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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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The politics of truth

The cultural “enrichment” of Europe; part I ‘Negroes’

By: Martin Malik

⇒ Replies to the prosecutor’s allegations regarding this article, under the article ! ! !


Part I – Negroes                                                                         

. . . (and racial – cultural segregation as a way of protection of the White society)


We are now in the second part of 2017 and although certain European countries and America have definitely twisted to the Right, in my opinion it is still not a force that could liberate the traditionally White Continents from the enrichment of criminal dark races and the openly declared war on the White civilization and Christianity. Europeans however, brought up in political correctness and the promotion of white guilt are not only afraid to fight for their cultural heritage but what is worse they have accepted the Great Replacement Project and crimes against them as the “new normality”. Even after the mass rapes on German women in Cologne, even after the bombings in Germany, France and Belgium and after knowing that the invaders are not going to work I have heard from German women that they “love Merkel because she helped refugees” and that “it is not so bad.” Just recently I also had a fight with an Englishman because according to him it was “racist to support the mono-cultural society”. Not long ago I also spoke to a German and a Swedish woman who said that they were happy that their countries were losing their identities and that according to them everyone is equal. I regretfully admit that the nations of Western Europe are lost not because of Muslims or Negroes but because of their own naivety, their weakness, and the ideology of unconditional humanitarianism towards everything what is black and what likes to take from behind. In European capitals and major cities indigenous people are a minority and leftist parties in cooperation with useful idiots such as liberals and feminists openly try to convince people that European culture is wrong and that the extermination of the Europeans is good news. Worst of all however, the subject of survival of ethnic Europeans has become synonymous with fascism and Europeans themselves behave like carps voting for Christmas.

black crime

Statistics of the serious crimes of Negroes compared to other races.

If White sheep do not open their eyes and if they do not stop living in fear and the self-denial of their own genocide then within 10 years the best kebabs in the world will be served in Vatican, in 25 years White sheep will start burning in the liberal holocaust and in 50 years the Great Exchange project will be already foregone and the White civilization with it. Perhaps it is hard to believe but what I’ve included in my article I also discussed with Indians, Arabs and Negroes and each of those races sees that Europe is being destroyed and that Great Exchange project takes place before their eyes. None of those races even tries to deny this obvious truth but Whites are the only ones who do not want to see their own genocide. This happens for a very simple reason: the coloured races residing in Europe and other White continents have full freedom of expression while Whites are infected with the Marxist bacteria – political correctness, which effectively closes their eyes and their mouths. If stupidity, cowardice, hypocrisy and apathy caused pain, then White people would have been free a long time ago.

Under White rule countries such as: South Africa, Rhodesia and Haiti were economic tigers of their regions even exporting goods abroad. White people build schools, hospitals, infrastructure and they kept Negroes safe, because as per crime statistics, the biggest enemy of a Negroid is never a White man but always another Negroid. Now, under Black rule in the same countries Negroes have extreme crime including rape and murder, they have middle ages diseases, social problems and sky rocketing unemployment….but on the other hand they also have their worthless freedom. I’ve heard Black South Africans admitting that they would like to come back to the White rule and even to apartheid because it was much better than now. It is also a fact that wherever Negroes go they change economically and socially supreme countries into exactly the same crime, drug and disease rotten ghettos where they came from; and the best examples are the cities of Detroit, big parts of London, Birmingham and many more. The only solution to the nigger problem in the White countries is to send them all back to Africa, close our borders and simply let them be Black. Then, without our interference, we could just watch their technological and cultural progress and whatever happened Whites would not to be blamed.

I also think about certain experiment. I try to imagine what Jamaica would look like if we removed all Negroes and replaced them with White people? Jamaica should be a paradise on earth because that island has everything that people need to be happy but because Negroes it is the world capital of murder and drugs. I’m sure that if Jamaica was only for Whites then there would be a lot less crime and the country would experience the economic and cultural development. However, upon feeding those Whites with liberalism, murders and drug trafficking would grow in the White Jamaica proportionally to opening borders to Negroes. I am sure that this is the way how my experiment would finish.

