, and the feeling that England belongs to the English (although in many districts and entire cities there aren’t any English people left because the Great Replacement Project has been completed).

In my opinion, in the beginning Indians will work obediently, and when they grow in strength and earn money, then they will go with the English like with lambs; if there are still English people around by then. In the Indian culture nothing is for free.

I’m going to go back to the Indian Subcontinent because it is a fascinating place – and tiring, irritating, corrupt, ruthless, requiring incredible resilience, patience and adaptation skills. It’s just a pity that India is moving more and more to England.

The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’


The war in Afghanistan cost Britain almost £40 billion and 454 British soldiers and personnel were killed. This is not the end, because Britain incurs a huge cost related to ISLAMIZATION OF ENGLAND. It has been calculated that over the next 10 years the UK government will spend £2.5bn on Afghans alone, £400m has already been spent on them, and another £557m will be needed soon. At the same time, the Government is cutting benefits to the English in order to pay the Afghans, and to reduce the number of white children. In addition, another 5,000 Afghans are to be brought into the UK each year, what will cost the UK an additional £1.65bn.
More in the article:

Even the most left-wing liberal English cities and neighbourhoods don’t want anymore refugees because they have neither the room nor money, and they demand hundreds of millions of pounds from the Government. Slough has already gone bankrupt, and in my opinion more cities in the UK are on the same path. Where to keep all the unemployed, detached from the Western culture refugees, if there is no place? Of course in hotels, so far ‘temporarily’, but no one knows how long it could last, so maybe forever. At least the mainstream media in the UK is of such an opinion.
More in the article:

That’s how it is in England: there is no place and there is no money, but they still take millions of people. The British voted for Brexit to stop immigration, and indeed quite a few Europeans left – but just to make room for more Blacks and Muslims. The current 4.3 million Muslims in the UK are still not enough for the UK Government, and that’s why they decided to take another 25,000 from Afghanistan. The UK government is also not convinced by the forecast that the MUSLIM POPULATION in 2050 in the UK may be as high as 13 million. Britain is really going that direction, and it is not ‘far-right propaganda’, but statistics that anyone can check.

HISTORICAL UK POPULATION: 2001 – 59 million, 2011 – 63 million, 2021 – 68.5 million !!! The expected population of the UK in 2041 is approximately 73 million, and in 2050 approximately 77 million. Anyway, with the current and still continued immigration, there won’t be English people anymore. It doesn’t matter what my views are. These are the facts.

If you are concerned about the above, then in England you are considered to be a ‘racist’ and ‘far right’. After seeing comments in many articles, I can see that the English are fed up with it and they would agree with me, but the democratic system in the UK doesn’t ask them for their opinion. It only continues the invasion.

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If your views differ from global bolshevism, then Facebook would restrict your rights from time to time, to make sure that not too many people would be able to like your page. I wrote earlier about the ‘kosher democracy’.


St. George’s Day is a national holiday celebrated in England on the 23rd of April. St. George is the patron saint of England, and the symbol of this holiday is the flag of England. That is a red cross on a white background.

There is also an interesting legend connected with this holiday. Well, the evil dragon was terrorizing the city and its residents. To please him, the people promised the beast that they would provide him with two sheep each day, so they could take water from the lake in which the dragon made a nest. One day however, the dragon wished to eat the princess. When the girl was ready to sacrifice herself to him, Saint George appeared on the way of the dragon, he saved the princess by piercing the dragon with his spear, and he defended himself with the sign of the cross. The grateful city abandoned paganism and converted to Christianity.

I’m afraid that England’s national holiday may become history. In English cities without English people there will be simply no one to celebrate. The churches are empty too, so England’s national holiday these days is mostly a beer drinking festival in pubs. This is my impression, but let me be wrong. In a street interview with Muslims, Indians and Blacks in England the question was asked whether ‘there is a core English culture?’ They always replied that: ‘English culture is about multi-culturalism and that there is nothing else.’ They also said that: ‘the flag of England is racist according to them because they associate it with colonialism and slavery’. (This is the common excuse made by the coloured settlers.)

On the other hand, during Ramadan or any other Muslim holiday, in central London there are processions of thousands of people with Muslim prayers broadcasted through megaphones. In Birmingham armed police protects Muslims praying on the streets ‘in case any racist or Islamophobe would dare to disturb them’. The English can only watch the Great Replacement Project. Cities such as Leicester, Sheffield or Birmingham are already the ‘Fourth World’. London is a city so exotic that one could travel the world on a one-day bus ticket.


I think the USA’s greatest weakness is its pride. During this pointless war, which changed nothing and even worsened the situation in Afghanistan, the Taliban came to power anyway. The US lost $2 trillion and about 2.5 thousand soldiers. 43 Poles were also killed and 361 were injured. Why was Poland going there for certain death? Probably just to lick American arse.

