Political prisoners of Great Britain; part IV-“The list of innocents”
Political prisoners of Great Britain;
– part IV “The list of innocents”
In England there is a whole galaxy of heavily tanned members of ‘persecuted ethnic and cultural minorities’ who rape, steal and run around with knives and machetes. However, they are either surrounded by blind police, or there is a judge who rules that a Muslim is innocent when he rapes: because he “doesn’t know British cultural norms or he doesn’t speak English”.
Who hasn’t been convicted?

The victims of multi-culturalism, that we know of.
Privileged groups are extremely privileged because they can even rape and incite murder, and their eventual sentences are usually very mild. Even murder is treated mildly because if a black man kills a white man he would be sentenced to several years, but under the new laws he would only have to serve 40% of the sentence.
Courts remain silent over Muslim hooligans who attacked police at Manchester Airport and broke the nose of a British policewoman, but police arrest white teenagers for anti-immigrant posts.
I recommend my article “The Bolshevik Revolution 2020” about how the global left made a martyr out of professional black thug George Floyd. Leftist mobs for hire even held marches across the ocean in London. Sometimes I wonder how many of these drunk and stoned white leftist losers with English accents have been raped or cut up?
Ricky Jones
Dartford Councillor of Kent Ricky Jones, representing the Labour Party. Jones publicly called for throat slitting of the English, while making throat-slitting gestures. Jones was only suspended from his duties and the Court is silent about his case. Because Ricky Jones is a communist black man from the ruling Labour Party, the Court in Westminster did not charge him with inciting mass murder but with: “inciting violent riots”, what means that they have already acquitted him.
The court is not talking about punishment but about an appeal. I’m sure this case will die down and he will be acquitted because he called for the murder of English people who opposed the mass murders of English women and children by blacks and Muslims. Ricky Jones is a tragic comedian who believes that English people should have their throats cut if they oppose the mass invasion of blacks.
Article: Dartford: Labour councillor in court over counter-protest remark (bbc.com)
At the same time the BBC reminds us that: “it is extremely important that no reports, comments or information is published online that could in any way prejudice this process”. BBC is an internal enemy that can put on an hour-long programme on the housing crisis without using the word ‘immigration’ even once. When BBC was pushed to the wall and could no longer pretend that there was a huge problem with black knife gangs, they started talking about it but not even once used the word ‘black’.
Hamoud Al Soaimi
Hamoud Al Soaimi is a Kuwaiti migrant who was convicted of repeatedly raping a 12-year-old girl with three other Muslim men, as part of a Muslim child rape gang in Newcastle. Judge Amanda Rippon pardoned him, sentencing him to just 180 hours of community service. The girl later died, but media reports said her death was not directly caused by his actions. No cause was given, but suicide was strongly suggested.
Some sources say that Al Soaimi was convicted of three counts of gang sexual assault and one count of penetrative assault. Now this scum is walking the streets, probably looking for more white girls to rape.
Article: Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl (bbc.com)
There must be something about the number 180h because Somali migrant Muhamed raped a 12-year-old girl in Sundsvall, Sweden. He also got 180h of community service, which he probably won’t show up for because he can’t speak Swedish.
Adil Rashid
Adil Rashid claimed he didn’t know that having sex with a 13-year-old girl was illegal because his education didn’t include the knowledge of British law. Rashid claimed that his Muslim upbringing didn’t teach him respect for women and that he didn’t know that rape was illegal – even though in Muslim countries such as Pakistan, for rape first they would cut off his testicles and then his head.
18-year-old Adil Rashid met a 13-year-old girl on Facebook, so let this be another warning about what happens to naive white girls who have affairs with Muslims and other dark-skinned men. “His Muslim upbringing didn’t teach him respect for women and he didn’t know that rape was illegal.” Blatant lies!
Although Adil Rashid was not a minor, he was spared a prison sentence because:
“Although chronologically he is 18 years old, it is clear from reports that he is very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters.”
I wonder if Judge Michael Stokes would be as lenient if it was about his daughter? Judge Stokes also said that:
Rashid was “passive” and “lacked assertiveness” and therefore sending him to prison could do him “more harm than good and he could be persecuted in prison.”
Rashid even admitted that in his Muslim school he was taught that women are worthless. Additionally, according to Islamic law any woman who is not a Muslim is a ‘prostitute’. I suggest asking both Muslim men and women about this.
Article: Rapist in UK spared jail for being Islamic student (deccanherald.com)
Suleman Maknojioa
Suleman Maknojioa is a 40-year-old Islamic teacher who sexually abused an 11-year-old girl while reading the Quran to her. Maknojioa has a history of child sexual abuse and was later convicted of five counts of sexual activity. When he was arrested, he was teaching the Quran to about 30 children at a mosque in Blackburn. The girl said her Islamic teacher had been touching her all over her body for a long time and sometimes when he did this he would tell her brothers to ‘pray with more passion’.
Maknojioa was found guilty but given a suspended sentence and forced to stop teaching… and groping little girls. Why did Judge Michael Byrne give such a lenient sentence? Because Suleman Maknojioa was married with six children, had kidney problems; and supported his family on benefits. Without his benefits, his family wouldn’t be able to cope because his wife doesn’t speak English.