Slavery without the “White guilt” propaganda

Slavery of which are burdened only White people, had been a tradition of African tribes long before the arrival of Europeans. African leaders used to sell the most useless Blacks to the British and they were thrilled with colonialism because they could get rid of the worst garbage and even make money. Once African leaders saw British ships on the horizon they hid the most valuable Black men deep in the jungle and the most stupid ones they tied up and left them on the beach in exchange for tools, boats and other benefits of the White men. A good example was the Kings of Bonny and Dahomey and the Ashanti tribe with which the British had fallen into conflict because they abolished slavery; but then in order to have a good relationship with Africans they made slavery legal again. That way the English brought to England and to the other colonies those Blacks who could only steal, kill and multiply like rats – and the results of the English stupidity we can see until this day. According to the official data, during the times of the official slavery about 12m Negroes were taken out of Africa and transported to the New World, mainly to work in farms. Some data say about 9m but let’s say that there were 12m.


According to the liberal left Europe will not survive without the qualified work force. Most Africans coming to Europe are illiterate.

Today, the media make us understand that slavery was planned in such a way as if the whole of Africa was enslaved and as if African leaders apparently didn’t profit from it, but that is all a lie. According to today, when slavery is prohibited, there are nearly 46m slaves around the world in all colours. In India alone there are more than 18m slaves and in China another 3.5 million. All civilizations in the world conquered each other and traded conquered nations. Arabs and Jews traded Europeans and Islam itself is partly based on enslaving infidels. Many slave ships flying British flags belonged to wealthy Jewish families and Jews earned a fortune on enslaving Negroes. On the boards of Jewish vessels worked English and Irish sailors, who were White slaves under the British Crown. It is also worth to mention that in those times every Englishman who had his point of view on the monarchy quickly landed on a ship and never saw his wages.

Apart from that it should be noted that Africans and Arabs for centuries haunted the southern coast of Europe in search of White slaves but in particular for White sex slaves which were then sold at a market like animals. There are irrefutable historical evidence for those crimes which for example the British education system is silent about because it is obsessed with the cult of the White Guilt. Slaves were kept by the Aztecs and the Mayans, long before the arrival of Europeans to the Americas. Slaves were also kept by the Sumerians and Babylonians and Egyptians had Jewish, European and African slaves. The Greeks and Romans used slaves in the army, as domestic servants and even as office workers and the had slaves from Britain, France and Germany. White slaves were also kept by the Ottoman Empire and by the Russian Empire and Jews were the ones who mostly profited from the African slavery because the slave ships belonged to them, even though they were under the British and American flags. During immigration to the US the slaves were White people, such as Irish, Italians and Greeks but because of the White Guilt agenda no one speaks about it. This therefore means that because of cultural Marxism and the White Guilt agenda the slavery of Africans has become a huge historical over representation of that one ethnic group. It is also true that every person who lives today has ancestors who were slaves, and that tragic relationship has no racial or geographical barriers, and Judaism and Islam are partly based on the enslavement of the infidels.

There is also a big misunderstanding when it comes to the origin of the word “slave”. Some pseudo-scientific sources claim that the word “slave” comes from Slavic people because in English it is “slave”, in Dutch “slaaf”, in German “sklave”, in Swedish “slav” and in Spanish “esclavo” – instead of “negro”, “negroid” or derivatives of these words. In my opinion this is a misinterpretation although I understand why for example some British pseudo-scientists might think that. The word “Slav” or “Slavic man” comes from the old Slavic word “slava”, meaning “glory,” what means that Slavic people who conquered the whole of Eastern Europe to the Ural mountains called themselves “glorious people.” Therefore if we think that the Indo-European word “slave” comes from the Slavs it is exactly the same relationship which applies to the word “mother” – (matka, mutter, mater, madre). On the other hand the word “slave” was invented by Arabs, who in the IX century conquered territories of Eastern Europe inhabited by Slavs and thus the word Slav become effective in other languages ​​as a slave, but the origin of the word itself means glory.

When it comes to the 9m or 12m of Black slaves against the current 1 billion population of Africa, Whites do not owe Negroes anything and they should send them all back to Africa, especially that Whites were also slaves and they still are. There are still hundreds of thousands of cases of slavery in countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and they are all White. Does this mean that they have to pay Negroes for their skin colour because it fits the political regime? Besides, there is a lot of talk about human rights but no one wants to talk about the human duties, what means that if Whites have to pay a compensation to Negroes for slavery than Negroes should also pay a compensation to Whites, for: policing, for prison service, personal compensations for Black crimes, fighting drug trade and drug rehab, for cleaning cities, for vandalism, benefits, social housing, lowering education level, countless Black orphans living at the expense of White taxpayers and ……. for graffiti removal.

