Liberalism as a mental disease
Liberalism as a mental disease
Liberalism is one of the best code-words today for the slow decay of Western civilization. Words such as socialism, communism or revolution are already well known and have bad associations. That’s why a pleasant word was needed, which would be able to capture the dumb crowds. The same lie can be called in many ways, but the purpose does not have to change. The enemies of the red or rainbow revolution can be called ‘prejudiced racists’ or ‘homophobes’, and even so under economic oppression the crowds would buy it. From the point of view of the nation’s internal enemies, only the goal is important, not the mode of action.
The very definition of liberalism is beautiful because it apparently means freedom and equality. However, this term has been used for ideological purposes by every successive government completely changing its original meaning. In my article I intend to show that behind the word “liberalism” there is a harmful, poisonous, devoid of morality utopian ideology drawing its life from the same source as despicable communism. The basic meaning of liberalism favours equality of people, free economy, equal rights for women, equal rights to education, freedom of press and expression and the right to private property. As we can see in the same way as in the case of communism, liberalism also assumes that all people are equal and that they have equal rights and equal opportunities ……. which is obviously an absurd because no one is equal, no one has the same opportunities and the same chances in education and achieving success. Therefore any debate on equality, democracy and freedom is an absurd invented by the ruling classes so the poor and enslaved by taxes and propaganda machine could feel a little better. But do people really feel better to live in such a hypocritically liberal system? In my opinion yes but only the naive ones.
The wet dream called “liberalism”
Over the centuries the radical liberal groups, the same as the Bolsheviks have been overthrowing the “tyrannical” according to them governments just to install their own “liberal” regimes. A good example here is the French Revolution during which an angry crowd destroyed part of its history in exchange for broken promises, just to give life to Napoleon who broke some of the main guarantees of the revolution and created an authoritarian state. The time of renaissance was a farce in itself where liberalism under the myth of freedom and equality spread like a contagious disease, not even realizing that it became the basis of communism – the curse of humanity. Throughout history “liberalism” had in its account brutal, bloody revolutions stinking with empty promises, fraud and paid slavery.
In the meantime started a radical liberal propaganda machine which in the second half of the nineteenth century gave life to such a miscarried idea as the “Free from prejudice” (read: sell yourself to the enemies). Then, under the new banner called “tolerance” liberalism framed the European nations into weakness, the never ending feeling of guilt and an unconditional submission to their enemies. As a result of this policy people were used and they are today and “liberalism” which in theory preaches about freedom and equality has become an ultra-leftist regime. At the present time the mental control of the society founded by liberals stinks with Marxism and operates on the basis of allegations of racism and xenophobia, a ruthless fight against the church and the European culture, at the same time sympathizing with individuals who are sterilized morally and the culturally alien elements; under the banner of integration and friendship. “Liberalism” has become the biggest enemy towards survival of traditional European and Christian values what means that people should fight it and become resistant to the harmful propaganda of its contemporary con artists. I also think that evil can be made of seemingly good things, and that “liberalism” is a very good example of this.
Do you want to annoy a liberal? Tell him that you are proud to be White and you are a practicing Christian.
• Liberalism is in favour of equal rights for women – at the same time hurting and using them.
Usually we are the first to complain about Muslims when it comes to mistreatment of women but how can we be surprised if they take the example from “liberals”. In societies infected by liberalism women earn less than men even if they are just as educated and have similar experience. In addition women with the same qualifications occupy lower positions and even if a woman is in the same position as a man she earns about 77 pence to every pound earned by a man. I am not a liberal but I believe that salaries should be the same for both sexes. On the other hand I understand such a policy because women play an extremely important role in a society because without them a country would not survive. A solution here would be the economy of familiarism, as I call it, based on equal wages for women as long as at a certain stage of their lives they would fulfill their roles as wives and mothers and during that time the fathers of their children would be financially responsible for their care. Unfortunately in the current political climate women are defenseless and can not count on sufficient support from the governments. I also believe that bringing up new citizens is a hard and long commitment what means that the years spent on bringing up children should be added to the women’s retirement. If a woman tries to be a man or if a man tries to be a woman, what blurs in a liberal political climate then it is a moral collapse of the country. For me, the gender inequality towards each other relies heavily on a variety of different roles and expectations and the whole beauty and common sense is based precisely on gender inequality. I am not a liberal and I am not a communist and that’s why I will not tell fairy tales that everyone is equal.
• The working class in the nineteenth and the early twentieth century in England didn’t complain about unemployment – but it was used on the model of slavery.
