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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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Desert expedition to the Arabian Peninsula 2022

By: Martin Malik

Desert expedition to the Arabian Peninsula 2022


A trip to the Arabian Peninsula is one of the challenges I’ve been planning for a long time. I intend to prove that the countries of the ‘Persian Gulf’ are attractive to tourists and that the attractiveness of this region is not limited to Dubai. I am going on a solo journey through the Arabian desert, although among other things this region also has to offer mountains, canyons, tropical islands, beaches and the Arabian culture. I’ll be travelling light, with minimal gear, and I won’t be in a rush. I’m sure that many times I will find myself in the middle of nowhere waiting for a car, but this would be a part of my adventure. This expedition will therefore require from me dedication and skilful plannin, so I could discover places so far unknown to travellers.


Expedition to the Arabian Peninsula

The Arabian Peninsula is a region of Asia which hasn’t been widely explored by travellers from Western civilization. For most people this region of the world is associated only with Dubai, as if nothing else existed in the Gulf countries except that one city. Of course I also recommend Dubai but it is important for me to explain future travelers that Dubai does not reflect the realism of this region and in no way that city should be the priority. Someone who has only been to Dubai has no idea what the Arabian Peninsula is and how interesting and spectacular places that region has to offer. Someone who has only been to Dubai would never have any idea about the true mentality of the people of the Arabian Peninsula.

According to others there is no point to go to the Arabian Peninsula because: ‘all those countries are the same because wherever we go there is only desert, Islam, camels, oil fields and it is expensive.’ Indeed, all these things are true, although this general opinion is most often maintained by those who have never been to the Arabian Peninsula, and those who consider themselves experts because they’ve been to Dubai. To me the Arabian Peninsula is primarily about my new lonely adventure through the Arabian desert and a test of my strength and endurance; and because I am an adventure traveller I want to travel through all those countries. If I shared the opinion of most people I would definitely not go to the Persian Gulf countries because I have already been to Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.

Moreover, I am proud of myself because I intend to fulfill my next travel ambition. I know that in places it will be very hard and that many times I will find myself alone in the hot desert wasteland waiting for a car, but this is what my adventure is also about. I will have a tent, a light backpack, a thermos flask, a solar battery, a travel plan and my dreams. It will definitely not be a luxurious trip and I know that in order to fulfill my mission in this expensive region of Asia I will have to prepare myself for some hardships and sacrifices. However, I want to have this experience and I try to be optimistic. I feel I need an epic adventure across the vast sands of Arabia.

Climate in the Arabian Peninsula

I am purpousely starting my trip in October because it will be cooler. The Arabian Peninsula has the highest temperatures in the world, and in the Saudi desert or in Kuwait they reach up to about 55°C. Europeans cannot imagine it. In a hot dry climate, without wind and without moisture from the sea or river, life is impossible even for the local Arabs. That is why during the summer months life in the Arabian Peninsula starts after dark and all buildings are air-conditioned. Every year in the Gulf countries about 10,000 construction workers from India and the Philippines die from overwork and heat. In the Arabian Peninsula, as in no other region where I’ve been before, climate should be taken very seriously.

I was in Dubai before in August but I was so hot that I left earlier because I couldn’t stand it. The average temperature in October in the Muslim holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia is constantly between 30°C and 40°C. I’m therefore going to travel light, I’ll have my greatest treasure with me which is water, and I’m going to take my time. Someone could say that he was in Thailand and it was also 40°C, so I’m probably exaggerating? For that reason I draw my readers’ attention to the huge difference between a hot dry climate and a hot humid one. In Southeast Asia 40°C has friends in the form of a pleasant wind and monsoon rain, while in the Arabian desert there is only a burning fire from the sky that stands still.

Al Ula Saudi Arabia.

Al Ula, Saudi Arabia. Al Ula is a place where every traveller should go. There are ancient tombs in Hegra, dramatic rock formations in the desert, and date palm and citrus plantations. Al Ula is one of the biggest attractions of Saudi Arabia not related to Islam.

