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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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The politics of truth

In defense of the Polish language

By: Martin Malik

In defense of the Polish language


Poles have their own language and using it according to the applicable syntax and grammar is well known. Unfortunately the Polish language is being attacked, changed and falsified, depending on who the occupied Polish government and its mainstream media parrots try to please. Over time foreign phrases and words borrowed from English are accepted by Poles without any objection. This is because of the low self-esteem of post-communist Poles and the lack of pride in their own origin and language; but also because of incomprehensible fashion, for political reasons and finally out of habit. Throughout history languages have undergone a continual transformation, depending on brutal or benevolent occupation in many forms.


Language transformation in the world

Nations don’t always speak their native languages, and sometimes when they still use them, they have been adapted to the requirements of the occupation. As a result of colonization the official languages in South America are Spanish and Portuguese, and in North America it is English, although in a minority also Spanish and French. In the Indian Subcontinent, as well as in Hong Kong and Malaysia English is in common use, even though those nations were able to retain their native languages; such as Hindi and Malay.

In North Africa French is still widely used, and furthermore, French is recognized by Arabs as an educational, diplomatic and commercial language. In the former countries of French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) a significant minority still speaks French, even though today French is clearly losing out to English. Before going to Madagascar it is also worth to speak some French, although I could give more of such examples. For instance, many Turks can speak German as economic immigrants.

It is different in Europe, where large part of its population speaks German. The Germanic tribes were divided into several independent states and that’s why today German is the official language in Austria and most of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. German is also spoken in many other countries by significant minority, including Italy and Poland; and many other languages in Europe are also of Germanic origin.

“Benelovent assimilation” and brutal occupation

In this chapter I’m going to discuss the similarities and differences between the history of the Philippines and Poland. I believe that the occupiers made those two nations to have similar history. I grew up in Poland but I know the Philippines quite well too. I’m going to show that the occupation does not have to be brutal at all. In my opinion occupation that looks like ‘freedom and democracy’ brings much better results because it is less stressful, cheaper, one can profit from it easier, and the occupied people often defend their enslavement.

Occupation of the Philippines

The Philippines became an American colony after Spain surrendered the entire Philippines to the US for $20 million in 1898 (along with Puerto Rico and Guam). It was the beginning of the process which the US President William McKinley described as “benevolent assimilation”. After the treaty was signed President McKinley issued a Compassionate Assimilation Proclamation, in which he announced that: “the military government maintained in Manila is to be extended to the entire Philippine Islands and that the US government will replace the Spanish government’s sovereignty over the Philippines.” Ironically the Americans of course went to the Philippines as friends. They sold weapons to Filipinos and they fought hand in hand against the Spanish colonizers. At that time very popular in the US were publications about the brutality of Spaniards on Filipinos. The Americans of course promised the Filipinos independence and they repeatedly reaffirmed that they had no territorial claims to the Philippines, and that they were helping them out of good heart, just to get rid of the evil Spaniards from their country.

As a result the Americans betrayed the Filipinos by buying their islands from Spain for $20 million, and as a consolation to the Filipinos from then on occupation and colonization would be “nice and kind and with respect for democracy”. The Americans were determined to get rid of the Spaniards from the Philippines, just as they were determined many years later to get rid of the Russians from Afghanistan and Eastern Europe. For that reason they first began military aid and assurances of friendship to the occupied nations, and when the US competitor is thrown out, then depending on the attitudes of the locals the US begins either a brutal occupation or “benevolent assimilation.”

Historical facts confirm however that at the same time as the united US and Philippine military forces fought the Spaniards, the Americans were already agreeing to take the Philippines from Spain, behind the backs of the Filipinos. The Spaniards realized that the fight against overwhelming forces was a lost cause, so they preferred to take $20 million for the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam, and then leave Southeast Asia saving face and money. After the war the Americans organized a theater for the masses about how they “liberated the Philippines out of good heart,” even though the Philippines was still colonized. Only the master changed.

The Fiilipines were a colony of Spain for 333 years (1565–1898) and that’s why to this day many cities, districts and strees, as well as Filipino names and surnames are Spanish. Even the very name of the country ‘Philippines’ comes from the King of Spain, Philip II. Then the Philippines was officially an American colony for 48 years, from 1898 to 1946. As a result the American language, politics, culture, education, and economy have changed Filipinos forever.

Benevolent Assimilation


The proclamation reads in part: „Finally it should be the earnest wish and paramount aim of the military administration to win the confidence, respect, and affection of the inhabitants of the Philippines by assuring them in every possible way that full measure of individual rights and liberties which is the heritage of free peoples, and by proving to them that the mission of the United States is one of the benevolent assimilation substituting the mild sway of justice and right for arbitrary rule.”

