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Martin Malik

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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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The politics of truth

Political Prisoners of Great Britain; Part II-“The British who had enough”

By: Martin Malik

Start from part one…

Political Prisoners of Great Britain;

– part II “The British who had enough”


In England there were court rulings that were absurd, extremely unfair and destroying freedom of speech. These were rulings that were based on a desire for revenge on the ideological opposition and epitomized the policy of apartheid. In this article I will tell you about several English men who were victims of ‘British Stalinism’. The purpose of these rulings was to make an example of these men, for those who might have the audacity to disagree with the UK regime.



I’m going to write about the double standards in British courts where real criminals are acquitted or given a ‘slap on the wrist’. Other serious criminals and terrorists are released from prison to make room for those who have: ‘committed violence on social media’. I remind that this article is about ‘Great Britain’.


The political judge Guy Kearl, and his ‘justice’

In this article I will try to show what is meant by the ‘British Ministry of Justice’. I will present the cases of several Britons whose views were not accepted by the ‘British democracy’.

Article number three in this series (link below) is about an activist of the Patriotic Alternative organization, Sam Melia. I have described his case in the most detail of all of them.

The British who have had enough

The English who were sentenced to prison, are people who were let down by the unjust and destructive caste system of Great Britain. They were always white men who had been beaten with the whip of racism all their lives and were made to play the accused and suspects. These are the ones who were told from childhood by Marxist parties that because they were white heterosexual men they must feel guilty for wrongs they never committed, and that they owed apologies and privileges to people of colour; which they’ve never deserved.

Then the anti-British regime made it clear to the British that the needs of the illegal exotic migrants were more important than the needs of the native British. Then the same regime officially spat in the face of the English showing them that they would always be poor, imprisoned them in their homes through sanitary terror, and trampled their basic dreams. In its immense hatred of the British nation, the UK regime showed that an enemy army could settle in England for the money of the English and that this army was unpunished, even when internal enemies with colonial ambitions raped and murdered English children.

The Marxist UK regime calls them ‘far right’, but I call them the English who have had enough.

In my earlier articles I wrote that I consider democracy to be an illusion, and that in England there is always one big party under three names. In my opinion, there is an illusion of democracy in Britain, which consists of a controlled opposition. Actors argue on the stage which is the parliament, but it is the same caste of people who only care about their own interests. The English however are not English to them, but the working class or worse.

Jordan Parlour

This is a case that has become a symbol of oppression in England. Judge Guy Kearl sentenced 28-year-old Jordan Parlour to 20 months in prison, for allegedly posting inflammatory Facebook posts encouraging violence against the Britannia Hotel in Leeds, where illegal settlers were being housed. Jordan Parlour was shocked by the riots resulting from the Africanisation and Islamisation of his native country and was concerned that illegal, often hostile and criminal elements were getting everything for free. Jordan rightly believed that instead of paying a hostile army to conquer England, that money should be spend primarily on the needs of the native British.

Jordan Parlour

Jordan Parlour. Does the British Ministry of Justice really think that a 20-month prison sentence for a Facebook post is a fair punishment? Would the sentence have even been there if Mohamed Islam had been calling on social media to cut the throats of ‘non-believers’?

During the riots, the English known as the ‘far right’, so those who had run out of patience due to injustices done to their people, threw objects that destroyed windows. When the police arrived the hotel was closed to protect ‘African doctors and engineers’. At the time Jordan Parlour wrote comments on Facebook that allegedly ‘encouraged racial hatred and further violence’. The judge showed no sympathy for English people regarding current political state, or empathy for the young English man whose posts were dictated by emotions and illegal in the UK patriotism.

“The judge noted that the timing of the posts was an aggravating factor, as they were made during a period of significant social unrest.”

I remind Judge Kearl that this is how human emotions work! Jordan Parlour reacted like an emotional patriot who should be sent for a walk in the park, not to prison. Jordan Parlour didn’t take part in the riots. He merely made a comment that was perceived subjectively by the anti-British party apparatus. Next time, I suggest Labour Party to put English families in a hotel.