I advise future travellers against sunbathing, as they can easily get skin burns. Not because of Islam but because of the climate, I think that visitors should wear long linen trousers, shirts with long sleeves and a collar, and necessarily a hat and glasses. It is also important to use sunscreen number 50 and constantly drink water. The most important thing in a backpack is water, so if there is no room for it, it means that it should be emptied. In a desert water takes on a completely different value.

Due to the hot dry climate I think that white people adapted to low temperatures and rain can go to the Arabian Peninsula from December to January, but taking into account short days in those months, I think that the optimal time is also from October to February. I can take responsibility for this advice. If white people want to go to Kuwait or the Emirates in the spring or summer months, I don’t stop them but in my opinion such people sentence themselves for self-torment. Traveling at this time simply misses the point because the fire from the sky burns mercilessly and for most of the day everything is closed anyway.

People of Saudi Arabia.

Personally, I found that Saudi Arabia has many good and hospitable people. Many times I met with simple human cordiality on their part. I warmly greet them and thank them.

In times of politically correct nonsense, fueled by the ideology of white guilt talking about race is a great taboo, but certainly not for me. I really like to talk about race and I think that the adaptation of race to the climate is a topic that should be taken very seriously. It is not without a reason that Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and it also has a huge dermatology centre. Well, the descendants of Scots and English adapted to frost, rain and fog live in one of the hottest places on Earth. Race therefore matters a lot!

My itinerary for the Arabian Peninsula trip

In 2022 I intend to thoroughly explore the selected countries of Arabian Peninsula. I’m starting from Saudi Arabia where I will spend a few weeks. Saudia will be the core of my trip because it is the largest country and it requires from me the greatest strength, time and budget. Then I’m going to use Saudi Arabia as a transit country on my way to the neighbouring countries, and I don’t know yet for how many of them I’ll have the strength, willingness and money. After Saudia I would like to go to Kuwait, then Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and finally Oman. However, I would like to spend enough time in each of those countries. Being an ‘exotic visa collector’ goes against my travel ideology.

At this stage I may not yet realize that perhaps Saudi Arabia might take me so much of my time and consume so much of my energy that I would not be able to go to all the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. In addition, in 2022 the football World Cup will be held in Qatar what makes me doubt if there would be any free hotels. However, I would not go to Qatar for the championships. Maybe I’ll ask for a ticket but I doubt I could afford it. When doing preliminary research I came to the conclusion that this expedition would probably have to be split, what means that I will visit the rest of the Gulf countries in the winter months of another year.

Bahrain fort and Manama.

Bahrain was my beautiful and successful adventure. Here I am at the Bahrain fort, behind me is the flag of Bahrain and in the distance the capital of the country, Manama.

I’ve been to all those countries before but only at the airports. The Arabian Peninsula is a popular transfer base on the way to the Orient, which is why for years I often had to change there when flying to the farthest corners of the world . I’ve thiught about it for a long time and that’s why one day I wanted to get to know the whole region, and not just the airports in such cities as: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Kuwait City or Manama. The airports I already know. Now it’s time to clash with the Arab reality of the Gulf countries.

I intend to travel alone through deserts, forts, oases, canyons, national parks and beaches, and in Bahrain I also plan to observe wild flamingos. I’m sure that I will also see a lot of modern and historical mosques, and interesting Arab art. During each of my expeditions contact with people is of great importance to me, and it will certainly be the same this time. I will have many frank conversations with the Arabs, I will have tea with them in the desert and might kiss a few camels too. A long time ago I published an opinion that: ‘we travel to see the world and to learn about culturally foreign people, but let’s not doubt even for a moment that they also want to learn about us.’ For example until 2019 a tourist visa to Saudi Arabia simply did not exist, and that’s why I suspect that for Saudis getting to know me might be a breakthrough experience.

Janabiyah camel farm in Bahrain.

Janabiyah camel farm in Bahrain. During my trip through the Arabian Peninsula I saw wild camels crossing the desert many times. In Janabiyah however I had very close contact with them.