When I travelled in the Philippines, after a while I started to wonder why I understood Filipino language. Well, I don’t know Filipino but I do know English and that’s why I understood some words from random conversations. Besides, Filipinos speak English with an American accent. I believe that Poles also have great tendency to be “Americanized”, and sadly it happens at their own request. In US history this type of colonization is described as: “benevolent assimilation.”

Benelovent Assimilation USA Philippines

“Benelovent Assimilation”; the American conquest of the Philippines.

Occupation of Poland

Young Poles think they know English, even though they don’t really know it. Poles often use American words like parrots, without knowing their meaning. They do it because it’s fashionable and because they probably have low self-esteem. They want to be someone else, but Poles. I would like to compare Filipinos to Poles and explain which nation is more similar to sheep, and which method of colonization gives better results.

As for Poland, the Russians carried out a brutal occupation. There was indeed a terrible regime, first during the partitions and then during the communist times. Speaking Polish was punished, political trials took place at which the accused ones heard false accusations, and the communist prosecutors and judges, often Jews, sentenced Poles to long prison terms, to death, or they sent Poles to Siberia. There was widespread censorship in the media, and Poles were afraid to speak the truth to not to be sent away for the meeting with the ‘white bears’. This was what the brutal occupation was about.

Later, the Soviet Union began to learn from Americans in the art of “benevolent assimilation”. The Soviet Union in occupied Poland allowed Poles to travel to more and more countries. Poles had the opportunity to learn the language of the Kremlin’s western enemies, and Poles were allowed to introduce a very limited free market. The Soviet Union also treated occupied Poland as a market for old weapons which it no longer needed. In addition, at least in principle the Red Army stationed in Poland was meant to defend Poland against the attack of the Americans. The propaganda of fear continued uninterrupted, just like it does in the “Western democracy”, only in the opposite direction.

In other words, Russians and Jews in Poland played the role of Spaniards in the Philippines. Let me remind that the first government of the Soviet Union was 95% Jewish. The same was in Poland! Currently, the role of Americans in the Philippines is played in Poland by the Americans themselves and again by the Jews, so assimilation (occupation) is ‘benevolent’.

When Poland was under the Soviet spheres of influence Poles had to hate America; and now when Poland is under the ‘benevolent occupation’ of the US and its Jewry, Poles must hate the Russians. Interestingly, both in those times and now Poles believe that propaganda and adjust their views, worldview, culture and language to the requirements of the occupant. Therefore, aren’t the Poles a puppet nation ruled by a puppet elite?

Birthday of Joseph Stalin, a swordsman of socialism: festive decoration of all state buildings, the cornerstone for the monument of Polish-Soviet friendship, an academy in honour, a ceremonial sitting of the Polish Parliament. Workers, especially from factories bearing the name of the leader of the democratic world call Stalinist guards, while labour leaders mobilize the rest. And in the evening, balls and folk games. A folk band from Białowieża attracts attention at the festival of Soviet songs. And children in Moscow celebrate the New Year: balls and a meeting with Grandfather Frost.


Polish Film Chronicle 1950

Today we can laugh at the above quote, but these days Poles have exactly the same kind of pitiful and surrendering cabaret. The only difference is the setting because the owner of Poland has changed. Perhaps in 50 years Poles will also laugh at the present times; and if they don’t, this would mean that Poles are finished. (Today England has this system, but English people can’t see it.)

Stalin with emblem of Poland.

During the Soviet occupation Poles had an intense course of Russian, at the expense of the “benevolent” Polish state.

The benevolent assimilation of Poles

In the so-called ‘democratic country’, which apparently Poland is now and which as we know: ‘it liberated itself from the communist regime’, the rules of the game are in my opinion similar to the Soviet times. Americans are great actors with a great gift of persuasion, while Poles are as naive as they used to be. The Polish nation cannot think beyond the boundaries of the outline drawn up for them by other nations, even though I don’t doubt the intelligence, triumph and abilities of many wonderful Poles.

I think that the ideology of weakness and submission promoted by the Catholic Church is also to blame for this state. To me Christianity is a Judeo-centric ideology of deepening guilt, kneeling down, praying for enemies and turning the other cheek. Even an innocent infant who doesn’t even know his own name is already ‘guilty’ and his sin must be washed away immediately with baptism. In one of my first articles I wrote that: ‘religion, the same as vodka, should only be for wise people’. It is true that I like Christian architecture, art, music, many Christian traditions, as well as few poetic and philosophical prayers. The Bible itself is a literary masterpiece of world culture, which today is the foundation of identity and determinant of morality for many nations. On the other hand however I don’t feel comfortably with some of the teachings that the church proclaims, because they are against my nature and common sense. In my opinion certain teachings and stories told by the church should be approached with great reserve.