Negros, The cultural &#8220;enrichment&#8221; of Europe; part I &#8216;Negroes&#8217;, Compass Travel Guide

The first couple of America – with humour.

Only in 2016 and only in the sub-Saharan Africa there were more than 6,2m Black slaves and in northern Africa and the Middle East combined another 3 million; and every time the slave master was either Black or Arab. So if the White men are “bad colonizers and slave traders” than why Negroes are willing to die to get to Europe? Blacks always beg other races for help, they looks for the guilty ones and base their economy on historical exaggeration, but a valuable man “takes a bull by his horns” and works alone on his prosperity. It is very similar with the strongly exaggerated Jewish Holocaust, even though Jews held key roles in concentration camps and Jews have so much blood on their hands that it is incomparable with any other nation in the world.

Perhaps it is a philosophical matter but I think that an Englishman dressed in a suit who works in an office is also a slave. He is a slave to the system by which he was programmed what means that he is a social slave, as well as an economic slave. I think that 99% of the world population are slaves and that’s why it is important to answer who is not a slave. In my opinion a slave is not only the one who has full financial independence, even above the law, but also the one who always says what he thinks without the fear of persecution. This is what freedom is about because very rich people who are afraid to say what they think are also slaves. In order to guarantee full freedom those two things must always go together and if they don’t, then it would be sensible to think about the one’s enslavement category. There are however different kinds of freedom, also for the poor and quiet. I noticed that sometimes the more people have the more they feel enslaved, while a simple goat shepherd in Pakistan who doesn’t have any property, no credit cards and no life insurance lives with his family in a clay house in the mountains, he has fruit from his orchard and he goes fishing wherever he wants. This is also freedom, impossible to achieve in America or in Europe. Buddhists say that freedom can be achieved through the lack of desire because when we don’t want anything, we don’t put ourselves in an enslavement situation to get it. This theory is in conflict with my definition of ambition but it could be also viewed as a kind of freedom. I’m referring to the fact that Negroes on the pontoon to Europe do not sail for freedom or independence. As soon as they board a pontoon they are to die to become slaves to the system created by White men.

The Negro intelligence and culture

 According to research the Negro brain is 10% smaller and lighter than the brain of the White man and numerous studies proved that Negroes are the least intelligent of all races. Blacks have the lowest academic performance but the highest percentage of school drop-outs and study in America consistently indicates that in order for Negroes to pass school exams they are marked more favourably than Whites and Asians. I realize that the intelligence by race is a controversial subject but statistics are not racist, they are true. When Whites sailed around the world Negroes floated on rafts and when Whites build skyscrapers Negroes lived in huts made of straw and cow shit, what means that Negroes build at the same level as mice, birds and beavers. Besides, it is also a good proof giving evidence about the myth of racial equality and about bringing “the specialized workforce” to Europe. As an academic example it is worth to pay attention to the work of recognized biologists Masatoshi Nei and Arun K. Roychoudhury titled: “Evolutionary Relationships of Human Population on a Global Scale” (1993), which teaches the history of evolution of different races. Then the work was simplified by a known author and researcher Richard McCulloch who clarified the genetic differences between the human species by adding the genetic code of a chimpanzee. According to his research Europeans and Africans are genetically equally distant to each other as humans to chimps and that Negroes are the closets relatives to chimps and they have animal instincts. The differences can be seen not only in the skin colour but also by the difference in the skull, hair and in the shape of face and teeth. I suspect that Negroes have exactly the same thoughts: “If we are the same species, why are we so different?” Also, what is very interesting I have noticed another very important difference between the White race and the Black race. In White race men are smarter than women while in Black race women are smarter than men. I have experienced that many times, even though that I am a declared anti-feminist.