It is usually the case that the British media lie because they present countries according to their propaganda, and when I get there it turns out to be something completely different. For example, Iran turned out to be a great experience, although I realize that Iran in the eyes of a white traveller and Iran from the perspective of local Iranians looks differently. It is exactly the same with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, and probably also with Poland. I expect my experience with the people of Arabia to be unique. We will be getting to know each other.

Expedition expenses to the Persian Gulf countries

I decided to discuss this topic because the Arabian Peninsula is definitely more expensive than the other countries I’ve been to. Still, I was forced to find a way to solve this problem because otherwise I wouldn’t have go anywhere. I will come back to the topic of prices when discussing each country separately, after the expedition.

I’m going to travel with a tent which I will pitch in the deserts, in the Saudi mountains and canyons, and at numerous forts in a colour of the desert throughout the peninsula. But I intend to travel slowly. When I really like somewhere I’m going set up a tent and stay there longer. For example, I will be in oases where I’m going to live in a tent under date palm trees and close to desert coloured forts. One of such places is Al Ain – a city in the Arab Emirates which is a desert oasis; although there are many forts of this type throughout Arabia. The Arabian Peninsula also has many picturesque and secluded beaches as it is surrounded by seas. After the hardships of the desert I’m going to camp on warm beaches under palm trees, among exotic landscapes … for very little money.

Living in a tent is a part of the Arab tradition because goat and camel herders have lived in the desert for centuries in tents, hiding from the scorching sun under date palm trees. Today, despite the riches of this petrol-region and despite modern technology, living in tents and organizing picnics in the deserts is very popular among Arabs. In some places it is also possible to try falconry, camel riding, or even ride off-road vehicles in sand dunes. Arab culture is not only limited to Islam! One of the interesting aspects of it is brewing Arabic coffee and serving it with dates.

Arabic coffee in Al Disah. Saudi Arabia.

Arab culture is not only about Islam but also about the way coffee is brewed and served. Arabs have their own Arabic coffee with cardamom and other ground seeds, which they pour from traditional vessels and serve with dates. Here I was in the Al Disah canyon, one of the most beautiful places of Saudi Arabia.

From time to time however I’m going to sleep in the cheapest hotels possible. In Jeddah I paid £16 a night for a hotel and it was close to the center, even though all the other ones cost £40. In addition, after 10 nights in hotels the eleventh is free. If I get there I think that in Muscat, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh or Manama I should pay about £18-£25 for hotels, although in Dubai and a few other places I found accomodation for £8-£12. I think that the tent itself would save me a lot of money. As usual I will also try to hitchhike, what would not only save me money but also allow for very important contact with people.

In addition I predict that over time the entire region of the Arabian Peninsula will not be more expensive, but cheaper. The Persian Gulf countries are just opening up to tourism, what means that they are not popular destinations. It is always the case that the more often a country is visited, the more hotels and restaurants is has to suit every budget. Dubai is the prime example of this, and I’m already starting to see changes in several other countries. For example, Saudi Arabia was always open only to Muslims who went there on pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. However, since 2019 Saudia has been investing heavily in the tourism industry and wants to welcome 100 million tourists by 2030. One example of those changes is diving, for which Saudi Arabia has excellent conditions.

(Well, in my opinion Saudia has huge competition from many other Arab countries, but this is a separate topic which I might develop later. I think that Egypt and Jordan, for many reasons are able to knock out Saudia in the ranking of Arab tourist destinations. Let’s however give Saudia and the whole region of Arabian Peninsula a chance they certainly deserve.)

Thee Ain, Saudi Arabia.

Thee Ain, about 30 km from Al Baha; Saudi Arabia. Thee Ain is a unique place because there is no landscapethere which we could expect from Saudi (desert and camels). Thee Ain has an old fortress on a mountain surrounded by banana plantations, and there are also waterfalls and herds of baboons.

Traveling in Muslim countries versus the Islamization of Europe

Many people probably wonder: ‘Why do I even want to go to the Arabian Peninsula when millions of Muslims and thousands of mosques are already in Europe and we are sick and tired of them.’ I assure everyone that I perfectly understand this sober point of view, but on the other hand let’s not let those who destroy Europe with mass immigration also destroy our need to discover the world. I think it is a huge mistake to compare the desert expedition in the Arabian Peninsula to the Muslim invasion that is forcibly imported into Europe by the strategists of the ‘Divide and Conquer’ war game.