This “benevolent assimilation” that the United States is pursuing towards Poland is based on the same methods that the Soviet Union used at the end of its power. The United States has a military base in Poland to emphasize its domination in the region and to possibly fight, or at least put pressure on Russia at the expense of Poland. Poles pay for that base. The US treats Poland as a market for very expensive weapons that they usually no longer need. Of course it’s good that Poland arms itself against Russia or any other country, but is it worth paying any price, and should Poland buy from the USA each time? After all the US is not the only manufacturer of weapons but I understand that dependence on the US is a condition for “benevolent assimilation.” The Soviet Union did exactly the same.

I described above how the Americans fighting alongside the Filipinos reached an agreement with Spain, and they themselves colonized the Philippines, buying it from Spain. This scenario is also very possible in the case of Poland. The USA’s greatest enemy is China; and Russia despite the fact that it fights the USA and is an official ally of China, also feels threatened by China’s power. I am absolutely sure that our ‘American friends’ would sell Poland and all of Eastern Europe to Russia if a military alliance of these two powers against China was possible. In such case Poland should become an ally of China as soon as possible, but it would never be, because for this they would also need honor which is in huge deficit in the Polish politics. As a Pole I would feel uncomfortably to know that Poland is again only a bargaining tool for great powers.

Additionally, some American weapons are limited. F16s without encryption codes mean that in the event of “disobedience” to the USA (a manifestation of economic independence), that country could ground the Polish F16s. Additionally Poland wants to buy F35s, which are astronomically expensive and have a lot of technical problems … but they are from the USA. This is how behaves a country which is a vassal state, and that state is Poland. If I could decide for the Polish government, first I would buy the F16s and F15s from the USA, but only with their own encryption codes, with the possibility of making modifications, and producing its own parts and rockets for them. Then I would buy 5 Rafales, 5 Eurofighters and maybe even 5 Japanese Mitsubishi F-2 fighters; which originate from the American F-16s. Based on these examples Poles themselves could build multi-role fighters in Poland. I’m sure it would be a huge injection to the Polish economy, but unfortunately dependence on the USA is a priority for the Polish government. For example China specializes at copying Western technology, even without physical access to those planes. As for Chinese quality however I am not sure. With regard to the F35s I would only buy a few to check them first, and if I had to buy two squadrons I would try to bargain my own encryption codes and the ability to sell them if they turned out to be too expensive or defective. All these planes should be flown by Polish pilots, and a few should be in garages and they should be dismantled and reassembled all the time.

Poles complain about Jews, saying that Poland would soon become the second Palestine, but I believe that Poles themselves succumb to the American pop culture. This can be seen in the media, Hollywood and CNN propaganda, and throughout the anti-values promoted by this ‘most democratic country in the world’. This means that Polish culture and the Polish language are also changing, so that Poles could adapt to the American culture. After World War II and two atomic bombs Japan also had to face that reality. The Cultural Revolution is a very important element of American domination, what means that in this regard I can’t see much difference between the US, Russia and China.

Polish-American relations.

America has betrayed all its allies. When morality begins to argue with profit, I doubt that the profit would lose. The alliance between Poland and the USA does not depend on the attitude of Poland, but on what is profitable for America.

Some nations however have such great strength of character and pride in their national identity that changing their culture is only possible through brutal terror … which the USA is also very good at. In other countries, such as Poland, Poles themselves can be sold for McDonald’s, some weapons, for learning English, and for the utopian ‘American dream’. To make Poles easier to control and change their culture there is always a need for an enemy, and it always happens that Poland’s enemy with whom Poland cannot trade is always the enemy of the USA. Poles love their enslavement, they got used to it, and they defend their enslavement like lions. I define this attitude as: the slave mentality.

Degeneration of the Polish language

From the beginning of this article I wanted to concentrate on the Polish language, but to better understand ‘benevolent assimilation’ first I wanted to describe what a brutal occupation is. It is important to understand that only the methods are different but the goal is always the same.

To be trustworthy in terms of the English language I’d like to say that I spent most of my life in England, passed the TEFL exam (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and I taught English in England. Of course I didn’t teach English people but French, Spanish and Arabs. Imagine an Englishman going to Poland to teach Polish. It was me, a Pole, who went to England and taught English. Yes this is possible. That’s why I feel even more disappointment towards the Americanized Poles who degenerate the Polish language. I spoke to an Englishwoman who taught English in Poland, and she was very surprised that there were so many English signs everywhere, shop signboards and English words in Polish articles. She couldn’t believe that Poles didn’t want to speak pure Polish. The situation is so bad that the English and Americans see it too. Let’s not pretend to be someone we are not, because the clash with reality can be tragic.