It is the so-called liberal economy which was in force in England in the time of Dickens and was characterized by the fact that the rich owners of factories and enterprises employed women and children for a chosen number of hours and for the chosen by them wages. It was a “liberal” system because from the point of view of the rich it allowed the unlimited exploitation of the poor. The mass exploitation of the poor in Victorian times from the point of view of the liberal government was economically correct. Cheap goods imported from the Empire states combined with a tax haven enabled the factory owners faster industrial revolution. Unfortunately the rapid economic growth was made at the expense of the extremely poor English society which suffered starvation and disease. I would like to add that when the liberals condemned their own people to suffering and the fall of moral humanity, in those days all educational institutions were in the hands of the Church of England. Only because of the church all the hungry, sick and frozen children after leaving the “liberal” factories could have a meal and lessons of reading and writing. It was the church that saved the British nation without taking anything in return. Today, the same as it was in the Dickens’ time there is also a liberal economy based on exploitation. However now it is even more illusive as it exists in the form of monopolism; huge network of stores where people work like slaves for someone they don’t even know.
Callousness of a sheep society makes them believe that bad news in the media do not apply to them and murders and rapes always happen one street away. However, the news on the media do not kill, they do not rape and do not sell drugs – but the multi- ‘cultural’ society let in by the “liberals”.
• liberalism preaches about the freedom of religion – at the same time reducing the influence of the church and due to “integration” it introduces alien religions in European countries.
Liberals openly kill traditional Christian values and the United Kingdom is the most common example of that. Currently there are about 1500 mosques in London alone and thousands of Muslim schools what means that there are more mosques in London than in certain Muslim capitals. Behind utopian slogans such as: “integration” or “tolerance” hides an explicit destruction of Christianity. Then from the moment when the traditional European religion loses its meaning hardly anyone wants to accept any alien, poisonous religious ideologies. Then, through a policy of accusations served by radical liberals it is liberalism itself that becomes a new religion and this is the topic that the nations of sheep do not even understand. Freedom of religion in the liberal dictionary means using religion only to blame it for everything and to create false accusations. The classic example is when priests are accused of paedophilia and even though a situation like that happpens once in a million the radically liberal media build hate propaganda to such a degree as if every priest did it. It is an outright demolition of the authority of the church and at the same time building its own
Sometimes I wonder if in the liberal world it wouldn’t be safer for women if they refrained from voting from time to time? Such choice would guarantee them a greater safety because women are naturally more liberal what means that their votes first open the borders and then they are raped and abused according to their wishes. However explaining this to women makes no sense because as soon as they hear my idea they would would want to burn the “male chauvinists” on a stack.
• Liberalism demands the right to a fair court – but only as long as it serves its interests.
There was a court case in which an Englishman got six months in prison and a large fine for tearing Koran but on the other hand a Mulsm for spitting at Christians and burning a Bible got a smaller punishment than a parking fine. This is a classic example of a Christian apartheid that exists to remind the British that their country no longer belongs to them. In this case Islam is only used as a tool to show that radical liberalism has become the only law and anyone who breaks it is in accordance with the words of Marx “the enemy of the revolution and will perish in the revolutionary holocaust” (read: is a “racist” and will perish in a maze of lawless laws which he doesn’t even understand).
• It is also very ironic that liberalism preaches that every human being has the right to live – whilst on the other hand promoting abortion.
In a kaleidoscope of tolerant slogans everyone assume to be so free that the liberal system even allows killing of children conceived in love or passion between two people. In my opinion, in such circumstances the child should never be removed because it is inconsistent with the moral and the Catholic law. We forget however that the very core of the liberal nonsense is to kill children and slit the throats of all morality, so that the environment of liberal convulsions could transform into Sodom and Gomorrah. Besides, when children come into the world and when they begin to understand that they live they are fed with guilt and leftist ideology, they are sexualized by the media and brought up in a world of sub-values. Teenage pregnancies and alcoholism among children are deliberately created problems because the Liberals need to divert our attention from the real problems so they could continue their regime.
Liberalism hates religions because it wants liberalism to be regarded as the only religion.
• Liberalism promotes freedom of expression and freedom of the press – whilst quietly reducing them so the liberal regime could last.
Liberals like to talk a lot about freedom and equality because apparently this is what this ideology is based on. However, when I research the press and television in the European countries and the United States it is clear to me that freedom of the press and expression are very limited. When I looked at the world ranking of press freedom called “Reporters Without Borders” I saw that the media in England, Holland, France, the US and many other Western countries are left-wing fortresses where the voice of the noble Right is either not allowed or it‘s partly silenced by the liberals. For example on the 2013 press freedom index “the oasis of freedom and democracy”called the UK is on the 33rd place in the world, France on the 39th and the United States and the 46th. This means that the enslaved by all sorts of regime countries such as Jamaica, Ghana and Namibia are respectively on the 17th, 27th and 22nd place. Based on independent sources we can clearly see that liberalism in many countries means an evident lack of freedom.
