Official name: the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Populacja: 195 000 000 (and grows fast)
Area: 796 095 km² (but including Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir 882 363 km²)
I visited Pakistan in 2006, which was about a year after Danish newspaper published pictures of the false prophet Mohammed in an “offensive way”. Danish embassies in Europe and Pakistan started burning, and Pakistan was once again turned upside down because of the never-eding religious fanaticism. The Danish newspaper wanted to test freedom of speech in Denmark, and Muslims in Europe and Pakistan showed a complete lack of sense of humour (delicately speaking). Whilst in Pakistan I heard many times that I looked Danish. This one and many other examples from England or France are telling me that for the sake of us all, Islam in Europe should be delegalized and all camel jockeys and passionate goat lovers should be peacefully deported. However on the other hand I still wish them all well, as long as they live in their own countries. Our cultures differ too much so we could live together, and the only golden key to peace is separation, with an exception of tourism and trade. In my opinion showing a picture of Mohamed was not an insult but a cultural misunderstanding which is just another proof that our civilizations should live in separation.
Muslims should also learn that Koran is not the only book in the world. The politically correct paranoia of multi-“cultural” society is still on!!!
As a curiosity I want to add that according to official data only 57% of Pakistanis can read and write, what means that almost half of the 195m population has never read and will never read Koran, still blindly believing in the religion of “peace”.
“Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim” ……..unless we count Jews or Americans!
Introduction, tourist attractions of Pakistan, Pakistan in 3 days as a side trip from India, Pakistan – the present times, history of Pakistan in its best moments.
Today Pakistan is the sixth most populous country of the world with a population of over 195mln but it was calculated that in 2020 it could be even 220mln, because in the Koran it says that only Allah decides about the number of children. Pakistan is a very poor country, struggling with many problems, although the same as India, it is not so poor to not to possess nuclear weapons. Pakistan is divided into states (like India) and although the main language is Urdu, there are also state languages. For example, the state language of Punjab is Punjabi. As in all the other countries of the Subcontinent children very often work and women have worse path to education.
After few months on the rough roads of India I finally arrived to “the land of the Pakis” (I’m counting here on their heavy sense of humour); Pakistan – a country that still arouses great controversy, and which is seen as dangerous. In Europe they tell us that it is better to not to go there because we can die, and that certain areas are very dangerous and that we should travel in the company of armed guards. Our “beloved” Foreign Office writes horror stories about Pakistan as a country which is better to not to visit, and unfortunately it is quite often right. You should follow the current situation in Pakistan, and go there only in the quietest period possible. I, in my travel journal (always the truest and realistic) intend to not only tell about the history and culture of Pakistan, but also about the fact that our governments are spreading exaggerated propaganda, which does not always show Pakistan the way it really is. At the same time I do not want to defend Pakistan, because from the adventure seeker`s point of view it is definitely a very adventurous country, but on the hand, from the point of view of a person with a common sense, Pakistan is a social tragedy where women pay the biggest price. Regardless, I do not want to be accused of too much of a common sense too, because too much of it can cause mental illness, as much as Islam can in its most extreme form.
The culture and religion of Islam may seem to us mentally alien because we are Europeans but whilst travelling around Pakistan I could see that by the standards of the developing world certain things were not so bad. It is true that to some areas you would have to go with an armed soldier and some parts of the country are closed to tourists. Pakistan is divided into seven states and this time I had the pleasure to be only in three: Punjab, Islamabad and Rawalpindi and the North West Frontier Province. It must be remembered however that although the country is not as big as for example neighboring India, many areas are difficult to move around because they are located on the Karakorum Highway. If you want to reach K2 and see the natural beauty of the mountains, glaciers and valleys you would have to spend more time and be prepared for inconvenience and hardship, what I am now not able to do because I`m travelling with a woman. This time, my plan is to learn about the Pakistani culture and traditions which I think will be reflected in Lahore and Peshawar, as well as other places along the way.