‘This crime is so serious that Jordan’s imprisonment is necessary.’


Judge Guy Kearl

Jordan Parlour jest kolejnym młodym Anglikiem który został złożony na ołtarzu poprawności politycznej dla ‘wyższego dobra’, którym jest ideologia wyrzeczenia się wszystkiego co brytyjskie. Poprzez ten werdykt reżim w UK pokazał że ‘równość’ jest kpiną, dlatego że ten sam reżim pokazuje że automatycznie dzieli populację UK na ‘prześladowców’ i ‘prześladowanych’.  Jordan Parlour is yet another young Englishman who has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness for the ‘greater good’, which is the ideology of renouncing all the things which are British. With this verdict the UK regime has shown that ‘equality’ is a mockery, because that same regime shows that it automatically divides the UK population into ‘oppressors’ and the ‘oppressed’.

“The posts raised serious security concerns.”


Prosecutor Matthe Donkin

Finally, I have a request for English patriots. If ever the ‘persecuted ethnic minorities’ burn down the house of prosecutor Matthew Donkin and rape his wife on the kitchen table, don’t insult them on the internet so as not to incite racial hatred. Judge Guy Kearl could then send him to prison for 20 months if he dared to: ‘insult ethnic minorities through his racist comments’.

Judge Guy Kearl and the entire KGB involved in Jordan Parlour’s imprisonment should feel they have another innocent man on their conscience; if they had a conscience. Jordan Parlour must serve half of his sentence and may serve the other half outside prison on probation. If it was up to me I would give Jordan and his English family a place at the Britannia Hotel in Leeds as a matter of government help.

In my opinion, Judge Guy Kearl’s sentence was so unfair that he should immediately lose his licence to practice law.

Article: Jordan Parlour Sentenced to 20 Months in Prison by Judge Guy Kearl for Inciting Violence Against Migrants at Leeds’ Britannia Hotel Through Facebook Posts – Foremedia News

Brandon Kirkwood

This young 20-year-old English man should be raising a family, instead of being in prison.

What could Brandon Kirkwood have done that was so bad, that Judge Mark Bury sentenced him to 2.5 years in prison? Along with several other men Kirkwood took part in the Hull riots and was on the front line of the attack. According to witnesses ‘he shouted obscenities, pushed a bin at police and threw missiles, one of which was an egg’. Kirkwood also threw stones and bottles and unfortunately had a number of previous offences regarding dishonesty. I would guess that Brandon Kirkwood had a difficult childhood associated with poverty, alcohol and bad companionship.

Brandon Kirkwood

Brandon Kirkwood. Was the sentence of 2 years and 6 months justified? I highly doubt it, especially since blacks and Muslims are not punished at all for much more serious crimes than street brawling and insulting the police. The punishment is too severe!

According to accounts, during the Hull riots an angry mob of up to a thousand people attacked police and property, robbed shops, set cars on fire and targeted the Royal Hotel, which housed ‘asylum seekers’. (When I hear the phrase ‘asylum seeker’ I have very mixed feelings and I wonder how they got into the UK and whether they lost their papers.) I believe that one of the policemen was scarred and that there was indeed crime against property during the riots, but according to the articles on the subject Brandon Kirkwood was not setting cars on fire or robbing shops. Instead, Kirkwood mainly shouted obscenities, threw an egg and a few other objects and pushed a bin at the police?

The crowd was about 1,000 strong, and these were people who have been cheated by every government because of its deliberately destructive immigration policies. Therefore those people were not hooligans who decided to burn down the streets and destroy property for no reason – as BLM, Antifa and climate activists always do. However, they are always the ‘more equal’ in the population of a country where everyone is ‘equal’. Once again it was about accommodating of hostile aliens in English hotels at the expense of the English.

Was a sentence of 2 years and 6 months justified? I doubt it very much, especially in the case of the very biased Judge Bury, who has a questionable record. If it was up to me I would give Kirkwood and his English family an apartment at the Royal Hotel in Hull, provided he took up permanent employment and sewed in Esperal.