Negros, The cultural &#8220;enrichment&#8221; of Europe; part I &#8216;Negroes&#8217;, Compass Travel Guide

However, even Negroes have great friends – and their names are White liberal and a Jewish lawyer. White liberal is good at pretending that he doesn’t see Negro’s crimes, he would always justify him and when in mood for fantasy he would write a novel about “Black scientists” and he would create the new history of Africa, so that Negros could be always seen as victims and geniuses with a huge credit of compassion. Jewish lawyer on the other hand is disgusted with Negroes more than with Arabs but nevertheless he would always help Blacks just to hurt White people.

Let’s take a look at the Black “culture” so we can see what awaits us if we do not stop the invasive immigration and if we don’t carry out mass deportations. In African countries suffering from wars there are hundreds of thousands of rapes and almost each one of them results in pregnancy of adult women and even 12 years old girls. During the civil wars in Rwanda and Sierra Leone rape was used as a weapon of war and purely because of hundreds of thousands of rapes hundreds of thousands of orphans were born. For example in Papua New Guinea 55% of all women have been raped and according to the honest statements of men 70% of them raped more than once, 63% raped for fun and 50% in order to punish a woman. Rapists are responsible for explosion of population in that country with 3.1% growth a year. In African countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia there is a custom of kidnapping what means that a Negroid kidnaps an 11 year old girl, then he rapes her for a few months and when she finally gets pregnant he bargains a price with her father over their marriage. In south Africa there are about half a million rapes a year, in Egypt there are about 200.000 and in the so called First World countries such as Great Britain there are 85.000 rapes a year, and what’s very important those tragic numbers are getting proportionally bigger with immigration of Muslims and Negroes. For the same reason Sweden has became the European capital of rape but its government still keeps on giving asylum to Negroes. What’s more, because of extreme political correctness Sweden has the lowest number of convictions for rape to not to offend them.

According to American agency Centres for Disease Control and Prevention only in America about 32.000 children are conceived because of rape every year. For example in Congo, even though the war has finished and rape is not used as a weapon anymore, now rape has become a cultural element of that country. There are currently 400.000 rapes in Congo every single year and in a country where abortion is banned and where submitting a rape report to the police is equal with banning from the social life, most rapes end with pregnancies and newborns with HIV. This means that in Congo there are about 1100 rapes every day and it is the regional way of controlling the Congolese birthrates – (and races are apparently equal?). It might be difficult for Europeans to believe but Negroes in Africa also rape small children and toddlers to avoid AIDS (source:

Negros, The cultural &#8220;enrichment&#8221; of Europe; part I &#8216;Negroes&#8217;, Compass Travel Guide

Miss political correctness 2010.

According to Population Reference Bureau as many as 67% of Black children are brought up without fathers while among White people it is “only” 17-25% of children that are brought up only by a mother. However, when it comes to Negroes some data mention about 82% what means that on average 70% of Black men have children with many women and none of them will be ever called “daddy”. Then, those children learn to live in the streets or in houses full of social problems and without any role models apart from living in gangs and multiplying their useless population even further. In the US Negroes represent 14% of the population but at the same time 50% of the prison population. As for the Black on White rape in the United States in 2005 Negroes “achieved” a record high number of 32443 rapes but in the years 2003-2006 the White on Black rape was “0”. Apart from that Negroes are marked a few points higher in American schools so they could pass and they drop out from schools 4 times more often then White students. Even taking into account the White apartheid agenda (“positive discrimination”) and mass over representation in the media 80% of all Negroes in the US and the UK are unemployed. Problem with Negroes is not just only that they are Black but that they have black minds. There is an old saying: “you can take a nigger out of the jungle but you will never take a jungle out of a nigger” and this is something what White liberals and White whores cannot understand.

Besides, the subculture of Negroes, the way they behave, litter everywhere and make noise for no reason are also very tiring. Every Black ghetto is dirty because Negroes don’t know what a rubbish bin is for. Negroes hold their hands publicly in intimate places spitting on the ground and making an incredible noise. Two Negroes are able to make more noise than 10 or 20 Whites or Chinese. If someone ever waited at a bus stop with Blacks he knows how loudly they behave and he could also see that White people are disgusted with their behavior and they keep distance purely for those reasons. When a Black, obese breeding machines and their numerous offspring rush on the bus they scream, they make silly faces and then they sometimes wrestle and scratch themselves below the waist. When a Black man uses headphones on the bus the whole bus listens with him, then he eats smelly food, he keeps his legs on the seat, he yells at the driver to stop and then he throws sandwich paper on the street and spits on the ground. That’s why it is a “nigger” and in Black ghettos it is by the way one of the most popular words. In a Black ghetto every shop was robbed, drugs can be bought like fruit and vegetables, crimes are far above average and 80% -95% are on benefits. Property market in the Black ghettos lose in value by about 30% – 50% and a good example here is England and the USA. Whites have tried to civilize Negroes for centuries but in my point of view it is a tragic utopia which requires a lot of victims and is impossible to achieve.