As the author of this website I want to say that I treat Pakistan only as a fascinating travel experience, which I recommend only to the hungry for adventure. I am against Islamisation of Europe, globalization or the politically correct disease. As long as Pakistan and Islam stay in Pakistan, as long as I can see it as a country worth exploring. Regardless of all however, I still recommend its natural beauty and beautiful handicrafts. I bought a nice carpet in Pakistan made of goat’s wool for only £5, a hat and a pair of gloves which I use until today.
Tourist attractions of Pakistan
Given all the horror stories, who would want to come to Pakistan? From one side there is war in Afghanistan, terrorists and millions of weapons, and on the other hand they “honourably” kill women. After travelling Pakistan for about five days for now and by the standards of a developing country everything looks quite decent and the people are rather nice and helpful. I always wanted to see the reality of Pakistan with my own eyes, instead of Jewish run media and finally I have this chance. I want to add that Pakistan is not only the cradle of terrorism, Islamic fanaticism and the arms factory, but also natural beauty. Of course I understand that “Pakis” do not see it that way, but to an adventurer it is a reason to come here. First of all I have in my mind the Karakorum range, its beautiful mountains, clean air, clean water, forts and the second highest peak in the world; K-2 (8611m above the sea level). This is however an extreme challenge.
Besides, Pakistan offers its cultural heritage, such as interesting architecture, and products from sheep and goat wool. I also like the Old Town in Lahore, and especially the Lalbagh Fort, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Worth recommending is a very good food and very good green tea. To me however, the best experience of Pakistan was my very presence there, and the very special feeling that everything around me could be blown up in the air. In Pakistan security is not completely sure, that`s why I classify this country to the vacation “with a thrill”. From the moment I crossed the border, and from the moment I boarded a bus split with iron bars, in order to separate men from women, I felt that Pakistan would turn out very “special”. I also heard over and over again that I will burn in hell because I had a different God than Allah, what meant that I should rather finish my cup of green tea and leave peacefully. In Pakistan I saw a lot of interesting and beautiful things, but also those which gave me a great concern.
Around Pakistan I travelled with Monika (my terrified travelling companion), what was a very good experience from the perspective of a White woman, and that`s why my journal is rich in her experiences too. I strongly recommend this country but you definitely need to find the right moment, if the one ever exists.
I would like to say a few words about Pakistani sense of humour. One “prophet” pointed AK47 at me and started laughing, and another one said that he and his brother were terrorists in Afghanistan and they organized the blowing buses competition. They called it “an American joke”. There was an American woman by the way standing next to me and Pakis didn’t like her because she was American, but they treated her with respect and served green tea. The American woman was a real life J.I. Jane, White and in her 60s….and she just came back from a holiday around Afghanistan but came back because it was too hot for her. The wonders of my travels will never cease!!!!!!!!!!
I also have advice for future travellers; talking about religion in Pakistan is more than certain, that`s why I advice to talk honestly about the culture which you represent, and about the fact that you are Catholic, to whom Islam is unknown, and that you came to Pakistan to see their way of life, their culture and art, and their version of Islam. Truth is most often the best solution. It is always better to represent even different religion/culture, than in the manifest of “progress” to not to represent any, because then in the eyes of many we are equal to animals, which also do not have any religion and culture.
My travel intelligence is informing me that the north of Pakistan is safe. You can therefore still travel through the whole of Karakoram Highway, from Kashgar (China) to Taxila (Pakistan), where I also spent some time and in great secret picked a few oranges from the tree. I was caught by a big bearded Muslim man, but my sin was forgiven.
Pakistan in 3 days as a side trip from India
In my opinion, a white woman should travel to Pakistan only with her husband or a father and should dress according to the local laws and talk to the local men only through her husband. I advise women to talk directly only to other women. On the other hand let’s not exaggerate with fear of Pakistan which is mainly the result of being brainwashed by the American-Jewish media. I’ve been to the worst shit holes of Asia and I’m still alive. We should accept Pakistan the way it is and leave it alone, without looking at its people through the model of the European culture. The problem is not with Pakistan but with the multi-culti and the American politics.