Article: Hull riot: First three jailed, officer scarred for life & £340,000 cost — The Hull Story

Of course phrases like: ‘racism, racial slurs and racist insults’ were still used in this case – because English people who took part in the anti-immigration protest shouted that they wanted illegal migrants to go back to their own countries. What is so racist about blacks living in Africa?

!!! The prosecutor in this case was Jeremy Evans. Reading articles about this case I get the impression that Jeremy Evans felt great discomfort that English people were waving English flags at the protest. It is worth asking Evans if he also feels discomfort at the sight of flags promoting degeneracy, and when he sees the flags of Muslim terrorist organizations?

The other side of judge Mark Bury

The pervert Simon Pritchett had around 330 images of child sexual abuse. According to the Hull Police report Pritchett had 157 images of the most extreme paedophile category A, 82 images of category B and 91 images of category C. Pritchett also had images of sex with animals, and he admitted to the charges. However, he didn’t admit to contact with children or distribution of those images, what I don’t believe. However, the fact is that there is a paedophile market in the UK, both face to face and online. I suspect that Simon Pritchett, by collecting those disgusting images and having contact with other perverts via the internet, may have been part of a paedophile network that fuelled this market. Of course he denied it.

“I suggest you get out more often. What you did over a period of 18 months was download and store indecent images of children and extreme pornographic images.”


Judge Mark Bury

Judge Mark Bury pardoned the pervert, arguing that he ‘lives by the sea and it would be better for him to go out for some fresh air and spend time with people, rather than sit in his room and look at pictures like these.’

Article: I suggest you get out more’ – judge’s words to man found with stash of indecent images – Hull Live (

I wonder how the Polish police and Polish courts would handle such cases, although perhaps it would be better to ask: would a pervert be treated differently depending on his origin and sexual orientation? Poles can talk about the UK, but let me remind you that a big guy dressed as a woman, a provocateur nicknamed ‘Rafalala’ was pardoned by the prosecutor’s office for threatening a girl with a beating that could lead to death, because: ‘prison would be bad for his mental health’. I add this paragraph in case Poles think that the stench comes only from England. No, from Poland it does too!

For decades Great Britain has been proving that although paedophilia has not been officially outlawed, it has been unofficially accepted by the local regime!!!

David Spring

61 year old David Spring took part in a protest after the mass murder of children in Southport by a black man. According to the official story of the UK regime, Mr Spring shouted at the police that: “they are no longer British”, due to double standards in the law. In a protest against the Islamisation of England he shouted: “Who the fuck is Allah”, according to a cover of a certain song: “Who is Alice”. For these acts, the court sentenced Spring to 18 months in prison!!!

David Spring

David Spring – the scapegoat sentenced to 18 months in prison for standing in the street. During the riots Spring expressed his opposition to the arrest of English people for standing in the street. I wonder if Labour comrades released a Muslim paedophile from prison to make room for Spring?

Another English patriot however recorded the whole situation, which looks completely different on the recording. David Spring was shocked that the police had arrested two English women for no reason, and then a calm English man who was taken out of the crowd, beaten on the head and pinned to the ground. The recording shows that at that time David Spring was standing calmly far from the police, but at the sight of the groundless arrests of other English people, he began to walk towards the policemen. The policemen immediately approached him and arrested him for standing in the street. David Spring was curious why the police were taking English people out of the crowd and why they were beating and arresting them.

“What you did may have, and appears to have, encouraged others to engage in public disorder.”


Judge Benedict Kelleher

The judge did not sentence Spring for disturbing public order or for violence, but only to set an example for others of what punishment awaits them if they oppose Islamization and crimes committed by Muslims. David Spring was therefore made a scapegoat. I believe that Spring spoke unfavourably about the police and about Islam – but 18 months in prison for standing on the street for nothing?!

Link to the video:

Many times in England I have come across statements from Muslims themselves that they were very surprised that the conquest of England was so easy for them. A few years ago one even admitted that he gets bigger fines for parking violations than for real crimes. The regime in the UK has officially admitted that Muslims are privileged, including them in ‘protected communities’. On the other hand however, the same regime still preaches about ‘equality’.