My critics would say that not every Negro is like that and that Blacks also work in prestigious places. Of course they would be right because there are exceptions everywhere but on the other hand Negroes stand the lowest in the civilization ladder and behind every Black man working in an office there are 10 white men who worked hard to send him there. In addition, Negroes in the West are the most over-represented ethnic group and have privileges such as “positive discrimination” (read: the politics of apartheid against Whites).

nigger attack

The cultural “enrichment” of Europe. Let’s hope this picture would teach Blacks to not to jump on cars.

What is very important, the Jewish media are silent about the genocide on White people in South Africa and they are silent that for the last 10 years Negroes have committed about 3 million crimes against Whites. In South Africa the African normality is as follows: a bunch of Black men breaks into a White family’s home, they beat and bind the husband, they rape his wife in front of him and then they kill both of them and their children. Then they burn their house and leave – and this is exactly the way how the politically correct White societies will one day burn in the liberal holocaust. There isn’t a greater racists in the world than a Negro. Since 1994 in South Africa, because of the Marxist and racist criminal Nelson Mandela, Negroes murdered 90.000 White Afrikaners and that’s why I want to ask a very important question: what life will look like for the White minority in Europe in 50 years time if we are to be surrounded by Negroes, Muslims and the light-skinned Jewish elite managing the Black Hell of Europe?

If Negroes do not reform themselves then another 1,000 years will pass and “still Whites would be blamed for all the wrongs”. It was White men who gave Blacks medicines and vaccines, White men built Negroes schools and hospitals and White men gave Blacks electricity and even access to clean water. I tell my critics that the problem with Negroes does not exist only in Africa but wherever they appear. They’ve had a lot of chances. On the other hand there is something good in every race and culture but according to my observations Negroes who “have grown to become people” are those who “act White”. Those Negroes want to have a family with White people, they want to have White friends, they want to work in the White surroundings and they listen to the music created by White man – but on the other hand those Negroes are disgusted with traditional Blacks, they don’t want have anything to do with them and they consider their culture to be wrong and inferior. A good example are Black women living in America who say openly that “they want to have children with White men so they are better than ordinary niggers.” Michael Jackson was disgusted with Negroes so much that he even changed his race and rich Negroes also make their skin whiter through special treatments. Racism among Blacks is extremely rough what can be confirmed by the fact that 91% of all murders in America are committed by Blacks on Blacks. (On a side note I recommend a work titled “The Color of Crime”, published by the US Department of Justice).

Negros, The cultural &#8220;enrichment&#8221; of Europe; part I &#8216;Negroes&#8217;, Compass Travel Guide

Attention, shocking paragraph! Has anyone ever heard a Negro referring to “his rich African cultural heritage”? Let’s take a look. There is for example a nomadic tribe wandering from Kenya to Somalia where children are taught to suck cows’ menstrual matter. The whole tribe picks up the cow’s tail up and lick the cow’s vagina with blood and urine. According to the local belief licking the cows’ vagina cow gives future warriors strength and courage. What’s even more interesting, the ingredients in the cows’ menstrual blood increase the men’s testicles by about 75%. Tourists come from all over the world to see the Negroes overgrown testicles and of course how they drink cows’ urine. Another tribe of Negroes takes baths in a cow’s urine and they rub cow’s dried shit into their skin to protect them from insects. Bestiality by the way is a common habit in African tribes. I don’t want to be mean but they are dream husbands for the European feminist and liberal idiots. After all, we are all equal??? (This paragraph does not mean that these are the only aspects of the African culture but on the other hand that kind of rock bottom is represented only by Negroes.)