The British Empire, the Russian Empire, the American Empire – all defeated by the geology and geography of Afghanistan, and by the illiterate goat shepherds armed with AK-47, who run around the mountains in flip-flops. The West has aircraft carriers, F-35s, and even laser weapons like from Star Wars, and they’ve been humiliated by simple goat herders with outdated weapons, who don’t have any industry.

Earlier, Afghanistan could not be conquered by Alexander the Great, nor the Persian Empire. Afghanistan is not homogeneous. It is a mountainous country divided into clans of different ethnicities and separated by mountains. In addition, each clan has its own culture and customs, and the central government in Kabul is of little importance and has never had control over the whole of Afghanistan, also because there are no roads there.

Now is the time for China to be slapped in the face, because they are also over  self-confident, and as they say themselves: ‘they are very interested in Afghanistan and want to cooperate with it’. China would be the first power in the 20th21st centuries outside of the Western culture to enter Afghanistan. However, the Chinese are smarter than liberal Europeans, and their entry into Afghanistan could be different. It is possible that if the war does not work for China, they will build huge factories and promise the Afghans great wealth. However, Afghans are not easy to bribe like Europeans.

I believe that at the moment the Taliban may even take over a large part of Pakistan, which belongs to the Pashtuns. Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns cooperate with each other and they cross the border as they please. I recall my journey towards Afghanistan, in the Pakistani land of the Pashtuns:

I remember when naive Europeans from England, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands accused me of racism and Islamophobia, when I told them to deport all Muslims from Europe because they are unreformable. Europe is full of ‘sleeping wolves’ waiting for the right moment to attack that rainbow-coloured, liberal, European flock of sheep mixed with Negroes.


Sometimes I wonder, why people want to go out on the streets to scream, provoke and make fools out of themselves? Well, because this is their job. A billionaire can hire a crowd at any occasion and for any purpose, to push through his own political projects.

The economic virus is raging without mercy, so if someone can earn 50 euros a day to go out with a flag and a banner, shouting “we want more Negroes, Big Ben for minaret, or: ‘anus loves too’, it’s always an extra penny.

So I thought that when I finally win 100 million pounds, I will also buy my own crowd and send it to the streets of Polish cities to shout: “justice for the raccoon, goldfish why did you let me down, or: I want to use a toilet”. Yes. I will do just that. If crowds want something, the naive democracy would do anything to satisfy them.

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Kompas Travel (Martin Malik) advocates justice for the raccoon. I intend to send a letter to the president on this matter, and then send a wild crowd of people to the streets until the authorities bend down. I know the raccoon stole the sausage, but that’s because he was very hungry. Please let him go, or we’ll organize a revolution. People love demonstrations, regardless of whether they understand them or not, so I will surely find a lot of volunteers.


The Left always takes my sentences out of context when I criticize people of coloor, but they never want to cover my extensive criticism of the English. Unfortunately, the English naivety and persistent actions of the English aimed at destruction of the UK from the inside are a part of their plan.

Many mainstream media in the UK write that it will import 20,000-25,000 Afghans, although liberals say that 35,000 should be just the beginning. As I know the actions of the UK Government, over time, through the back door and without a sanitary regime, another 100,000 Afghans will probably enter the UK, some of whom will be Taliban waiting for the right moment to attack – (the so-called ‘sleeping wolves’). These numbers of course do not include Blacks coming on pontoons.

Even one English general said that in his opinion “the Taliban have changed and will become more moderate”, because they hepled to transport the unwanted people to the airport. In my opinion, this is not because they are moderate, but because they get rid of the infidels and want to gain something from the West. So the English general is either stupid or so well paid that he refuses to admit the truth.

Politically correct media in the UK write that “in the Middle Ages there was a cultural exchange between the Christian and Muslim world” – not a word about continuous wars and mass murders, because the truth in the UK is forbidden. There is no history in schools because it could offend not only Muslims but all people of colour.

– In 2021, 3.4 million Muslims live in the UK, and it is the fastest growing population, because in 2011 there were 2.6 million Muslims.
– In 2021 there are 1,800 mosques in the UK, and in 2017 there were officially 1,750. The mainstream media in the UK reports that: “mosques in the UK are in a state of constant evolution, and document and celebrate the unique visual language of Islam that has appeared in the architecture of Great Britain.” – shall we open champagne?

The worst part is that talking to English people provokes automatic accusation of ‘racism’ and ‘Nazism’. In my opinion, the English will be ethnically removed generation by generation because of their own weakness, naivety, and cowardice. I am amused when the English say that they ‘won the war’. Well – Hitler wanted peace with England and he wanted England to keep her Empire. England however, destroyed the Third Reich, then it lost its Empire on American orders, and now it also loses its island, which in its present shape may not even survive the next 10 years.

Al-takiya – the Islamic filosophy of deception.

The mayors of London, Luton and Birmingham are all Muslims. The English however cannot get enough of it. When will Big Ben be converted into a minaret?