Pakistan – the present times
The economy of Pakistan is very weak and all the neighbouring countries are also very poor. In my opinion, western governments too much focus on Islam, Pakistan, and not enough on the economy, which is directly related to how the land is shaped. Today, Pakistan is the 27th largest economy of the world, and considering its sixth largest population in the world, and all social problems of social and natural resources, in my point of view Pakistan stays far behind. (I recommend my chapters below on health, education, ecology, and all the other). Pakistan is based mainly on agriculture, textile industry, chemical industry, food processing and few other.
Besides, Pakistan is a country of many inequalities as the state of Punjab and Karachi are much more developed and richer than the rest of the country. Pakistan also pays a high price for the never-ending conflict with India, it has a small amount of foreign investment, dirty and meaningless politics and huge population. All the things I have mentioned plus the Islamic regime artificially inflamed by the government makes Pakistan growing very slowly. Since 2000 Pakistan has conducted many beneficial reforms, such as: privatization of certain sectors of the economy, the more effective tax law because until recently only 1% paid taxes, roads improvement, ports and electrical system. A major achievement is for example the new motorway linking Lahore with Islamabad, which neighbouring India can not even dream of. I have to admit that especially after getting through the Indian pits I was pleasantly surprised by the new highway in Pakistan. In addition, Pakistan has great ambitions to push China to the second place in industrial production and export of textiles. Just like China, Pakistan has huge and cheap labour. However these plans are only dreams that could have even come true until 2007 when the economic growth of Pakistan was at a high of 7% per year. Today however Pakistan should be happy if it grows by 5%, though this may be only 3% to be more realistic.
Pakistan has a very high unemployment rate which is much higher than the official 6%, and it also has quite high inflation and worthless currency – Pakistani rupees. Until 2007 Pakistan’s economy went forward like a storm, even to such extent that Pakistan had the best results on the stock market. Pakistan has also a large number of IT companies, as well as mining, cement, telecommunications, financial, and several smaller ones. Until the financial crisis tourism was “the rising star of Pakistan” because in the north there is Karakoram mountain range, with beautiful mountains, clean air, clean water, forts and the world’s second highest peak – K2. Therefore Pakistan has something to be proud of too because it is a beautiful country. Despite the fact that although Pakistani government managed to reduce poverty from 35% to 24%, the huge problem is that out of population of 180mln, middle class is just 20 million. It`s been calculated that up to 47m people in Pakistan live below the poverty level, although whilst travelling around Pakistan I didn’t notice poverty to such a great extent as the one in India. In large cities I often saw illegally distributed electrical cables for which no one pays, and from what I found out there are no penalties for not paying. (“At least one thing in Pakistan is better than in Europe”). Pakistan is full of problems and its version of Islam is only one of them.
In my humble opinion, the reason of decline of the Pakistani economy is based on the situation not described in the papers. I think that the economic crisis has been bred artificially in order to earn riches only to a few, what resulted that the poor have become even poorer. After America blew up the World Trade Centre by itself they came up with an idea to start the “War on Terror”, what means huge economic sanctions on Pakistan and as a result of those sanctions great fall of the economic growth. In other words Pakistan and many other countries were developing so well that America could not ignore them. When it comes to China it is already too late but America will not allow itself to make the same mistake again. We however must believe in their graceful mission of peace and the “fair trade” nonsense.
Also, as in all South Asian countries children are used to work as servants, in factories, shops and unfortunately in prostitution too. In Pakistan however the child labour has its very unique nature. Apart from painting trucks what is a part of Pakistani tradition, children also produce bullets to fake Kalashnikovs (AK47). Isn’t Islam indeed a religion of peace???
If American intelligence is reading this (I’m joking) then look in the town of Darra, close to the Afghan border. If you lose your way just give a few dollars to the local police or even children and they will take you there and serve green tea. I’m glad to help and I feel invited by the US government to explore the Grand Canyon.
