Political Prisoners of Great Britain; Part I-“UK riots”
Political Prisoners of Great Britain;
– part I “UK riots”
After a general summary of the recent delights of British multiculturalism I intend to present several Englishmen who have been sentenced to long prison terms for social media posts, street comments and even for representing anti-immigrant views in the media. Naturally, my series of articles will also be about the double standards of the government, police and courts in the UK. The riots that took place in the UK and their aftermath have clearly shown that seemingly very benign liberal governments are capable of the worst vileness in order to enslave their people!
The ‘Oppressors’ and the ‘Oppressed’
In an exotic country that used to look like England, it is very dangerous to have your own opinion. Freedom of speech is only for privileged groups, despite the fact that officially: ‘UK is a democratic country where equality reigns’. This equality is of course a lie because Great Britain is a communist dictatorship, where society is divided into two groups: the oppressors and the oppressed. I explained this issue very well in my work: “The Case of Cultural Marxism”; which I recommend.
In short, the ‘persecuted’ are: blacks, Muslims, all alien racial and cultural populations, homosexuals and women. Only white heterosexual men have been chosen as ‘persecutors’, and not only those who are alive but also those who are dead. The globalists do this for example by removing the culture, art and inventions of white men and replacing them with shameful, degenerate and false pseudo-art and history, in favour of the so-called ‘ethnic minorities.’ The globalists of course despise people of colour and homosexuals, and they throw women to be raped by the thugs of the world, but those human tools are needed for their destruction of whites.
The UK regime preaches that British history, culture, art, architecture, inventions and customs are weeds that must be pulled out and replaced by an utopian society without any identity. All the problems in the UK are therefore the anti-achievements of global directors hostile to the British.
White men who write that they are against supporting coloured criminals and parasites are sent to prison, while aggressive Muslims who rape children or broke a policewoman’s nose at Manchester Airport have been acquitted. There are a lot of such examples and they are notorious. Blacks burn cities, they rape, incite the murder of whites and they run around England with machetes – and the government orders the police to ignore them and continues the self-invasion. In England, as in Israel, the policy of apartheid prevails.
This article could loosely be seen as a continuation of my work: “UK Elections 2024”, but I prefer to see it more as a natural process after the elections. I want to point out however that the problems I will describe here did not arise with the victory of the communist Labour Party. These are problems that the English people chose for themselves, because their far-left fanaticism and cowardice did not allow them to think straight.
I warned the English 20 years ago that this is what their country and their people would unfortunately look like, and they called me a ‘ridiculous idiot and racist’. Civilized conversation with the English was impossible because their level of leftist fanaticism and white guilt excluded me from their ‘progressive’ and ultra-tolerant society. Under the influence of propaganda white women were downright hostile towards white men. I was hated and fired from work by the English for my sober view of demographic changes and their communism under many names. They were wise English people who believed in ‘democracy’, and I was a stupid Pole who had to be gotten rid of. What do they think now?
The general situation in England
Unfortunately, the situation in the UK is so bad that regular riots, which bear the hallmarks of a civil war break out here. For decades the majority of the native British didn’t want to stand in opposition to the racial and cultural replacement in the UK and even accepted their own genocide and degeneracy with open arms. Now their neglect, cowardice and lack of national responsibility have brought tragic results. I wrote about this a long time ago. Currently, in English cities the English are foreigners, and although some would like to see the return of real England, many vote for anti-white and anti-English parties, some are too addicted to alcohol and drugs to vote, and others are indifferent. The constant race-mixing will lead to the removal of whites. Statistics on demographic changes in large and small cities show this well.
For many years there have been patriotic organizations and individuals in Britain, but they have always been destroyed, banned and sent to prisons after show trials. It was a combination of lies from a hostile BBC, hostile politicians and the hatred of far left English fanatics who wanted to give England to exotic settlers. I am reminded now of how Jewish judges in communist Poland sentenced Polish patriots to prison, death and exile in Siberia. The useful idiots for many years were for example white women holding up posters saying: ‘I will exchange racists for rapists’. Every English liberal and every rainbow pervert is responsible for the downfall of England.
The culmination of justified English anger occurred in Southport, after a 17 year old black man stabbed to death three girls aged 6, 7 and 9, and tried to kill another 10. It was Axel Muganwa Rudakubana from Rwanda. The anti-British media called him a ‘Welshman’ because he was born in Cardiff. I’ve written before that a hamster born in an aquarium is not a fish, but unfortunately in Britain everyone is presented and accepted as British – except Poles. The BBC finally decided to show pictures of this African mass murderer, but when he was 10, to present him as ‘a good black boy who made a mistake’. They kept calling him a ‘Welshman’! Axel Muganwa Rudakubana – if this is a Welsh name it is one of a kind.