Mainstream media and bought-up politicians still continue the global conspiracy of total control of the sheep societies. We, on the other hand, are supposed to blindly believe their lies and allow them to enslave us ‘for our own good’.

“My greatest dream is a total control over people.”

– David Rockefeller (owner of 6 hearts)

I believe that the Covid-19 virus is at best just a different form of flu, harmless, and perhaps even lab-made. However, in order to enslave people, to deepen their dependence on the governments, in order to struck them with poverty and depopulation – from the point of view of power, this lie is very profitable. Tests are also expensive, and as long as people want to test themselves, they will falsify the numbers of the infected and collect the tribute.

They scare us with another huge wave in Poland and in England, but whilst living in England, I don’t feel that there is a virus. I only feel the prison with glass walls built by regime. The Polish-language media wrote: ‘In Great Britain the statistics are alarming, but also to a large extent indicate what may be waiting for us soon.’ This is called: war propaganda without war. The mainstream media never shows marches against locjdowns, but only marches that promote fear and degeneracy.

I have no doubt that they are all involved in an ongoing conspiracy against us. The enemy of the Marxist revolution / racist / homophobe / anti-covid / schizophrenic – these are the terms for awakened people who have a different opinion than global power; and this scenario has been unchanged for centuries.

If every aspect of life must be questioned; it is not only national and cultural identity, not only sexuality, but also a sense of security, health, and self-confidence.


Part of Martin Malik’s article: ‘Khyber Pass in Pakistan‘.

… I replied to the Pakistani and Afghan people that in my opinion America, and specifically the CIA and MOSSAD organized the attack on two towers in New York by themselves, in order to put the Muslim countries around Israel in a great feeling of guilt. I said that when I watched the video from that terrorist attack, I saw that the two towers collapsed in such a way as if they were blown up from below. In addition, the buildings around the two towers, which planes didn’t, also collapsed. Engineers specializing in building skyscrapers also spoke on that subject, and according to them the impact of those two planes could at most cause fire in the upper parts of the buildings, but not blowing up several buildings which had nothing to do with the impact. Apart from that, America has such a good technology that it sees planes flying at the end of the world, but for some reason it didn’t see two planes that entered the New York’ airspace, like a knife into warm butter.

In my opinion, this is a story for naive children. I said: you Muslims could be accused of many things, but definitely not about 9/11. I added that: Israel can be strong only through the weakness of the neighboring countries, while the benefits that came from propaganda and oil have long exceeded the price of the two towers. I also said that: it doesn’t matter if Osama bin Laden works for America or not. Once in a while Americans create and finance Muslim terrorists, and then they get rid of them when they don’t need them anymore. I added: if Israel was on the island of Madagascar, and if Muslims instead of producing oil were only breeding goats, then the 9/11 would have never happened, and in America no one would even hear about Muslims.

Twin Towers September the 11th

Let the readers judge for themselves whether Martin Malik’s opinion about the 9/11 attack is true or it is just a conspiracy theory.


Due to worsening relations between Poland and the USA, it seems that the PIS party wants to spend more billions of dollars in America to appease the USA. Abrams tanks stand useless in the desert, so the Americans thought that instead of turning them into razor blades, they would sell them to Poles for billions. They just have to fix a few things, paint them, and Poles would buy any equipment at any price, as long as it is from the US.

America wants to push 250 of those iron monsters into Poland, but is this business profitable for Poland? According to publicly available information, Abrams tanks weigh as much as 72 tons and burn 1500 liters of aviation gasoline over a distance of 100 km. For comparison, the German Leopard 2 weighs 62 tons and consumes approximately 730 liters of fuel per 100 km. Russian tank PT-91 weighs about 46 tons.

With such weight I wonder if the bridges in Poland are able to withstand passing Abrams. A new service infrastructure, different from the one which is already for the Leopards, would have to be created specifically for the Abrams. In the event of an invasion or in peacetime, the Abrams tanks would have to be accompanied big huge cysterns to refuel. When the petrol finishes, the Abrams finish too, and that’s just one of the problems.

MY ADVICE FOR THE PARTY IN POWER IN POLAND: As part of NATO, the USA may give Poland a minimum of 500 Abrams for free. It is not profitable for Poland to take less because there is no point to build infrastructure just for 250 tanks. Along with the tanks, the US should also provide documents for Polish engineers on how to service them, and they should transport them to Poland free of charge. Additionally, the US could give Poland some fuel every year.

From what I have learned, there is no other tank in the world that consumes more fuel than the M1 Abrams. I recommend this tank to Saudi Arabia.

I think that Law & Justice party should buy more Leopards from Germany for a symbolic amount, or Poland should produce improved copies of the Leopards in Polish factories, after they melt down the old Soviet tanks. The Polish economy would also win, and the Party would create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Poles in Poland. In my opinion Abrams is a terrible decision, but I’m afraid that licking American arse will win against honor and reason.