Poverty in Pakistan where Allah should pamper all his believers, speaks for itself. I went to the brick factory close to Peshawar, where 5 year old children played with clay, and the older ones were forming and heating bricks. It was a tragic Aghan Refugee Camp, where children didn’t have any conditions of life. I was truly sorry for them because innocent children were tragic victims of war and poverty. More facts about Pakistan in the chapters below.
I would love to name Pakistan “the centre of education”, which Allah next to prosperity should also guarantee. According to the law education is provided free of charge to all from 5 to 16 years of age, although only 80% of children complete primary school. In addition, there is a great disparity in schools between boys and girls. According to research just 84% of boys and only 60% of all girls enroll to school. However, the average school attendance is only 66%. This means that in Pakistan 34% of all children leave school activities on regular basis. Women are very discriminated in Pakistan because only 18% of them finished 10 years of education. We also have the province of Swat where the Taliban banned education for girls and blew up the schools. In Pakistan only 8.9% of men and 3.5% of women are university graduates. The only good news is that about 18mln Pakistanis (10% of the population) can speak English.
Unfortunately looking for a genius in Pakistan is a very unforgiving experience as only 56% of Pakistanis can read and write. This means that based on the mysterious population of Pakistan soon reaching 185m, about 80-90m of Pakistani Muslims have never read Koran, and they base their beliefs only on the ruling class`propaganda (what reminds me of the extremely politically correct UK society, but that`s a different story). The big brother always knows the best. For a comparison literacy in Poland stands at 99,7% and in the UK 99%, what I think is still a great achievement considering that the Third World has moved into Britain.
Pakistan has a lot of health problems. Pakistani government spends on health only 1.5% of its national income. There aren’t enough doctors and there is a serious water poisoning which causes a lot of diseases including cholera. Every year there are about 300.000 cases of malaria, and an endemic tuberculosis. About 5,000 people die of rabies every year because of contact with infected animals. Many problems also arise from all the Islamic myths, what leads to neglect of women’s health and proper maternity care. In the Indian Subcontinent as many as 70% of children are malnutritioned, and in Pakistan alone 33% of all children under 5 years of age have low body weight. Pakistani hospitals do not have basic equipment, but on the other hand Pakistani government has the money for army and for promoting satanic version of Islam. Average length of life in Pakistan is 63 years, and the mortality rate of children under 5 is 72 per 1000. Only 51% of people living in cities has access to basic sanitation.
As in many Islamic countries, also in Pakistan there is a plague of homosexuality, because if people are not allowed to have any contact with an opposite gender they “love” differently, what causes a lot of disease including AIDS. In particular, HIV infection is increasing because of cultural taboos about sex, because of alarming rate of drug abuse and prostitution among men. It is thought that about 100,000 people in Pakistan are infected with HIV, which is a huge number, and out of all countries of the Subcontinent, Pakistan is only behind India and Nepal.
I think the most important thing is, that Pakistan is a country with strict Islamic values what has a great reflection in everyday life. Media use slogans such as “in the name of Allah” or “Prophed Muhamed”, and the whole of Pakistan is full of mosques with loud speakers. Very loud prayers that are performed five times a day can be heard from far away. People also pray in public, when they are further away from mosques. Once I saw how Muslims spread their carpets in a hospital and prayed there too. According to them there is only one God called Allah, and the messiah called Mohamed. They also learn about Jesus, but only as a messiah and not the Son of God.
Another important and big subject is dedicated to the Pakistani women. According to the principles of Islam, they must cover their heads and the clothes can not reveal shapes of their bodies. Some of them, depending on the level of being brainwashed or forced by Islam, also cover their faces. Women in Pakistan are there to care for children and the house, and the first violin is always played by men. Surprisingly from the point of view of Islam, women are equal to men, and that`s why out of 250 seats in the parliament, 60 seats are reserved to women. Women may also vote or drive a car, although streets are dominated by men and in the overall population of Pakistan there is also more men. Here too, marriages are arranged by the parents of the same social classes who meet and discuss the terms. It is possible that couples don`t see each other before the wedding, and those who get to see each other before are called the marriages of love. In Pakistan, there are separate places for women on buses, at stations or in stadiums when the nation watches its national sport – cricket. A woman has no right to look straight in the man`s eyes and “it would be the best if she only stayed at home to not to distract men”. From the moment of marriage every woman has to fulfill her husband`s and his family`s commands. Even well-educated women on high positions are experiencing strong pressure from the society, family and husbands to drop everything and go home.