At this point I remind myself of the Asterix comic book. The village of Asterix bravely fought the Roman occupation and maintained its culture and traditions. However, other Gallic villages surrendered themselves because they were so impressed by the Roman culture. Gallic leaders in other villages wore Gallic costumes and spoke Gallic, but they also wore white robes and bay leaves on their heads; and they called themselves the Gallo-Romans. They didn’t see themselves as traitors or people of a conquered nation. They themselves absorbed Roman culture and customs because they liked that fashion. They had low self-value. It is those Gallo-Romans who remind me of Americanized-Poles, and what can be especially seen in the younger generation. Let’s not pretend to be someone who we are not!

American words in Polish are used not only by simple people but also by educated Poles who sometimes dare to pose as authorities. This makes sense because that way they try to feel ‘more important and wiser’ and they try to build up their low self-esteem. In my article entitled “The hidden manipulations of leftist regime” I wrote about the mental industrialization of thought and implementation of biased phrases. I do recommend.

I present a list of American words in Polish

Why do I not call these words English but American? Because they came from the USA and not from England, and because under the influence of the American media Poles have great tendency to say these words in American, not the British way. Poles probably don’t understand this because to them the English language is uniform. I however can recognize English from different parts of the world. The following words have nothing to do with the Polish language, so intrusive implementation of them into Polish is a way of cultural and linguistic Americanization of the Polish language; with the open acceptance of Poles. I can’t see any opposition in this regard.

I’d like to add that I like English very much but I don’t like mixing languages; the same as I don’t like mixing cultures and races.

[ From this point forward it might get more complicated for non-Polish speakers, because translating every single word wouldn’t make sense for them. That’s why I will give clues in the most specific ways I can and I will also translate and add the necessary explanation in English. I will also try to include the original sarcasm pointed at Polish media and any Americanized Poles, because they insert American words with Polish endings into the Polish language. Certain expressions are however common and equally ridiculous in both Polish and English. My views will obviously come out from the context. Enjoy! ]