Polish Express writes that the ethnically diverse town of Slough in Berkshire has finally filed for bankruptcy. Currently, Slough has a debt of 56m pounds, but in 2025 they predict that it could be even 159 million. Moreover, Slough’s rulers themselves admit that they have no financial management capacity, and they ask the UK government to buy them out.

According to the BBC: “Slough is an amazing mix.” They speak 150 languages ​​and the English constitute only 35% of the population there? (I think otherwise) According to organizations in the UK collecting static data on crimes; crimes in Slough are at 98%, and are 14% higher than in the previous year. Beatings, stabbings, and sexual attacks are the most common ones.

I suspect that most people in that Afro-Pakistani shithole get some kind of benefits. In addition there is also: the so-called Pakistani Social Welfare Association, which collects for a subsidy to state benefits already collected by Pakis.

IN THE EYES OF A WITNESS: I’ve only been to Slough once, and that one time was too many. I didn’t see white people there, but I saw a lot of Blacks and Muslims, also with knives. After dark, I advise to not to go out at all, especially white women, if they are still there. It is so bad in Slough that when I was on the bus, a black driver didn’t stop at the bus stop because he was afraid to open the door to the Negroes who attacked his bus. It’s good that the driver wasn’t white, because they would instantly frame him for ‘racism’.

Muslim immigration

A matter of time. The European Left: ‘they are just like us, tanned Europeans, they will acquire our values, they will assimilate, they will work, they will enrich us culturally’. (Source: Good Ideas vs Bad Ideas)


Once again in Warsaw, there was a deviant parade, during which the promoters of sodomy gave vent to their licentious, anal fantasies. As always, under the guise of ‘tolerance, equality and love’, they made fools out of themselves, and they wanted normal people to applaud them.

The homosexual movement is modern communism behind a false flag, serving to destroy white Christian societies. It is certainly not about tolerance. It is rather a global Bolshevik plague, with a rainbow and stupid slogans. It is a symbol of the fall of Europe.

Fo some reason I laugh the most at all the so-called ‘little stars and celebrities’, whi try to promote themselves on those kinds of leftist cattle rush. One day they will spit at their own faces for it.

I also encourage my readers to familiarize themselves with the relationship of homosexuality with HIV/AIDS, venereal diseases, and the close relationship of homosexuality with pedophilia, and also the destruction of children’s psyche.


The portrait of Queen Elizabeth II will no longer hang at the key meeting point at Oxford University’s Magdalen College, after students voted to remove the painting because of concerns that it symbolizes colonialism.

My guess is that the English Communists representing the generation of tolerant bums were the the ones who were the most offended by the picture of Queen Elizabeth II; but also Indians who shout loudly about their immense suffering inflicted on them by the British Empire. Previously, students from India and the Caribbean didn’t want the flag of England (St George’s Cross) to hang at their university, because according to them the flag of England was also associated with colonialism and slavery. In my opinion, it is white people that they associate with all evil, except for white people’s money of course.

That way, step by step, the English make concessions to different racial and cultural groups, until finally there will be no room for any more concessions, because England will only become a memory. Blacks and Indians are so extremely brazen that they remove the flag of England and the portrait of the head of state because they don’t like it; and the English dance as they play – and they are proud of it! ! !

As a consolation, the English were advised that the queen’s portrait was kept in a safe place. In my opinion, and according to some media outlets in England, Queen Elizabeth II may turn out to be Queen Elizabeth the last.

As one English girl in the Philippines told me, ‘England is no longer England. This is just some kind of place.’ Having lived in England for most of my life, I increasingly agree with this thesis. We have English neighborhoods and English cities without English people, and English is one of the 300 languages ​​spoken here; in England.

To avoid being stoned to death I want to tell all the dark skinned people of the former British Empire, that my native country – Poland – never had colonies and never had slaves. I presume this information would be of small importance to them anyway, because their war is against the white race as a whole, not just against the former colonial powers. Avarage person from Africa or India doesn’t see any difference between the English or Poles, and they don’t have a clue where those countries are located. Their story is simplified to the maximum: ‘All Whites are bad, unless they pay or get fucked.’

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Facebook censorship.


Principle of freedom of opinion:

1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom to express his views and to obtain and disseminate information.

2. Preventive censorship of the means of social communication and licensing of the press are prohibited. The act may introduce an obligation to obtain a radio or television license in advance.

Translated into English, point 54 of the Polish Constitution means, that radical views are also allowed under the Polish law. Even the prosecutor supported this in my case file. Any organizations that try to censor freedom of expression do so illegally because they break the constitution.

RACE-MIXING ADVENTURES (sexual abuse + murder + dismemberment)

The mainstream media in England reports that a drunken Englishwoman came across a Muslim and decided to spend an evening with him. A refugee from Iraq, Azum Mangori took a naive English woman to his room above a kebab shop, then sexually abused her, killed with a knife, then chopped into 7 pieces and threw in the garbage.