These pictures look like a joke but believe me; I have lived with English women for 20 years and they are really that stupid. Some of them will fight “racism” for the rest of their lives.
Judge Michael Byrne gave the following reasons for his judgment:
“I am referring to your own family situation. I assume that you are a very good father to your six children, your wife speaks little English, and you are the one who has to support them.”
“I remember tat social services did their own assessment and said you were not a risk. You are now unemployed and living on state benefits.”
Brawl at Manchester Airport
On the 23rd of July 2024 police arrested four Muslims for assaulting an emergency worker at Manchester Airport and for obstructing police work. Muslim hooligans accustomed to being above the law resisted police after brazenly attacking an airport worker. English police officers could not cope with the Muslims, as they resisted arrest and were aggressive. Because of this one of the policemen kicked him in the head, to bring him to the ground. All four were arrested and taken to Rochdale police station. I guess the policeman who kicked the Pakistani bully in the head, at least ones felt like an Englishman, and not like a policeman.
During the fight one of the Pakistani hooligans broke the nose and gave an English policewoman a black eye. Well – maybe this English girl will no longer believe the lie that “multi-culturalism” is her strength, and maybe she will start voting for “racists” before they get her second time.
The case is interesting because Rochdale, along with Rotheram, is one of the epicentres of Pakistani gangs that raped English girls for 20 years. Rochdale therefore has a rightful reputation as a town taken over by Pakistani paedophiles, who under the protection of the English police and the Labour Party managed to sexually abuse around 2,000 white girls. As soon as four Pakistani hooligans were locked up in Rochdale, all the Pakistanis living there gathered outside the police station to ‘free their brothers’. In the ‘racist and intolerant’ media there were comments that ‘gangs of Muslim rapists from Rochdale are fighting to free their brothers’.
The Muslims did not admit guilt and did not apologise, and the Muslim lawyers threatened that: ‘if their Muslim brothers are not released, they will organise such a protest that England has never seen’. They didn’t mention a word about the beaten policewoman, although nobody feels sorry for the police, and especially the one from Rochdale. The police themselves raised these Muslims to be eternally innocent.
On the 6th of September, so a month and a half after the brawl the Islamized BBC wrote an article about: ”disruptions at Manchester Airport”, confirming that the Muslims had been released on bail, one policeman had been suspended from duty and another was under criminal investigation. The beaten policewoman was not mentioned, but instead the Muslims’ lawyer talked about his Pakistani clients who were allegedly injured by the police. Islamists also wrote about ‘Islamophobia’. In other words, the UK regime trying to convince us that English policemen attacked Muslims at a British airport because they were Muslim?

Left: lawyer Ahmed Yakoob who stood up for his Muslim brothers. He claimed that the Muslim thugs who started attacking people at Manchester Airport were traumatized and that they were the ‘victims’. Right: A gang of Pakistani paedophiles from Rochdale. This is where the perpetrators of the brawl were brought. Does Ahmed Yakoob have any feelings about the trauma that the English girls in this Pakistani paedophile town have experienced? Rochdale, under the regime of the communist Labour Party and its anti-white cops has its own dark history!
Article by BBC: Police watchdog probes footage release after Manchester Airport kick incident (bbc.com)
Muslims in the UK are indeed above the law. English people get arrested for flying the English flag in the street and they go to prison for a few years for a post on social media. Those Muslim bullies haven’t been even charged yet, and the regime in the UK even made sure that they looked like victims.
Lawyer Ahmed Yakoob
Ahmed Yakoob was an independent candidate for Mayor of the West Midlands. He is: ‘an advocate for Palestine and Gaza and a critic of Israel, and is irritated by the mainstream parties.’ These are the things about him that don’t bother me at all, and I could support him to some extent on those issues.
However in my opinion Ahmed Yakoob is a radical Islamist, what means he is a soldier of Islam. He will be always anti-white, anti-western, anti-Christian, and will always cover up the crimes of Muslims in the name of fighting for the cause of Allah.
Besides, Yakoob has received support from some members of the ultra-left communist Labour Party. I think that every Muslim should be disgusted with this Zionist party, although Muslims will use English communists as prostitutes and then get rid of them when the time is right. If Ahmed Yakoob won the elections he would throw the English out of England, because he would conquer England without firing a single shot. There are many like Yakoob in the UK and they are even supported by English idiots. Incredible, isn’t?!
Article: West Midlands mayoral candidate to stand in general election (bbc.com)
Rezzas Abdulla
In 2017 Rezzas Abdulla spat in the face of a 9-month-old white girl and then shouted at her English mother:
“White people shouldn’t breed.”
When the baby’s mother tried to defend it from the attack, Abdulla told her to: ‘Shut the fuck up’. How vulgar, rude and disgusting it was to lean against the pram, spit in the baby’s face and call the mother names. He even admitted that he attacked them because he believed that white people shouldn’t breed, so in other words white people should not exist. The mother was terrified and had to wipe the Muslim man’s saliva from her English baby’s face with a tissue.
Rezzas Abdulla had two previous convictions for racist attacks against white women, so this was not the first time. The prosecutor told him at his trial:
‘You have a problem, it seems, with white women.”
This time Abdullah was convicted of racially motivated assault and sentenced to 8 months suspended for 18 months. The attack was completely unprovoked and extremely cowardly as Abdullah attacked a woman with a baby. Despite it being his repeated racially motivated attack against white women, this follower of religion of peace avoided prison. Instead, the court forced him to undergo mental health therapy and rehabilitation due to his deteriorating mental health.