Certain extreme environments have evolved “honourable killings”. This means that if a woman cheated on her husband – that means that she had a brief conversation with another man or she looked at him, then the woman’s husband or his family might want to kill her. It is estimated that there are about 1000 of such killings every year and the courts often do not want to debate on these issues. There was also a case recently when a woman was raped by four men, who were caught, prosecuted and cleared of all accusations, because according to the court she was guilty. According to the Pakistani law she was guilty because she acted provocatively and was tempting those men, what means that she smiled to them, what is against Islam.
I think that if Pakistan’s politics changed a little, it would become a great tourist destination, and as a result of it, Pakistan would greatly benefit. I also don`t think that all people in Pakistan are “crazy fanatics”, although on the other hand it is not difficult to find them. The system they have to live in is bad, but even if change took place today it would still take many generations to change the people`s mentality, and soften up Islam. Unfortunately its religious regime and Islamic fanaticism artificially driven up by the government, and the fact that Islam is used as a form of armed propaganda, gives Pakistan bad reputation.
The regime in Pakistan has many faces, and regardless of whether it is a military or religious regime, freedom of the press in Pakistan does not exist. Journalists have been harassed, beaten up, threatened economically, and also accused of “blasphemy”. In addition to this Pakistan is stricken by poverty, newspapers are expensive, and only 56% of people can read. As it is often the case in Pakistan and any other country in the world, there are many promises but less solutions. On the press freedom index out of 179 countries and territories Pakistan is on 151st place. This means that press freedom in Pakistan simply does not exist. In Pakistani newspapers we can read mainly about two subjects: about promotion of Islam and how to be a good Muslim, and about the overall superiority over India. Moreover, they show a lot of problems but no solutions.
Environmental problems:
Pakistan’s environmental problems I would best describe as “deeply disturbing peace of mind”. The big problem in Pakistan is in contaminated water, what leads to many diseases. For example in the state of Punjab 90% have access to clean water, but in Sind state only 9%. Other problems are: air pollution, soil erosion and desertification of the country. Tremendous pressure on Pakistan is put by the uncontrolled reproduction of Muslims, and complete lack health and education, what shows us the terrible truth that only 5% of Pakistan is covered by forests. Returning to the water pollution, vehicle poisoning and pollution from factories get straight to the “drinking water” what means that Pakistanis drink their own industry sewage and its own shambles. I remember when I walked in the streets of Lahore and I could not breathe or speak, because noise pollution in cities is unbearable to a human being. There are only peaceful enclaves like the Old Town or the Shalimar Gardens, but after leaving them life becomes impossible. In Pakistan there is also no control on vehicles or carbon dioxide emissions. For those who still don`t understand I want to remind, that the above situation means that all agricultural crops and animals are poisoned because the breathe in poisoned air and drink poisonous water, which is fully absorbed by people. So much in a nutshell!
The final conclusion about Pakistan
Pakistan therefore fully deserves to be explored, but at the same time it also deserves to be left alone where it truly belongs. Which such attitude Pakistan will always turn out to be an unforgettable adventure, because there are also many good things here too. I also do not judge the hard pro-Islamic propaganda of Pakistan as neither good or bad, as long as it stays in Pakistan. I came to such opinion based on the European or American propaganda, which is much greater than the one of Pakistan. It is only different. In Pakistan they have to love Allah and Mohamed, even though some of them don`t, whilst in Europe we have to deeply believe in “salvation” brought by the multiracial society and all its demons. I also met young people in Pakistan who decided to have an honest conversation with me, that they are sick and tired of constant limits and they’ve had enough of a religion which forbids them everything. Fanaticism does exist in Pakistan on a big scale, but it is also inflamed by the Islamic regime, which should not have the right to breed in Europe for our money and at the personal cost of our children.