The politically correct media initially concealed the murderer’s origins because they didn’t want to appear “racist”, but the truth soon came to the surface. This is one of the most shocking cases due to its brutal nature. Because our ‘brilliant’ refugee had no money to defend himself, he was assigned a public defense, which as far as I know will cost taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds. Link to the article:

For the Polish police inspired by the lies of the Left, and for Polish prosecutors it may be a shock, but I assure you that in England it’s just like ‘another day in the office’. Blacks in London don’t just kill in their ghettos. A couple of days ago they were slashing one another with knives on Oxford Street in Selfridges.
The problem of mass murder with knives has already become a flagship election slogan even for the greatest fans of multi-kulti, and until a few years ago the English had cases in courts just for talking about it (because of ‘racism,’ Islamophobia ‘etc.).

I warn that this will be the result of voting for the Left. THE POLITICS OF TRUTH:


Leon Trocky was one of the worst communist Jews to ever walk the Earth. Trocky knew that in order to conquer Russians, first he had to plant guilt in them, so that the Russians were afraid to fight for their country and would become a herd of obedient sheep. For that reason, the Jew Trotsky accused of “racism” on a mass scale, explaining that in this way he would transform Russians into a nation of “white negroes”. Today the strategy is exactly the same, which is why white nations are being accused of ‘racism’. Precisely so it is easier to control them and to push Europeans into a corner, like scared cattle.

‘Racism’ – a term coined by Leon Trocky (real name Lev Bronstein), a Marxist Jew, to justify the destruction of European nations and to weaken their defensive instincts and tribal identity. This term is used ONLY in relation to Europeans. The accusation of ‘racism’ is a method of control. When a European dares to see anything from his point of view and tries to protect himself or his white people.

Trocky was born to a Ukrainian-Jewish family in 1879. In 1920 he helped Lenin to invade Poland, but Poland won with the Bolsheviks, also defending the rest of Europe from the flood of communism. Trocky was murdered on Stalin’s orders in Mexico in 1940.

I hope you burn in hell you Ukrainian-Jewish-Communist whore.


A US court decided to sacrifice a white policeman at the altar of political correctness. A white policeman caught a career criminal: George Floyd, who happened to be trying to pay in a store with a counterfeit banknote. The court found the white polceman guilty and gave him life imprisonment, so that the Democratic party could count on the support of Blacks in the next elections.

In addition to drugs and burglaries, George Floyd placed a pistol in the belly of a pregnant white woman during one of his attacks, threatening to give him money and jewelry. This is how the global anti-white propaganda created a hero and martyr out of an ordinary criminal and porn actor.

This ruling will treat Blacks in the US with impunity, pushing the US even further to the bottom. I have a better idea: give all blacks one state, remove the police, and legalize drugs. Give them complete freedom, as long as they stay in a separate state. I don’t think you need to be a fairy to know what would happen.
I recall my article: ‘Bolshevik Revolution 2020’. in which I described what are the BLM and the global left (also white).

I also provide a link to an article published by the world-renowned black ass licking specialists: the BBC. It is a one-sided story, written to encourage black people to continue murder, rape and drug dealing: . Apart from that, the naivety of Blacks has no end. In the US they are happy as if each of them won a million dollars, but they are still poor, and in Africa there is still extreme poverty, rape, disease, hunger, Muslim terrorists … and slavery greater than in the colonial times.


Biden: Hello Vladimir. Could you scare the Ukrainians a bit more, because we want to sell them old weapons that we don’t need anymore.

Putin: Yes, but if you buy gas from us and give us some money back for petrol.

Biden: That’s fine but just keep scaring them. I will tell Boris to send British ships to the Black Sea, because they also want to sell the old weapons to the Ukrainians. They can’t get rid of those old tanks, you know.

Putin: It’s okay. I will scare them, you do business, and everyone will make a profit; and at the end of this farce I will anect Donetsk and Luhansk to Russia, and we will sign a peace treaty (for 2 years, and then the same thing again).

Biden: Great. I’ve just rang the Czechs. After an hour of persuasion they finally agreed to expel Russian diplomats from the Czech Republic, so could you also give them a discount on gas, because it will pay off. Regarding the Poles, we will give them a few old transport planes that are rotting in our desert, and they will be happy too.

Putin: What about Nord Stream 2? Mere frightening might not be enough there!

Biden: Oh, for Nord Stream 2 you would have to scare them a little more, but we will arrange that too. Russia, the USA, the Baltic states, Poland and Germany will all profit from it. We just have to wait a while until the world gets used to small border changes in the eastern Ukraine.

Putin: I agree. I just wonder if stupid Poles really believe in this war ??? Maybe we’ll give them some old trash too, so they are not so afraid of us. After all, thanks to us, they will have cheap labour from Ukraine anyway, so it is already profitable for them.