Another manifestation of freedom and the myth called democracy is a continuous spying of its citizens by the government of the United States and the European countries. Every time we use the internet and social networking sites for the intelligence it is a dream come true because they use that data against the seemingly free citizens. It is not surprising that for example the communist Chinese government employs hundreds of thousands of employees whose sole job is to follow Chinese people’s moves on the Internet. On the other hand “the oasis of liberal freedoms of the West” talks openly about the red totalitarism of China although on the other hand the liberal West under the cloak of democracy does exactly the same thing. Nowadays the flow of information is so huge that fortunately not a single government is able to control everything but the one who wants his voice to be heard would be surely punished by the communist comrades in European uniforms. I even suspect that the very necessary these days anti-virus softwares have built-in spying technologies and the fact alone that Microsoft updates its systems automatically worldwide makes me understand that Microsoft operates in cooperation with the CIA.
As for equality it is the same as in the George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” where some animals were more equal than the others. In the current political climate applies a law in which racial and sexual minorities are first to jobs, benefits and an infinitely good press at the expense of White people ….. for a higher purpose which most do not understand.
On the surface “the church of liberalism” is very tolerant but its mass disapproval would make liberals extremely intolerant.
• Liberals fight crime – on the other hand justifying those criminals whose punishment would be politically incorrect.
At the current level of “justice” the guilt depends on race and culture. In Europe and America Black crime ghettos result in regular criminal devastation of cities and it is not just about London or Detroit. Blacks in America represent 14% of the country’s population but at the same time they make more than 50% of the prison population. In England all black and Muslim ghettos are infamous for knife stabbings, drugs, prostitution and AIDS but even so the Liberal controlled press covers up their crimes and political police destroys evidence against them. The goal is to “maintain peace and to fight racism” what means that if the truth about crimes of Negroes, Muslims and Gypsies was not controlled by the liberal censorship someone could become “racist”. Even when a Muslim Negro beheaded an English soldier in London the English TV silenced his statement in which he admitted that he did it in the name of Allah and provided only that part in which he issued an apology. Because of such attitude Black, Muslim and Gypsy gangs feel unstoppable and liberals tolerate their crimes at the expense of the White Christians because they need their votes. The most obvious example which anyone can see is the fact that in certain streets after dark Negroes openly sell drugs and the police comes near them and give fines for cycling on sidewalks. Some time ago even the British Justice Minister said that “rape is not always a rape” what means that Muslims in north London use women for prostitution without any worries whatsoever.
On the other hand if a White man steals a bottle of wine from a store or travels by bus without a ticket, then all stations talk about it to the point of boredom. Also the eventual harms that affect Negroes are publicized to the maximum but on the other hand a dead body of a White girl who had been raped by a pack of Negroes is not usually mentioned in the media for political reasons. This is exactly what I mean by liberal way of fighting crime.
• Liberals talk a lot about safety for women and children – on the other hand silently allowing pornography and sexualization of children in advertising, what results directly in rape.
In the world of liberal propaganda everyone is seemingly “free and equal”. In the liberal mind it means that women have the right to become prostitutes and children can get pregnant and can smoke cigarettes. After all they are “free.” Liberals deliberately create an image of European women as easy through pornography and the Hollywood propaganda machine. From an early age children are distorted and raised without values because the church is being replaced with celebrities and the modern phones. In the world of liberally available information bending the societies’ psyche takes place on every step. The ultra-leftist liberal propaganda never stops attacking and the nations of the White Sheep absorb everything without thinking.
A face of a liberal wrinkles the most pathetically when he is asked about patriotism.
• In a mind of a liberal there are no borders and there is no culture or national identity because only through such politics they are able to insure themselves political success.
This means that a liberal is a traitor who deliberately installs elements racially alien and culturally venomous on the legitimate citizens’ land. Because of lies such as “friendship” and “tolerance” and by imposing on people a gag xenophobia and racism liberals realize that the destruction of the country from the inside is the only way to keep them in power. Only by destroying the legitimate culture, faith and also by destroying the race and abusing the moral values (“tolerance”) a liberal is able to rule. Liberal is therefore a mosquito, a bug and a parasite which multiplies and gains weight on the body of a healthy, clean and the rightful nation. Currently a lot major European cities have White people as a minority as they are subjected to the ethnic, bloodless holocaust. In cities such as London, Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels the natives are a minority and due to utopian “integration” liberal traitors also move away native Europeans from their own culture.