  • ‘Proceed’ with a Polish ending, instead of original Polish word. The word means continuation in the sense of acting and waiting for progress.
  • ‘Influencer’ with a Polish ending, instead of original Polish word. This word means influencing someone in the sense of influencing and expecting change in someone’s character and behaviour. According to my observations this word is actually used for women created by the media as idiots, and it is adored by idiots.
  • ‘Penalize’ with a Polish ending, instead of original Polish word. This word primarily means punishing someone. As understood by football fans, ‘penalty’ may also mean a penalty kick, but in Polish ‘to penalize’ means to punish.
  • ‘Alert’ simply means alarm and to be alert. Newly-fashioned Polish journalists like this word in order to describe alarm in a more original way. ‘Alert’ is a foreign word.
  • Several times I also saw a phrase in the Polish mainstream media: ‘it has become viral’, with a Polish ending. What mental effort does it require from Americanized-Poles to flash such ‘intelligence’. In English the word ‘viral’ has two main meanings. One is e.g. ‘viral infection’. However in this case ‘the post went viral’ means that the entry in social media quickly spread over the Internet. Viral is an English word.
  • ‘Posts’ on social media. A Polish word for ‘post’ translates into English: post office and to send, but in this case it is an entry in a comment or blog; so why is it so hard to write a Polish equivalent of: media entries?
  • The symbol of self-degradation of mindless Poles is the ‘Barber Shop’. The Polish word is ‘fryzjer’. It’s so simple but for Poles it makes no sense for the signboard on the shop to be in Polish, if they can feel like in America and name it a ‘barber shop’ instead. At one of these Polish ‘barber shops’ I even saw an advertisement that: ‘they were looking for a barber’ instead of a ‘fryzjer’ (Polish word for barber). I took the trouble to enter a few ‘barber shops’ in Warsaw and ask why they were no longer ‘fryzjers’ (Polish) but barbers (English). Well… I don’t know if my readers ever looked a cow in the eyes. Well, the cow’s eyes are empty. They do not express anything as if a cow didn’t have a brain, and if it does, it certainly hasn’t been tainted by a single thought. I got exactly the same dull look from Polish ‘barbers’. One of them only accepted my challenge and replied that ‘it was about a different way of cutting hair’. This is a lie that comes from stupidity and low self-value. Fools !!! Morons !!!
  • In Poland I’ve also seen ‘designers’ many times and even the ‘School of Design’, even though the Polish word is ‘projekt’ and ‘projektowanie’. The word ‘design’ comes from English: ‘design’, what means the same. Once again, why should it be understandable and uncomplicated, if it can be incomprehensible and intricate, so that Poles could reflect on something they don’t understand. My guess is that Poles who are ‘designers’ (English), instead of ‘projektanci’ (Polish) feel that it makes them better professionals.
  • ‘Lunch’ and even ‘brunch’ are English words that mean a meal or a snack. Outside of Warsaw I saw a restaurant that no longer offered dinners (‘obiad’ in Polish) but ‘lunches and brunches’ (in English). They made a large signboard. Those people are pathetic and stupid Polish beetroots.
  • An obvious example of Poles’ low self-value is naming companies in foreign languages, because Polish goods called in other languages are worth more. For example, Polish shoes have Italian names, and Polish beer-selling bars have Dutch and German names.
  • The ‘letter X’ also deserves attention. Many times Polish companies have letter X at the end, which is of foreign origin. By this I mean that every educated fool and uneducated boor loves letter X at the end of a word. Not only small private companies are called that way but also government companies.
  • Sometimes English words such as ‘hate’ is used in Polish in such away that pronunciation is the same but spelling is different. ‘Hejt’, ‘hejting’, ‘a wave of hejt has been poured over her’ – this is another brazen case of rape of Polish language. ‘Hate’ is an English word for the same and it has nothing to do with Polish. The word ‘hate’ is above all loved by the communist Left of ‘Polin’ as a way to fight the national identity of true Poles; and also by all the gossip channels. (‘Polin’ is a name of a Jewish museum in Warsaw, which is infamous for insulting and accusing Poles of crimes they never commited. ‘Polin’ is also used in Poland as a mirror reflection of the country’s name, to sugggest that it’s a Jew infested state under the Jew controlled puppet government.)
  • In a Warsaw store of Praga district, already colloquially known as a ‘supermarket’ I saw an English ‘outlet’ sign pointing to the exit. Stupid Poles can’t even use that word properly. They probably meant exit but they wanted to be even more original. The Polish word for ‘exit: ‘wyjście’ is unfashionable because it’s Polish, and at the same time it may turn out to be too cheap’ so it must be in American. Well, the word ‘outlet’ has two main meanings, neither of which is about ‘exit’ for people. ‘Outlet’ means a pipe or an opening through which water or gas may escape, but it is also the place from which the goods are sold. After a second thought, it’s okay, let the Poles go out through the gas pipe if they want.
  • ‘Behavioral changes’ is another favourite of newly fashioned Polish idiots. Sometimes instead of using a Polish phrase they mix two languages into one. The word ‘behavior’ comes from English. When a Pole is stupid he borrows a word from English, and he already feels like a inflated ‘expert’.

“When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.”