Precisely those Muslims whom the anti-European leftists massively import to Europe, the rich Arab countries do not want, and if they accept them they don’t give them ‘gifts from Allah’ as is the case in Europe, and don’t pursue the policy of self-debasement in the form of political correctness. A desert adventure through the ancient forts and mosques, date palm trees and Arabian bazaars, is in my opinion the beauty of this region, thanks to which Europeans would not look at Muslims only through the prism of mass immigration, hostility and distrust.

Someone might ask me: ‘Why am I going to the Arabs? Haven’t I seen enough mosques in Europe and during my travels?’ When it comes to mosques, I’ve been to many impressive Muslim temples, spent time talking to Muslims and was impressed by their art. I even went to the Koranic calligraphy museum and will probably go again. I just think there’s a place for everything. During this trip, I’m even going to go to Medina, which is the second holiest place for Muslims, after Mecca. But on the other hand, I don’t want mosques in Europe. I just like to see them from time to time in Muslim countries and treat them as a foreign cultural experience.

Muslims don’t want churches either, only that they are not ruled by traitors who would call them ‘racists’.

Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Medina, Saudi Arabia. I am probably the only Christian who dared to go to Medina, the second holiest city of Islam, after Mecca. The religious police finally kicked me out, but I walked through the Medina square and even entered the holy mosque Al-Masjid an-Nabawi with its green dome. (Cultural enrichment is about visiting culturally interesting places, not about bringing Islam to Europe.)

Contact with people is also very interesting and I’ve noticed that the mentality of Muslims towards Christians differs depending on where I meet them. In their home countries they are usually hospitable and helpful, while in the ‘infidel territory’ they try to impose their laws, which are sometimes sharpened by ideological, criminal and even terrorist activities. I for example feel safer with Muslims in Muslim countries than in Muslim neighborhoods in Europe; even as the only ‘infidel’. Why? Well, to understand this phenomenon one should study at least the basic doctrines of Islam, as I do. The Marxist barrator, straight in its form as a hammer handle, who is obsessed with tracking down ‘racists and Islamophobes’, and of course without a basic knowledge of Islam, is not able understand this.

The Prophet said: ‘A guest at home is a gift from Allah.’

It doesn’t matter of what religion the guest is. Every Muslim should take care of him, help him and keep him safe. This is why a Muslim country is by definition a ‘house of peace’ and Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. One Christian in Arabia or Pakistan poses no threat to Islam, and perhaps after showing good heart to him, he would willingly convert to Islam.

However, on the other hand the Prophet also said that: ‘Every Muslim has the duty to spread the influence of Islam.’

This is where the problem begins because with the mass immigration of Muslims to Europe they try to make us happy by force with something that we do not want and do not need. At this point the conflict begins because Muslims want to offer us an ‘Islamic house of peace’ but we instead of showing gratitude choose an ideology contrary to their seemingly ideal and only right way of life. Under such conditions a serious conflict arises from the ideology of peace.

Medina Muslims Saudi Arabia.

Different generations of Muslims on a religious trip to Medina. Saudi Arabia. In Medina, people don’t see someone like me. The interpreter of religious police told me that: ‘they must pay attention to those who look abnormal’ – so those in the photo look normal. Despite this I must admit that most people in Medina received me optimistically or with great surprise. Religious fanaticism and resentment were evident on the part of the religious police. In Medina I bought good Saudi dates stuffed with almonds and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

According to Muslims Islam is perfect, the Prophet was the perfect Muslim, and ideally the whole world should become Muslim. This point of view however is very much at odds with my views. I see flaws in every religion including Christianity, I believe that Muhammad was far from perfect, and I also believe in a multipolar world. Wouldn’t it be boring if we went to China and saw 20 million Poles and Catholic churches in Beijing? I support diversity, but separated with borders, because only strong borders can guarantee the survival of diversity.