Poor, tragic victims of their own religion love Bollywood, because it represents everything what they are forbidden. Although Bollywood is against Islamic values, somehow nobody worries about it anyway. In a certain way, good luck Pakistanis. Maybe one day you`ll see through your own eyes…..
History of Pakistan in its best moments.
After World War II in the Indian Subcontinent there was a growing determination to separate Muslims from Hindus in two separate countries. When the British could no longer control the Subcontinent and profit from it, they drew lines on the map taking into account these two major religions, and divided the Subcontinent in such a way that in 1947 Pakistan was created. Theoretically it was very easy, but only on the map. Muslims from India went to Pakistan and Hindus from Pakistan followed the same route to India. As a result of it, a great conflict arouse between the two religions and thousands of people got killed. In some parts of the Subcontinent there was no division at all and that`s why Kashmir for example is still a disputed area.
On the other hand when it comes to Kashmir we can`t blame the British Empire for everything, because they also did a lot of good things. Kashmir is still a disputed area because Indian and Pakistani generals get a lot of money for the upkeep of their armies in that region. The Kashmiri dispute could be solved within 5 minutes, but then certain powerful people would have to stop earning.
Pakistan is the closest neighbour of Afghanistan what repeatedly had a huge impact on this country. In Pakistan there are almost 4 million Afghan refugees who live there permanently. When Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the Pakistanis in accordance with their Islamic hospitality took Afghans in, what caused unemployment of this already very poor country, to grow beyond imagination. On the other hand to the Pakis it wasn’t a big problem after all, because not many people had jobs anyway. Pakistan is full of fields and goats. Throughout those times America had its base in Pakistan because they were determined to get the Russians out of Afghanistan. This was the time when Pakistan profited from this situation once and then benefited out of it again, when certain Islamic militants called mujahedeens went to fight for Kashmir. Some have returned to Afghanistan, providing shelter to Osama bin Laden and joined the Taliban, whether they really worked for America or not without even knowing about it.
Then America still had a base in Pakistan what benefited Pakis again, because later Americans with the help of the Pakis wanted to destroy the Taliban forces, created by the same Americans during the war with Russia. I think we can call it “the comedy of tragic mistakes”, which deserves congratulations to the “bright” American minds – and I was told that we need 100 Poles to screw a light bulb? Well…maybe there is something American about us after all.
Pakistan is famous for international terrorism and there are a lot of weapons there. In 2003 up to 18mln of unregistered weapons were found, smuggled from Afghanistan and coming from wars with Russia and America. Majority of terrorists come from Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A must read:
Practical information
Tourist Visa: I bought my visa without any problem in Delhi (India). It cost me about 50 $. It was a single entry visa for 30 days.
Safety: I came across a quiet time in Pakistan, but the security situation may change as wind direction. Internal political problems, Islamic fanaticism, and close proximity to Afghanistan speak for themselves. Be sure to check current situation before travelling. Please do not sleep in hotels near train and bus stations, as they are infamous for bringing drugs and weapons. Personally I felt that people were quite friendly, although Pakistan is like a time bomb.
Moving around the country: I recommend travelling by buses or mini buses. The roads in Pakistan are in good condition, and sometimes even very good. Especially comparing to India it is a luxury.
Prices: (in 2006 when £1 = 150 PKR) Pakistan is cheap. For an unpleasant double room in Lahore and Rawalpindi I paid about $5. In Peshawar for three days in a double room and all meals, I paid about $30. The food is very cheap, just like transportation. The prices should be always agreed in advance.
Climate: subtropical dry in the highlands and the mountains, and tropical monsoon in the Indus Lowlands. The air temperature ranges from-40oC in the mountains to 54oC in the Thar desert. Average summer temperature is about 25°C to 32°C but may reach 40°C, depending on the state. In winter, from 8°C to 16°C, also depending on the state.