– Confucius

  • ‘Discounts’, a word that most Poles do not even understand. ‘Discount’ is an English word which is not even close to the Polish language. In Poland this word is meant to suggest cheap stores. Wouldn’t it be possible to speak Polish in Poland, what means that they are cheap shops that offer discounts (… but all phrased in Polish instead)? Well, Polish hurts Poles like salt in the eye and Poles get rid of it.
  • ‘Dress code’ (exactly that phrase is used in Poland without any translation into Polish). It’s an English phrase meaning the requirement to dress, e.g. in schools, offices, hospitals, restaurants, in the military, police and other places.
  • ‘Pathostreamer’ is a combination of two English words: patho (pathology) and stream. (This word is used in Polish without any translation.) Thus, ‘pathostreaming’ is the term used to describe the live streaming of content that is commonly considered pathological, such as: alcoholic parties, domestic violence, sexual abuse, pornography and vulgar language; on social media platforms for sharing videos. The Polish name I propose is: ‘deliberate dissemination of pathology’ (but in Polish of course). The media in Poland by using the word ‘pathostreamer’ suggest unaware people that it is a journalist who publishes information. Therefore be warned that a ‘pathostreamer’ is a sadist who experiences pleasure, including sexual pleasure, when he publishes violent rape, sexual degeneration or animal abuse, and considers it recommendable content. In my opinion those kind of ‘pathostreamers’ are sometimes also the main media in Poland and the left-wing non-governmental organizations. However … the mainstream media sometimes calls ‘pathostreamers’ those people whom they disagree with . The degeneration of the media runs very deep.
  • In the media of main propaganda in Poland appeared ‘Tlit’, from the American social network ‘Tweet’. I suggest to refer to those journalistic idiots by simply callling them ‘idiots’. Wouldn’t it be the same, and in American language; and every Pole would surely understand?
  • Sometimes they also introduce words that justify prostitution and degeneration of society. That word is ‘sex-worker’ (used in Polish in an English way, without any translation). So she is no longer a prostitute or a whore, but a sex worker. By this phrase Poles are meant to understand that through this euphemism the profession of a prostitute is placed on a par with the profession of a nurse or dental assistant. Disgusting!
  • We’ve probably heard the haughty and wise-sounding sentence: “A prominent member of our party.” The English word ‘prominent’ in this particular phrase means in Polish: important, leading, well-known, respectable, famous. Also, in order to improve the image of the party and the politician or journalist, from time to time it is worth giving him a laurel in the form of being ‘prominent’. It doesn’t matter if he has any achievements, just so they could use a word that inspires respect, because not everyone understands it. (In the gutter of Polish media word ‘prominent’ is used in English with a Polish ending. The Polish word is being avoided.)
  • In addition to being ‘prominent’ an activist and his company or NGO are also ‘transparent’. The Polish equivalent is rarely used. This word is used to emphasize the honesty of a deliquent, without concrete evidence as to whether or not he is actually honest. In Poland the words ‘prominent’ and ‘transparent’ often go hand-in-hand through the same gutter.
  • It is also worth mentioning that those who introduce themselves as: ‘prominent’ and ‘transparent’ always try to rule ‘permanently’ – that is forever. (These are all English words that are in common use in Poland.)
  • Sometimes it happens that an organization announces great success despite great difficulties, and then it gives rewards to itself. They had to move mountains! That word is ‘mobbing’ which means being a pain to someone or standing in the way of their great plans. It may be a good-natured sparrow that flew towards its nest to feed its young, but was attacked by a pair of crows trying to snatch food from its beak. The latter however, despite aggressive crows and unfavourable winds reached his chicks and did feed them. NOTE: ‘Despite ‘mobbing’ the people’s chosen ones managed to change the law, even though they suffered so much, but at the end they succeeded in our great happiness. This is exactly the same case as with the sparrow. (Word ‘mobbing’ has been stolen by Poles from English.)
  • He is under ‘protection’. Again, Polish media uses English word with a Polish ending. Maybe if a Pole is a bit more American, he feels better protected?
  • He’s been ‘suspended’. Exactly. Why in Poland he wasn’t suspended in Polish, but in American with a Polish ending?
  • Incredible but several Polish articles described the stories of women who had been followed by a ‘stoker’. Who the hell is he? ‘Stalker’ is an English word meaning an individual who is obsessed with another person and therefore follows and harasses that person. Even if an average Polishman thought about it for a hundred years he would never figure out who the ‘stoker’ is.
  • “It’s a hit.” In English the word ‘hit’ has two main meanings. The first one is to hit someone. However, with the understanding that for example a song ‘has become a hit’, we should say in Polish that it has become a success. (Polish word: ‘sukces’ is more adequate that completely foreign ‘hit’)
  • There is also an ’email’, which is a letter (‘list’ in Polish), but an electronic one. (In this case I am more understanding because the global computer language is English. Just without exaggeration.)
  • I also saw many other words and phrases on Polish websites that are not Polish, but I have to finish this article one day. These were among others: ‘dream team’, ‘no future’, ‘peace’, political ‘rollercoaster,’ ‘campus’, ‘mobility’, ‘gaming’, ‘love’, ‘on top’, ‘legislation’ – and of course arousing the seriousness of the situation: ‘verification’ – which simply means to check something. (Some of those English words in Polish are used with Polish endings, and other ones exactly as it is in English.)
  • …. besides, especially some young people in Poland like clothes with a very ugly word that begins with a letter ‘f’ …..

I could give more examples but I think that both Poles and American-Polins have already understood. Will it change anything? I doubt it because the herd always follows the current fashion, against common sense. The media has enormous power over human minds and it can hit the most sensitive points of the human psyche. Poles absorb this cancer of Polishness and feel better because of it. Poles defend their own debasement and agree to ‘benevolent assimilation‘.

My own ideas for ‘enriching’ the Polish language

Following the current fashion I thought that I would also like to come up with such a word myself, and I suggest that it should be a ‘pickpocket’. As we know, especially in times of political correctness the word ‘pickpocket’ can evoke bad emotions and be offensive, and besides, the Polish word ‘kieszonkowiec’ is not vogue enough. Besides, if a pickpocket was black they might even frame us up for ‘racism’. We need an American word adapted to the Polish language. It has to be a word that wouldn’t offend anyone and at the same time it would whitewash the offender, putting him on an equal footing with for example a ticket inspector or a postage stamps collector. I figured out that from now on a pickpocket could be referred to as: ‘wallet collector who deals with cash grabbing’ (funny Polish translation here). Isn’t that great? I guess it’s even better than Polish ‘barber shops’ and all the Polish ‘influencers’ combined? This is what this cabaret is all about, which is represented by pseudo-intellectuals in the Polish media and the Polish herd that thinks that it’s educated.