When it comes to expanding the influence of Islam, in Europe I don’t blame only Muslims for this state of affairs, but above all the anti-European Left which is doing a really twisting job for its own political wins. I personally greet the Muslims sincerely and wish all of us peace. Let’s not make each other happy by force and let’s not pretend to be someone we are not. Maybe that way we’ll get far together. My impressions of Muslims in Muslim countries are largely positive, although on the other hand I must admit that Muslims also have great talent for exploiting naive white women. In Europe however it is a conflict skilfully directed by the elites, which is designed to last at the expense of European nations, so that internal enemies could stay at their trough. They want us to argue.

Making dreams come true regardless of circumstances

I am leaving at the end of 2022 so during very hard times. For the last years the global regime has been terrorizing people all over the world with the Covid-19 virus, which has led to shutdowns of economy, mass bankruptcies, many deaths and mental illnesses, and an epidemic of informing! From the point of view of tourism it was terrible because the world got closed. I am very sorry at this point not only for people in Europe but also for the people in exotic countries who relied heavily on tourism. If there is poverty in Europe or North America, I assure everyone that there is extreme poverty and hunger in developing countries. Not only small businesses and large corporations collapsed, but also entire countries.

Saudi Arabia landscape.

Saudi Arabia and its picturesque landscape. Desert, rocks, dramatic rock formations and a lonely tree. The only thing missing is a camel with a bottle of cold beer. (Landscape near Al Disah)

As the virus-related scare propaganda began to wear off, planned inflation and massive energy price hikes were the natural consequences. The West blames Putin for the war in Ukraine, but it was the West that imposed the embargo on cheap Russian gas. In England they scare that in winter people would freeze in their homes because they wouldn’t be able to afford heating. This was the plan for the world that the promoters of ‘equality and tolerance’ had for all of us.

So how did I manage to plan my trip and go on a trip in these hard times? I can say, although I doubt it would help anyone because people don’t realize that it would be possible to live like me. Well, I turned off the water, light and gas and I even turned off all the fuses, then I took my tent and went on an expedition. It is very hot in the Arabian Peninsula so I will have heating for free. I will bathe in the sea when I come out of the tent that I would set up under palm trees. I will also save on the expensive life in England because it is indeed more expensive than it used to be. Not only energy is more expensive, but also food and transport. It is also shocking that even in such hard times Britain doesn’t have borders.

The media are scaring that flights will increase in price by up to 50%. Well, I only paid £144 for the flight to Jeddah, near Mecca, so it is very cheap. However, I want to point out that I am flying outside the holiday season and to a place which is very unpopular to tourists. I don’t know where I’m going to return from but if the flight is expensive I’ll put up a tent in the desert, in a canyon or on the beach and wait for the flights to get cheaper. Besides, I can always fly out of a neighboring country where I’ll try to hitchhike. Most expensive time is the holiday season and when travellers are in a hurry. I have time.

I recommend my article: “Is travel only for the rich”. This is an article about the will to make your dreams come true and about the constant fight against scammers and energy vampires, who through threats, blackmails and empty promises do everything to cut our wings.

Kuwait Towers in Kuwait City.

I also went to Kuwait but it was the end of my Arab adventure in the Gulf countries. Here I am in front of the famous Kuwait Towers in Kuwait City.

The democratic totalitarian regimes have thousands of ways to create hysteria for their own political wins. Seemingly benign and emanating freedom liberal governments would not hesitate to lead people into misery and self-degradation, and they are able to deprive their victims of freedom and pleasure of life, so they could take total control over the herd of slaves. Under such circumstances people forget that they were born to travel, dream, discover…

In the so-called ‘democratic countries’ people are never in the center of attention. All that matters is a small international clique of banksters and their sold-out political puppets and media parrots. Soon I will leave this worthless Western democracy and go to the desert ruled by the worst regimes. When it comes to power and money they are all of the same religion and culture. Don’t they look alike? Meanwhile, the corrupt hypocrites of the West continue preaching morals to the corrupt hypocrites of the East.



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