Earlier, Muslims in Leeds had been vandalising the city for days. They had burned and overturned police cars, set buses on fire and thrown stones at the police. The police ran away from them and let them vandalise so as not to appear ‘racist’. Eventually however the police arrested one person. It was an English woman who was handcuffed and jailed by the police for ‘making comments that stoked racial hatred’. As the English took to the streets to protest, the first secretary of the communist Labour Party Keir Starmer called the English: ‘far-right thugs’ and added that they would feel the full force of the law. Muslims in the UK are above the law and the UK government is paying them to invade England.
On the other hand Keir Starmer had previously given his support to the black hooligans and arsonists from BLM, because:
‘Their anger was justified.’
How disgusting!
“This is violence. This is not protest. It doesn’t matter what the motivation is. The motivation for the vast majority of people in this country is safety on the streets.”
Comrade Keir Starmer.
(Because of his double standards he excuses and even supports Antifa and BLM terrorists and arsonists. Let’s talk about street safety during riots organized by black and white communist militias funded by the Jewish Zionists.)
The mayor of Leeds is a black woman from Nigeria, Abigail Marshall Katung. A Leeds councillor is an extreme Islamist Mothin Ali from Bangladesh, who, when he took power shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ to voters and spoke out to drive ‘outsiders’ out of their borough. The ‘outsiders’ according to the Islamist are the English, but this is a war against white Europe. The media in England present Mothin Ali as a hero, even though parts of Leeds looked like they had been bombed because of his black, Muslim and Gypsy hooligans, parasites and arsonists. Not a day goes by in England without a stabbing or rape, and although these crimes are mainly committed by blacks and Muslims, the propaganda in the UK presents white heterosexual men as suspects. In England truth is illegal, and elections are not political but ethnic and cultural.
Meanwhile, the English leftist mobs for hire, funded by the globalists shout that they are ‘fighting racism and fascism’, and the communists are putting the English in prisons not for actions but for words – ‘violence on social media’. I am very sorry to say this but the English have earned this situation themselves through their leftist fanaticism and ignoring the problem. On the issue of immigration the British public has been ignored and deceived, and it will only get worse. Boats full of black Muslim men of military age arrive on the shores of England every day. In one day 700 of them arrived but for the UK government this is not a problem because they always accommodate them in 4* hotels, give them medical care, pocket money and police protection.
Many English people cannot afford to rent flats, there are many homeless people and those living in trailers. About 5% of white British children in the UK, or about 4 million live below the poverty line, which means that they eat only one meal a day. Propaganda in the UK has always built white guilt based on slavery and colonial times, but the English did not establish slavery in Africa. They took it over from African leaders and cooperated with them, because slavery was a part of African customs long before Europeans reached Africa. On the other hand rich lords made money on colonialism, while the English working class was poor, as shown in the books by Charles Dickens.
Half truth + half truth = whole lie
What is the point of mass resettlement of millions of foreign people with a hostile mentality and colonial attitude to England, at the expense of the native inhabitants? The first obvious plan is the destruction of European civilization built by white men on the foundations of Christianity. The second one however, which I wonder about may be to bring the nations of white civilization to such limits of endurance that even the most hardened leftist extremists would not protest when the global elites carry out the depopulation of the world. Observing the actions of the WHO, constant wars and the fact that the New World Order can only emerge from chaos, this is a plan that I take into account with great caution.
Besides, it is in the interests of the UK regime to provoke people because then ‘for our own good and security’ they will have a pretext to deepen technological control over both the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressors’.
Anti-British police
First of all I would like to say that if George Orwell was alive today, he would say that 2024 is worse than 1984. The English police could play the main role in an adaptation of Huxley’s “Brave New World”, while Keir Starmer could play Napoleon, but not Bonaparte but the one from “Animal Farm”. The main scarecrow of the London police Mark Rowley even threatens to arrest Americans staying in the US, for publishing opinions that are inconsistent with the idea of Bolshevik revolution in the UK. Of course he didn’t use this phrase, and I doubt that he is even educated enough to realize what system he really represents.
“There will be people who thought they were going on holiday this week, and instead the police will come knocking on their door. They are facing arrest and a prison cell.”
Comrade woman Yvette Cooper.
(Has anyone knocked on the doors of the Muslim paedophile gangs and their partners in crime; or the doors of the dirty cops and Labour Party apparatchiks?)