Muslim man who attacked white women and children avoids prison for third time. What would be the sentence if an Englishman spat on a Pakistani?
A young English mother, Ms Telford, admitted that she was disgusted and that she and her child were attacked simply because they were white. However, Ms Telford, who was brought up on political correctness immediately said that: ‘she was not a racist, that she had nothing against any race or culture, and that where she lived it was very multi-cultural’. The English have been so framed into white guilt and they are so intimidated by their anti-British regime that they indirectly apologise even when a Muslim spits in their children’s faces. Ms Telford added that she thinks that if she had attacked a Muslim, the Court would have decided differently.
Article: Race-hate attacker spat into a 9-month-old BABY’S face | Daily Mail Online
Decriminalization of paedophilia in the UK
To show how many ‘innocent’ people live in the UK I recommend an article about mass rapes of children in England, and the actions of prosecutors suggesting their decriminalisation. Girl, 12, repeatedly raped hours after police ignored her pleas and kicked her out of station is ‘not a unique case’ – Manchester Evening News
A 12-year-old girl was caught by sexual predators after trying to report a sexual assault at Oldham Police Station. The 12-year-old was turned away for ‘being drunk’ and minutes later was caught by vile sexual predators, leading to a further 24 hours of torture during which she was repeatedly raped. This is not an isolated incident!
Former detective Maggie Oliver warns that rape and child abuse are on the verge of being ‘decriminalised because prosecution rates are so low’. Maggie Oliver, a former Greater Manchester Police constable has resigned, saying the force had failed victims of the Rochdale sex abuse scandal. (I referred to the Pakistanis occupying Rochdale in the chapter above, ‘Manchester Airport Brawl’.)
The Labour occupiers who ordered the destruction of evidence of sex crimes against Pakistani paedophile gangs in Rotherham and Rochdale for around 20 years, are back in power. Same party, same police, same courts, same crimes and same lies!
Based on the experiences of thousands of sexual crimes in Europe, it is obvious that Muslims come to Europe to rape women and children and to take control of political and cultural life. Muslims carry their banners openly that they want to conquer Europe in the name of Islam, for the fat benefits paid to them by European governments. In this one matter Muslims are very honest. In addition, they have the protection of the police and the government, and public prayers and rapes are tools of domination and terror – the goal of which is to introduce Sharia law.
I could continue this article forever because I write about England. My goal was to show just a few examples of double justice in the UK, depending on your background. I recommend my previous articles about Britain and other sources on the subject. There are patriotic organizations in the UK that write the truth, and there are also people not involved in politics or journalism who have phones with them and record the ‘progress of British multiculturalism’ when it hits them suddenly! More crimes in the UK and injustice of the system is a matter of time; and it is as certain as tomorrow will be another day.

This is not about hatred of dark races. We, white people have simply had enough. We do not feel at home. Europe will either be white or there will be no Europe at all.
!!! Again, the ultra-leftist English fools chose a system that made them the lowest form of life in their own country for their regime. There are still English people protesting on the streets demanding more immigration. Many English women and men are in mixed relationships and with dark-skinned children, and over 100,000 English people, mostly women, have converted to Islam. The Guardian and Jerusalem Post report that 5,000 Britons convert to Islam every year, mostly women but also men and school children. The British people constantly show that they have a death wish, or live in the illusion that this existential threat does not concern them and that it will resolve itself.
If the current system does not change, then in time meeting English people in English cities will be like seeing a white unicorn. In many places in the UK this is already the case. In time the UK will still have an advanced financial system that is not theirs, it will have aircraft carriers, warplanes and atomic bombs – but the country will be conquered by illiterate savages and fanatical primitives armed with knives, machetes, sticks and tools of violence. The new home for many English people will be the streets and trailers, because the first choice is always the uninvited guest.
With the endless invasion of coloreds the number of ‘innocents’ will automatically increase as well, because there is a shortage of space in British prisons. There is plenty of space in Africa and Pakistan but the British Government does not think that way.
If I could ask the English who oppose immigration only one question, it would be this: “Would you be willing to import another 5 million from Pakistan and Somalia next year if each of you could get an extra £100 a month towards your benefits for a year, and all the beer that you could drink?”
The end