I also have an offer for drivers. Whilst traveling around Poland I realized that Poles are a nation of racing drivers. When there is no police they drive as fast as they have on the speedometer, and they can still be rude when crossing the road takes me too long. So does a Polish driver cross on the red light (exact Polish translation here)? Oh no, it’s too simple, and so Polish that it doesn’t suit. He (here English phrase with Polish endings which is funny in Polish but it’s used exlusively in English – ‘jump on the red’. The same anegdote doesn’t work in all languages, but intelligent ones can still figure out.)

There is also a matter of farting. The so-called Polish ‘bąk’ translates into English ‘fart’. Let’s imagine that very fashionable and young Americanized ‘Polins’ follow the current times because: they have piercings in their noses, they are tattooed, they listen to monkey cough saturated with swear words, and they have green hair tangled into a form of a Chinese letter. These are the degenerates of the young generation who meet to fart around together. Splendid, isn’t it? By the way, that kind of mob doesn’t know who they are anymore, because they can’t even tell a difference between a girl and a boy; so only ‘farting’ is left for them. So I suggest to those for whom tolerance has no limits that they could make a new fashion out of this ‘farting’, name it in American and wear t-shirts with a fart. I believe that in the world of American tolerance this is possible.

Polish-American relations.

“Benelovent Assimilation”. The little Pole thought it would be fun, but the amusing clown also has dark side of character.

When I travel to exotic distant countries I always say that I am Polish, but I met Poles who didn’t want to talk to me precisely because I was Polish, and others didn’t want to talk to me in Polish. There are also Poles who are rude and mean to other Poles, but are overly nice to the English. I believe that this is a serious crisis of Polish identity. I have noticed the same with many Polish women. They want just anyone: a Negro, an Indian, an Arab, and no matter who, as long as it’s not a Pole. Such Polish women have very low self-esteem and disgust towards Polish men because they come from drunken Polish pathology. For this reason such women wander around and become easier prey for dark-skinned sexual predators. In my opinion, alcoholism is a dangerous internal enemy, and Poles certainly have that huge problem. (I also dedicate this paragraph to the English.)

[ I think that to this point I have done well in translating unique Polish words with dark and tragic humour ….. unfortunately. I’m sure that English speakers who read my articles would understand the above and appreciatte my work, because most of them cannot speak any foreign language. No offence at all. If the whole world spoke Polish, I don’t think I would learn English or any other languages to some degree.

Most of the below text until Summary has little sense to tranlate into English, because those are original Polish words and phrases which are wrongly used by the Polish media. Sometimes because Polish journalists are dumb and sometimes for politcal reasons. I translated only a part of it, which makes sense in English.]

Other newly fashionable words in Polish

The regime in Poland decided that if they are meant to be like a docile dog that lies upside down with its tongue out, then they should be like that all the way. There are certain words and phrases in Poland that are used incorrectly for political reasons. One of these phrases is the correct Polish form ‘on Ukraine’ that has been replaced with the incorrect Russian form ‘in Ukraine’. Let me remind that the Ukrainians themselves didn’t demand the use of the wrong form and they didn’t make any threats. They only politely suggested that they would prefer ‘in Ukraine’ because according to them this form indicates an independent state, while ‘on Ukraine’, according to Ukrainians sounds as if Ukraine was just a subordinate province of a stronger state. The docile anti-Polish government and its regime media immediately bowed to that request. Anyway, why should we be surprised if even the President of Poland Andrzej Duda announced that ‘this is Polin’. At the same time the same ‘Polish Government’ insists that Poland is not a puppet state, and that anyone who thinks that way is an ‘agent of the Kremlin’.

(‘Polin’ is a name of a Jewish museum in Warsaw, which is infamous for insulting and accusing Poles of crimes they never commited. ‘Polin’ is also used in Poland as a mirror reflection of the country’s name, to sugggest that it’s a Jew infested state under the Jew controlled puppet government.)

Language forgery in relation to political prostitution

Let’s imagine that the British Prime Minister would try to be even more ‘tolerant’, and more ‘inviting’, and so robbed of national dignity that he would use foreign prepositions and words in English to please foreigners. This is something that even in the Kingdom of Political Correctness has been unheard of. For example, from now on instead of ‘Britain’ there would be ‘le Britain’, to look more posh and friendlier with France. Instead of a ‘party’ there would ‘fiesta’, to please the Spanish. Instead of ‘hello’ the anti-British media would constantly say ‘guten tag’, to suck up to Germany. What a self-degradation that would be, but it does exist and it is well taken care of … by dumb Poles in Poland !