It is therefore obvious that a “nation” of mongrels does not know where it belongs and if it depends on benefits and it is intentionally poorly educated it is very easy to rule. Liberals do not care who the paid slaves are and what colour they are, as long as they are a dull mass without any moral values to whom the only ambition is a criminally taxed money.
• The politics of homo-terror is the liberals’ yet another specialty and it is imposed on the public regardless of whether homosexuals are interested in their rights or not.
Contrary to the liberals’ opinion I believe that no one is equal and homosexuals have also different views on their deviation and they approach it differently too. On one side we have a camp of radical perverts; so those who want to get married, adopt children and make fools of themselves on parades promoting HIV, venerial diseases and offending moral values. However, a few meters behind there are other homosexuals hiding in a crowd who want to be left alone, who want to keep their perversion behind closed doors and who don’t want to have anything to do with the homosexual radicals. However regardless of that fact liberals strip them from their dignity suggesting the whole world that every homosexual is the enemy of moral values and should be hated. Liberal monsters forget that they won’t be in power forever and that some day for their crimes will have to pay not only those who used to openly wretch themselves in the streets and destroy Christian values but also those who stood quietly in the crowd. Over the years it was no one else but liberals who were passionately telling us that every homosexual was radical.
On the other hand however from the point of view of a man with a common sense especially male homosexuality is dirty, sinful and it’s a breeding ground of deadly diseases and that’s why its promotion should be severely punished. The act of homosexuality itself is everyone’s a private matter but its promotion and its enforcement on a society to accept such evil is a direct rape on moral and Christian values.
Let’s send all liberals to Muslim countries so they could try to organize parades for perverts and introduce multi-culti and all the nonsense of which they are infamous for. Then, let’s just turn our TVs on and let’s admire the explosion of tolerance. I think it would solve the problem of liberalism once for all.
• What can we expect from liberals in the future and the Netherlands matter ???
Certainly legalization of paedophilia which the first signs of we have already had for some time. After all, everybody is free and equal, right? In 2006 in the Netherlands was created a paedophile party which by the permission of the court got a green light to operate. The party wanted to introduce the age of consent from 12 years, delegalization of marriages, permission to drugs from the age of 12 and prostitution from the age of 16. In the UK paedophiles get council flats with a school view so they could relief themselves that way, orphanages are filled with paedophiles and politicians from the leftist parties (the liberal ones) were many times caught on uploading pornographic films with children and organizing parties for paedophiles. Sadly this situation is hopeless because paedophiles are protected by immunities and children from poor families take money for prostitution.
In my opinion the Netherlands is a liberal hell which could be easily seen as the bilblical Sodom and Gomorrah. The Netherlands represents drugs, prostitution, paedophilia, adoption of children by perverts and collapse of the basic Christian values. Even churches give marriages to homosexuals although in my opinion those are ordinary sects. The Dutch government is worried that if the water level rises it would flood them but in my opinion liberalism will finish them off a lot quicker. I’ve talked many times to Dutch people and I have to admit that the older generation has values but young people are just an ordinary cattle. The Dutch do not even know who is Dutch and who is not and many have already accepted the tragic fact that one day there won’t be any White people in their country, and surprisingly ….. due to “fighting racism” they have no problem with that. I believe that cattle brainwashed with radical liberalism does not deserve to survive as a nation because sooner or later it would finish itself off anyway. Early death would save them dignity and allow foreign nations to preserve memory in their hearts about the Dutch that they once were. In this case their Sodom and Gomorrah should be taken off the face of the planet and the racially valuable elements who fulfill moral conditions should be adapted to life in a country of national and traditional Catholic values.
The Netherlands should be saved now, as long as the flame of pure White bloodline still sparkles in their veins.
At the end I am enclosing a prophecy of a respected Polish clairvoyant Agnieszka Pilchowa who in my opinion in a very appropriate manner refers to the threats coming from radical liberalism:
A day will come, when people will be killing each other for no particular reason, or rather because of reduced living space. Assaults, robberies, gang rapes, terror will grow together with industry, poisoning of the air and water (…) Glorification of rape and cruelty will become a dominant subject and it willl be widely encouraged to follow. Corpses as a result of starvation, lack of air, suffocation, poisoning, murder will more increasingly block traffic in the streets and they will no longer cause any surprise. People will be increasingly losing their value. Reducing human value will also reduce the value of its industrial and artistic creations. They will be breeding pseudo art, a rubbish one, mass, overbearing, brutal and making them even more stupid. (…) Feelings will disappear completely. Civilization will be turning back to the new Middle Ages. Medical services will be reduced only to serve the richest. (…) Anarchy will replace traditional law. (…) Most multiplying coloured peoples will flood the rest of the world. Those peoples will be intermingled and they will multiply even more, and the problems the human species face will not be solved.