The English police are so tragic and grotesque at the same time that they regularly kneel before Muslims and blacks and allow them to incite the mass murder of the English. Meanwhile, the English who fight for the right to continue their nation are labelled ‘far-right thugs’. The police arrest English people just for standing politely in the street and sometimes for waving English flags; and this is also in a situation where Muslims stand with sticks and shout that they have taken over England and they will slaughter the English. The same police greet Muslims with the Arabic ‘salam aleikum’ and don’t arrest Muslims for serious crimes, but instead English people for their opinions on social media.
Prisons in England are overcrowded, which is why black and Muslim knife-men, drug dealers, rapists and paedophiles are being released much earlier, to make room for English people who have ‘committed violence on social media’. Police in the UK drag English people from their homes in handcuffs for reporting the facts.
The same utopian anti-British police dance in parades of degenerates, with rainbows on their faces and uniforms and they dance with Muslims calling for the conquest of England. With the help of the police Muslims organize war dances in the streets, while the English organize homosexual dances. A circus? Yes, it is indeed a circus, but a tragic one that does not entertain.
During the protests the anti-British police even arrested old Englishmen who were standing in the streets just because they were so shocked by the crimes. They were told that although they had not rioted themselves, they were ‘right wing extremists’ and that’s why they were arrested and quickly thrown in prison for ‘disturbing the public order’. Protests took place all over the country, even in Northern Ireland.
“If you attack people because of the colour of their skin or their faith, that is far right.”
Comrade Keir Starmer.
(I remind you that if Muslims massively select white girls for rape because of their race, and if they destroy churches because of their hatred of that faith, then this is far-right, isn’t it?)
The right wing in the UK scares mainly with Islam, but also with black gangs and sometimes with the promotion of degeneracy. Mass murders, arson and gang rapes no longer surprise anyone, although officially ‘multi-culturalism is our strength’. The communist UK prime minister Keir Starmer and his political police do not see black and Muslim mass murderers, hooligans and rapists who hunt the English with knives, sticks and machetes. In England it is safer to be a Muslim rapist and a black gangster than an Englishman whose political views do not coincide with ‘British democracy’. Double standards of the police are the norm.
A word to the British Police from the author
In reference to the Labour Party’s idol, Karl Marx: all races and classes united against a common ‘privileged oppressor’… against white people but in the UK especially against the native British. The communist regime in the UK has been building its black, Muslim and homosexual proletariat for decades; and even over the dead bodies of English children. I believe that all white victims of ‘multi-culturalism’ and gender ideology should be added to the ‘Black Book of Communism’.
According to research conducted by various media, 400 people are arrested a year in Russia for social media posts, while in ‘Great Britain’ the figure is 1,300.
I however, unlike the British right do not believe that Islamization is the greatest enemy of the British; but degeneracy, race mixing and the collapse of national values. Islam is just one of the hostile components in the hands of the globalists, but degeneracy is a threat to any civilization. Additionally, especially in the case of the white race, race mixing is an existential threat – multi-generational genocide that is supposed to give the appearance of love and reconciliation.
I include a link to a Jewish Daily Mail article on the matter. As with many other media outlets in the UK and US, the Daily Mail is edited by a Jew Paul Zwillenberg, although the chairman is a white, probably non-Jew Jonathan Harmsworth. In my opinion the Daily Mail is the result of a toxic alliance between English Marxists and global Jewry.
Please read this propaganda article carefully to notice how subjectively it is written: UK riots: King Charles tells Prime Minister Keir Starmer he is encouraged by the way Britain’s ‘compassionate community spirit’ has ‘countered the aggression and criminality’ from racist thugs who rampaged after Southport stabbings | Daily Mail Online
I am against violence on both sides but it is too late for that now. All these problems could have been avoided if first the English had not elected Tony Blair in 1997 and then if they had developed a defence mechanism in the form of ‘racism’; whatever that means today. However, the English have succumbed to the race-mixing propaganda and degeneracy, and have allowed themselves to be intimidated and disgraced in many ways.
Now the English are hostages who no longer count in the political and cultural life of England. Well, congratulations… The English have won against ‘racism’, but in the same way that someone who is extremely fat boasts that he defeated anorexia.
I want to say that as a Pole in England I don’t feel at all that the English like me or appreciate me, although I don’t ask for anyone’s love and English people don’t owe me anything. I suspect that some English people would be happy if Poles left the UK too, although we are certainly not their priority. If they want we can leave in a civilized and unpretentious way, but their happiness wouldn’t last long, because this empty space would be quickly filled by other, rather unfriendly to them immigrants.
All the problems I described above, the UK regime could easily solve if it wanted to, but it doesn’t want to because this regime is the source of all those problems. Only by changing the immigration law and simple economy, could England return to its cultural and ethnic roots.