Journalists trying to show the public their crude eloquence agreed in a different way. I recommend my article again. “The hidden manipulations of leftist regime”, in which I described the language forgery and the mental industrialization of thought.


The ending of this article has therefore two main threads. Firstly I pointed out that occupation, regardless of whether it is brutal (oppressive) or mild (benevolent) is still occupation. I don’t trust the Americans as much as I didn’t trust the Soviets. I think that if Poland wanted to leave the American sphere of influence, then the Americans would transform the “benevolent assimilation” of Poles into a brutal and oppressive economic occupation. The people of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos and many other countries have already learned about the ‘democratic values of the United States’. I described the history of the Philippines.

[Here I’m going to fill the below text with some of the English words from the list above, which are constantly used in Polish but with Polish endings. In the original version it looks ridiculous, as intented. Native English speakers would understand the absurd of below text if they replaced the highlighted words with French or German words, and somehow tried to adapt them into English. ]

The second thread is a matter that is only seemingly funny, so I will end it with humor to degrade this linguistic pathology. If I was in power in Poland, all those Americanized-Poles working in the media, and other Polish simpletons who graduated from worthless universities would immediately end their careers. Then: ! ATTENTION ! – “They would among other things proceed farming in Polish fields, and I guarantee that they would become infuencers for many others who were previously barbers and designers. If they resisted I would issue alert filled with hate and then penalize them, what would become viral. For behavioral changes to take effect a striped dress code would be in place. I would call my prominent company Slavex, and all its activities would be transparent. ” – Ah, I feel ‘wiser’ already.

(Is this not an American corporationism without pretending to be democracy and the free market economy, but in the form of a brutal clash with truth?)

Exploitation of the naive and deluded by propaganda masses is a side effect of democracy.

Act from the 7th of October 1999 on Polish language

The act reads in part:

The Parliament of the Republic of Poland:

– considering that the Polish language is the basic element of the national identity and is an asset of the national culture,

– taking into account the experience of history, when the struggle of the partitioning powers and occupiers with the Polish language was a tool for denationalization,

– recognizing the need to protect national identity in the process of globalization,

– recognizing that Polish culture contributes to the construction of a common, culturally diverse Europe, and that the preservation of this culture and its development is possible only through the protection of the Polish language,

– recognizing this protection as a duty of all organs and public institutions of the Republic of Poland and as a duty of its citizens,

adopts this law.

(In this part of the legislation I wonder what is the meaning of the quote: ‘Polish culture contributes to the construction of a common, culturally diverse Europe.’ Is it about the diversity of cultures of European countries, such as: Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Norway and other indigenous European cultures – or it’s about the diversity of Africa, India and Arabia; all in the white man’s land? I’m asking the Polish Parliament for explanation.

Besides, the quote: ‘building common Europe’ sounds very nice but isn’t it a tribute to the European Union which is taking independence from Poland by promoting globalization? To clarify, is it a geographical and economic region as exemplified by the European Union, or is it a region as exemplified by the Gulf Cooperation Council? There is a huge difference between those unions. I’m asking the Polish Parliament for explanation. Personally, I consider the arrangement between the countries of the Arabian Peninsula to be much more reasonable than between the countries of the European Union.

The last point is fiction because public institutions are notoriously Americanizing the Polish language and Polish culture; with the delight of journalists and young Poles.)

Art. 3. 1. The protection of the Polish language consists in particular of:

1) taking care of the correct use of the language and improving the linguistic efficiency of its users, as well as creating conditions for the proper development of the language as a tool of interpersonal communication;

2) counteracting its vulgarization;

3) spreading knowledge about it and its role in culture;

4) promoting respect for regionalisms and dialects, as well as preventing their disappearance;

5) promotion of the Polish language in the world;

6) supporting the teaching of the Polish language at home and abroad.

2. All public authorities as well as institutions and organizations participating in public life are obliged to protect the Polish language.

3. (deleted)

(In this part of the act I mainly disagree with point no 4. I think that some dialects in Poland are so incorrect and they sound so boorish that it is not worth fighting for them. Instead of talking about respect, I suggest teaching those people the correct Polish language. I understand that tolerance is the cheapest option.

As for point no 2, to achieve full success in this aspect I recommend fines for public profanity and a mandatory esperal for many, many Poles! According to my calculations at least 10% of Poles suffer from some form of alcoholism, i.e. about 4 million. I would solve the problem of alcoholism in no time, but democratic governments love excise duty and they promote alcoholism to distract from the most painful problems. The health of Poles is of less importance to them.)



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