Before I go over to the description of Iran, first I would like to inform you that as a Pole I want to thank Iran for receiving 120,000 Polish refugees who fled to Iran from Siberia in 1942. After Germany and Russia invaded Poland in 1939 and divided Polish territory, in 1939-41 the Communist regime of the Soviet Union deported about 1.7 million Poles to Siberia. 100,000 Polish women were raped, and about 500,000 Poles died during the fight against the communist invader. In the meantime, the repressions of the Soviet communists against Poles continued. The living conditions of Poles in Siberia were so disastrous that most of them died of cold and hunger, working themselves to death in the COMMUNIST EXTERMINATION CAMPS! ! !

“The first government of the Soviet Union was 80% – 85% Jewish.”

– Russian President Vladimir Putin

In 1942 began the exodus of surviving Poles to Iran, across the Caspian Sea. In total, about 120,000 Poles found a safe haven in Iran. Among them were malnourished Polish women and children suffering from disease and hunger. Iranians treated Poles with respect, looked after them, and educated Polish children in Polish. Polish soldiers went to Iraq to train there and then returned to Europe to fight against Germany. However, many Poles stayed in Iran, and the Iranians were so good that they even sheltered Poles in government buildings. In the years 1942-1945 over 2,000 Polish children passed through Isfahan, which is why Isfahan was briefly referred to as “the city of Polish children”.

Today in Tehran there is a Polish Cemetery with 1,937 Polish graves. I sincerely thank Iran for this noble act. God bless your beautiful country and its good people.


International Women’s Day is a pretty name only on the surface, as its true origin is shocking. In 1922 Lenin announced that the 8th of March would be officially designated as Women’s Day. Much later it was a national holiday in the Soviet Union and most former socialist countries, which continues to this day, because we still have the same system.

On the surface, Women’s Day is intended to celebrate all the achievements of women around the world and their contribution to social, economic, cultural and political development. However, in fact it is a Bolshevik plan to mobilize their working class women to work even harder for the communist party, hiding under many different names.

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Today I have no doubt that all women’s strikes are another pillar of the communist ploretariat. Women have always been used by communists for their purposes: race mixing, converting to Islam, feminism, victimhood in the male world, tolerance, minority rights. In the communist system, women will always be only a tool leading to the final revolution. Unfortunately, hardly any woman can understand that.


Storks – one of the many symbols of Poland. In many parts of Poland storks build nests and they raise their chicks. It’s a beautiful sight, when travelling through the country. England received storks from Poland, and they are nesting after 606 years break. Good luck England – with Polish storks!

Full story:


The key to the survival of our beautiful and rare white race are large white families. Kompas Travel has been promoting RACIAL PURITY for a long time, in order to continue our white civilization. Therefore pairs should be matched in such a way, as to ensure racially pure white offspring. . . . . and as many as possible!

I remind my article ‘RACE or CIVILIZATION’ :…/rasa-czy-cywilizacja/


I present a very good example on the differences between socialism and capitalism. I have touched on this topic many times. Unfortunately Poland is a socialist country, and socialism will never be good. Socialism kills ambition, ingenuity, diligence, creativity, and the pursuit of a goal. Socialism accustoms the nation to laziness, leads to poverty and hopelessness.

We saw the difference between socialism and capitalism very well, when there was West Berlin and East Berlin, and today between North Korea and South Korea. People risk their lives to flee from a socialist country to a capitalist country, and this will never change.

I recommend a great interview with a socialist who at the beginning convinces that he wants freedom: .
He wants freedom from the government and from all rules, but it turns out that the socialist:
– wants to tell us how to live.
– and wants to steal according to his law.

Socialism is: slavery and theft. No system is perfect, but socialism is the least, because the socialist government distributes poverty among society “equally” and it lives beyond its means, mountaing up debts for decades. In Cuba, they still cannot go straight after socialist experiments. Even China admits that Mao was 70% right and 30% wrong, because he caused such enormous damage. Socialism is the shortest path to poverty, and it only lasts as long as there is money. When money runs out, so does socialism, and then begins its extreme form, which is communism.


What difference does it make who will win? America is ruled by banks and corporations, and the president’s power is very limited. If they don’t like the president, they can knock him out. Kennedy wanted to shut down the Jewish financial empire Federal Reserve and he had an ‘accident’. The US presidential election is just a theater for the naive.

“We the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it”

– Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on October 3, 2001.


England is a left-wing fortress, where right-wing or fair views are not allowed. It doesn’t matter which party is in power because all those parties are the same. The dark minded people on the other hand are happy, because they can take part in the elections to choose their candidate – so theoretically, ‘there is democracy’; which is a fraud.


1. Extreme Muslims with links to terrorist organizations organize speeches at British universities as part of ‘freedom of speech and tolerance towards other cultures’. Those “Muslim hate preachers”, as they are called, have the protection of the police and absolute freedom of speech. That way they managed to radicalize many students to fight on the side of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
However, English people who want to speak at universities against Muslims and their ideology are immediately arrested for ‘racism and Islamophobia’.