Every government in Europe is destroying its own people in the same way. In Germany, the beautiful patriotic AFD politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was fined 6,000 euros for presenting rape statistics that prove that Afghan immigrants disproportionately commit sexua assaults in Germany.
Poland stinks in exactly the same way, only it works harder to keep up an appearance that it is otherwise.

Wayne O’Rourke

As I mentioned earlier, if someone doesn’t want to go out on the street, the UK regime will drag them out of their home by force. Someone like that is Wayne O’Rourke, who ran a channel on X called ‘Sick of it’. Wayne was sentenced to 3 years!

This time I ask the Polish police if they have any idea what crime you have to commit to go to prison for 3 years? Wayne was convicted of ‘inciting racial hatred’ and his words are:

“People of Southport, where the hell are you? Get out on the streets.”

In this way, Wayne expressed his reaction to the shocking crime of a 17-year-old black man from Rwanda, nicknamed “Welshman”. “Mr. Black” stabbed three little girls and tried to stab another 10 people.

Wayne O’Rourke is another innocent man who was convicted by the communist apparatus of the UK, so that those who disagree with the “Great Replacement Project” could self-censor. Elon Musk didn’t want to suspend Wayne’s account on X, so the anti-Brits suspended his freedom. As usual in this case, Wayne was forced to admit guilt.

Do my readers still not believe me that in England it is safer to be a paedophile and a drug dealer than an Englishman who speaks his mind or just stands on the street?

Here is a link to the official Lincolnshire Police website where a woman Chief Inspector Kate Anderson issued a grim warning to white heterosexual men Update: man sentenced for stiring up racial hatred | Lincolnshire Police ( Phrases such as: ‘harmful material’ are a matter of private opinion, while: ‘so that all people feel safe’ is a lie! According to them ‘harmful material’ is patriotic material in defence of white people and in defence of the traditional white family; while only ‘protected communities’ have the right to questionable safety.

Muslims! I remind you that Kate loves ‘diversity’ and I’m sure she’s your type. English patriots! If Kate Anderson and white leftist witches were raped by a group of Muslims, Hindus or Blacks, they should be reminded that ‘multi-culturalism is their strength’. It’s sad that they are so stupid, isn’t it?


Wayne O’Rourke – the author of the “Sick of it” channel on platform X was sentenced to 3 years for political views contrary to the ‘British democracy’. Wayne is a political prisoner of the communist regime of the UK. Three years!!!

What the UK regime did to Wayne should be reported to the European Court of Human Rights, although I doubt that human rights in Europe serve Europeans!


The police and courts in the UK represent typical Stalinist methods. The only thing which is not yet in England is forced deportation to Siberia, but I expect the regime will come up with some direction for those who disagree. The British Empire used to send the English, Scots and Irish to wild regions of the world such as Canada and Australia, where they died of disease, poverty and exhaustion. Today the regime doesn’t talk about these people because it would contradict their narrative of ever-suffering blacks. The regime in the UK cannot afford for white people to be recognized as suffering, and for someone to sympathize with them as a result. This is also how education looks in Britain, a large part of which is selective history and Marxist indoctrination.

This will be nothing new, although I remind again that I and many others warned these arrogant British drunks that this would be the case. Yet they called me a racist, and the armies of leftist fanatics and communist militias have totally terrorized and misrepresented British history, culture and the pure lineage of British blood.

Just as during the times of ‘Iron Curtain’ the Polish and Czechoslovak governments took orders from Moscow, today the government in London fulfils demands of the global Jewry. This is not an invader who changes the borders of Britain. This is an invader who tears out the heart and soul of a nation, breaks its morality and brings about its end. The English, Scots, Welsh and Irish who serve this hostile system are people without honor!

Someone like Sam Melia or Wayne O’Rourke is an innocent political prisoner. Meanwhile, the British people are supposed to continue to believe that their greatest enemies are Russia, Iran or North Korea. Every regime needs an official enemy, at least one. But, the internal enemies are much worse, and that’s why I wonder who will liberate Britain from the Labour Party?

Read part three…



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