2. British newspaper The Independent reported that a “far-right activist” from Canada was removed from the UK and she is banned for life. The same newspaper also reported that ‘400 ISIS jihadists successfully returned to England’.

3. For nearly 20 years Muslim gangs raped thousands of English girls in the towns of Rotheram and Rochdale. However, at the behest of left-wing politicians, English policemen destroyed evidence against Muslim paedophiles, what was proven to them in court. There are reports that up to a million children may have been victims of Muslim sexual crimes in England. When victims of those crimes began to testify against Muslim rapists in court and to the media, the leftist party said: “Those girls should shut up for the sake of diversity.” To date, out of estimated 2,000 Muslim rapists, only two have been charged. On the other hand, to prison went English people who spoke openly about those crimes. They were imprisoned for ‘racism and Islamophobia’.

What do all these paedophiles in the photo have in common? Does anybody know? Can you see any ‘white racists’ in there, or is it something else? The politics of truth | Compass Travel (
Remember this post so that Polish children are safer, if the ‘progressive’ Left ever comes to power in Poland.

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The flag of the USSR or the flag of the EU – to me it is: ‘same shit, different asshole’. Some Poles celebrate the European Union because it has paid for several roads and bridges. It is true, but the European Union is the enemy of European culture! Poles are happy that the European Union has covered part of their dentist bill, forgetting however, that the EU is still knocking out Poles’ teeth.


I dedicate this entry to the white man from Australia, who decided to murder Muslims in New Zealand.

1. I didn’t know him, but it is very possible that he was a promising young man who turned into a murderer, because he didn’t agree with the Islamization of the country. He probably knows the history of Muslim invasions on Europe, he read verses of the Koran on killing “infidels”, and he saw documentaries in which Muslims very frankly shout that “they want to kill us and our wives will be their war trophies” – (England, Denmark, Sweden). For that reason he decided to take the matter into his own hands.

2. Brenton Tarrant forgot, that he was not fighting against Muslims, but against globalization and the entire New Zealand government, represented by that liberal tragedy Jacinda Ardern. (Teresa May hosted her in London. What a Wax Museum! I bet people threw up!)

3. Hypocrisy! On the one hand, the US, UK and Israel turn Muslim countries into a death zone, completely destroying those countries and shooting Muslims as if they were ducks, but on the other hand they sentenced a man to life imprisonment for much smaller crimes against Muslims. A terrorist from the American or Israeli army would get paid and get medals for it. It is worth to consider that.

Brenton Tarrant! Muslims in Europe have far worse plans for us than you have for them, which they publicly preach about in British mosques (“Muslim hate preachers”). I wish you to appeal and be released.

After the attack, Jacinda Ardern of the New Musland went to crawl before Muslims, covered in an Islamic habit.


International Women’s Day is a pretty name only on the surface, because its true origin is shocking.

In 1922, Lenin announced that the 8th of March would be officially designated as a Women’s Day. Much later it was a national holiday in the Soviet Union and most former socialist countries, which continues to this day, because we still have the same system. On the surface, Women’s Day is intended to celebrate all the achievements of women around the world and their contribution to social, economic, cultural and political development. However, in fact it is a Bolshevik plan to mobilize their kolkhoz women to work even harder for the Communist party.

Today I have no doubt that all women’s strikes are another pillar of the Communist ploretariat. Women have always been used by Communists for their purposes: race mixing, converting to Islam, feminism, victimhood in the male world, tolerance, minority rights. Under Communist system women will be always only a tool leading to the final revolution. Unfortunately, not many women can understands that.


Shocking!!! Nigel Farage is not a friend of Poles, but that’s not important here. Well, Nigel reports that there are already 48,000 illegal immigrants from Muslim countries of Africa and the Middle East in English 4-star hotels, which will cost the UK over £4bn over 10 years. According to the British law, it will be impossible to deport them even if they don’t receive the “refugee” status. Apparently, 80% of them are young men between the ages of 18 and 26.

There is a funny scene there, when Nigel enters the hotel and asks if there are any free rooms, to which the hotel staff says that there are no rooms and the hotel is closed until the end of the year. Fortunately, the immigrants explained to him what the truth was. Funnily enough, the British government “fights immigration”, but in reality it quietly brings even more Muslims. In Dover there are buses waiting for Muslims to take them straight to 4-star hotels.

Some time ago I wrote that one refugee from Sudan attacked 6 other refugees and a policeman with a knife because he was not satisfied with the conditions in a 4 star hotel. In England and Scotland, attacks by “refugees” are the usual part of any day, and many neighborhoods in major cities are crime zones where whites no longer enter, because they fear for their lives (even according to Muslim and Black testimonies). I start to wonder, what a terrible loser I am, because I live in England and pay all the bills ? !

I recommend YouTube programs about thousands of homeless English people who live on the streets even in winter. Imagine a situation where Poland welcomes a million Negroes and Arabs, and accomodates them in the best hotels in Poland, but in the  meantime Poles pay their bills and they are still homeless.

The case of “refugees” is a new way to conquer Europe. Every time I see the so-called “refugees”, I never see women and children. Every single time they are only healthy and strong African and Arabic bulls in a military age that coud lift 100kg on a weight bench. Why should our enemies send an army and invest in expensive equipment, when untrained soldiers and stupid European leaders are enough to conquer Europe.

On the other hand, the indigenous Europeans protecting their borders are, of course, who? Of course they are “racists”? Is it not so? Does anyone still believe it ? ? ? Unfortunately they do believe it, because in the name of Christian mercy they vote as if they wanted the Great Replacement Project to be completed.

Someone might say: what’s the difference, black or white, Christian or Muslim. Well, the example from South Africa teaches us very well what life is like for a white minority with a black majority. I just hope that the “refugees” will take care of the leftists and liberals first. After all, Islam teaches us clearly that it is the right opposite of tolerance. I even think that most English people do not even care about this situation, because they also have benefits, brainwashing media and discounts on latest smartphones.


Apparently The Great Replacement Project is a ‘far right conspiracy theory’. Let’s look at the beauty queens of Europe and South America. Can you see what they’re doing?

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MUSLIMS ATTACKED THE CATHOLIC PROCESSION IN FRANCE (and the problem of Islamization and the destruction of Europe by white women)

The beginning of multi-culti usually starts very nice. Arabs open kebab and bakhlava shops. Sometimes they also decorate those places with Arabic art, carpets and they put up pictures of monuments of Arabia. At the same time you remember your travels around Jordan or Palestine, and you liked Dubai and the pyramids of Egypt. All of that makes you think there is no problem. Then the Muslims build their first mosque, then the second and the third one – and so under the mantle of tolerance towards other cultures and behind the pillar of religion – the country of the ‘infidels’ is being Islamized.

Until there are only a few Muslims and as long as they feel insecure in the country of ‘infidels’, they are still polite. At the same time, Europeans brought up on docile and submissive Christianity are very good at turning the other cheek. When Muslims become a large group, they form jihadists groups, they organize terrorist attacks, they throw acid and carry out honourable killings; for example for insulting the prophet. At that stage it is already too late for the naive European sheep !!! The politics of truth | Compass Travel (

First and foremost white European women play a huge role in the denationalization of white nations. In England over 100,000 have already converted to Islam, and those who have not, welcome refugees. On one hand women struggle against “male oppression” and they are feminists, but on the other hand they happily welcome Muslims. Every year 5,000 English people, mostly women, convert to Islam.

In this article I present how Muslims attacked a Catholic procession in France. Muslims attacked Christians with burning torches and they shouted that they would cut the infidels’ throats. So far these Muslims remain unpunished, because the police couldn’t see anything.

I suspect that in the next elections the Marxist-ravaged French herd will elect the Left again.

Article in Polish: “Na Koranie poderżnę ci gardło”. Katolicy zostali zaatakowani podczas procesji we Francji (

The number of mosques as for 2021 is: France 2500, UK 1850, Belgium around 350, Germany 2800, the Netherlands 400, Sweden around 400. They cost millions of euros. Sometimes they are financed by Saudi Arabia. That is Islamization.


St. George’s Day is a national holiday celebrated in England on the 23rd of April. St. George is the patron saint of England, and the symbol of this holiday is the flag of England. That is a red cross on a white background.

There is also an interesting legend connected with this holiday. Well, the evil dragon was terrorizing the city and its residents. To please him, the people promised the beast that they would provide him with two sheep each day, so they could take water from the lake in which the dragon made a nest. One day however, the dragon wished to eat the princess. When the girl was ready to sacrifice herself to him, Saint George appeared on the way of the dragon, he saved the princess by piercing the dragon with his spear, and he defended himself with the sign of the cross. The grateful city abandoned paganism and converted to Christianity.

I’m afraid that England’s national holiday may become history. In English cities without English people there will be simply no one to celebrate. The churches are empty too, so England’s national holiday these days is mostly a beer drinking festival in pubs. This is my impression, but let me be wrong. In a street interview with Muslims, Indians and Blacks in England the question was asked whether ‘there is a core English culture?’ They always replied that: ‘English culture is about multi-culturalism and that there is nothing else.’ They also said that: ‘the flag of England is racist according to them because they associate it with colonialism and slavery’. (This is the common excuse made by the coloured settlers.)

On the other hand, during Ramadan or any other Muslim holiday, in central London there are processions of thousands of people with Muslim prayers broadcasted through megaphones. In Birmingham armed police protects Muslims praying on the streets ‘in case any racist or Islamophobe would dare to disturb them’. The English can only watch the Great Replacement Project. Cities such as Leicester, Sheffield or Birmingham are already the ‘Fourth World’. London is a city so exotic that one could travel the world on a one-day bus ticket.

Facebook censorship

You wrote the truth again, did you? Exactly. Understand at last that truth is against the Facebook community standards.

More posts soon . . .



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