After the Second World War South Korea was at the economic level of India, Japan was devastated by atomic bombs, Europe was destroyed because of the Jewish conspiracy and the post-war Eastern Europe was being destroyed for 50 years by communism. However, each of those countries and regions has either become an economic tiger or can tell its success stories. Africa on the hand, although has oceans of natural resources and should be the richest continent in the world, unfortunately it will be always the poorest because it is inhabited by the most stupid and wild beings walking the Earth. Where there is Black there will be always bad, there will be always extreme poverty and extreme social problems, drugs and crime ghettos of the size of entire continents – but instead of work and desire to build there will be also a very demanding attitude to life and an ongoing search for those guilty of the Black incompetence. Africa has 1 billion Negroes who are able to work, who are able to build industry, infrastructure and various sectors of economy, but unfortunately Africa will be forever extremely poor and always for one reason: that reason is a destructive and criminal Negroid.

If I had to list the Negroes who elevated the Black race to a higher level I would mention Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). Muhammad Ali was great not only because he had hard fist but because he had the mind and he agreed with my views. Ali advocated racial purity, he considered interracial relationships as inferior and taught Blacks that he did not want his children to have blue eyes and light skin. He just wanted Whites to leave him alone and just let him to be Black – and that is why I consider him to be the greatest. I would also want to include to my list people such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela but they only deserve contempt because they sang to Negroes only one song: “If you fall down in the street and knock your teeth out it is because White men laid the pavement”Besides, Nelson Mandela began the White Genocide in South Africa and because of the laws introduced by him the genocide of White farmers still continues in South Africa as evidenced by the mass graves commemorating those crimes – and precisely for those “achievements” the British government built him a monument in London. There are also other ones, classic blues and jazz performers, Tina Turner, Chuck Berry and Black athletes, but it is important to remember that those Negroes were successful because they left behind their wrong African wildness and they were enlightened by the light of the White civilization. However, the biggest Black heroes of Africa are the Catholic priests because they civilize, teach and make Africa a better place.

KFC black people

KFC – Negroes’ delicacy.

I hope that one day Negroes would read my article because the entire Black population is desperate to hear the truth because the truth forces to reflect on their actions and draw conclusions!

The overwhelming Black population

However, the most terrifying fact is that the completely worthless African population multiplies faster than venereal diseases among British sodomites. Currently, the population of Africa stands at 1.2bn but according to the UN in 2050 the population of Africa will increase by 42m annually and will exceed 2.4bn. As we know the Negro breeding season never ends, and that’s why according to the United Nations in 2100 the population of Africa will reach minimum 4bn but could even get to 5.6bn. Currently 60% of Blacks in Africa are below 25 years old and only 8% are older than 60. In Europe on the other hand, even taking into account the African – Muslim invasion there are only 30% young people and 16% old and unfortunately those numbers will work to even our greater disadvantage in the coming years. Unfortunately the bad news do not end here because in the US there is almost 38m Negroes, in Canada nearly 1m, in Europe another 5m, in Brazil 15m, about 200.000 in Australia and in the Caribbean another 30 million Negroes. Still however I haven’t listed all the regions and probably before I finish writing this article we will have an additional 1 million Negroes, what means that without any doubt we can speak about the “niggerization of the world”. It is also important to add that with a huge population of Negroes there will be more pandemics because Africa is the cradle of all fatal diseases. However, even if Africa went through a super-ebola or another lethal virus wiping out 1bn Negroes than in Europe and America where they are surrounded by the White medical care not even one would die, what means that an African epidemic in Africa would not solve our problem.

On the basis of the evidence that I have collected I came to conclusion that the further breeding of Negroes does not make any sense and it is a crime against humanity. If in 2100 the world population jumps to 11bn and if its most valuable White element is reduced only to 5% of that population and if it is murdered by dark savages, first it will mean great hunger and then return to the new Dark Ages. Blacks might be happy that there would be no Whites anymore but without Whites there will be no medical care and no benefits and that’s why it is in the great interest of Negroes to take a good care of White people.


I have to state with great regret that all those who want to push the White civilization to the new Stone Age should just vote for the “progressive” communists and Jews operating under the false banner of democracy and tolerance, while the rest will be done by the Muslim and African element. With the intelligence of a rat, a moral backbone equal to locusts, a Gypsy ambition and unstoppable appetite for murder and rape every fanatical Arab and wild Negroid would change the White Christian civilization beyond recognition. Blacks are the only ones who never created any civilization and even their folk beliefs were based only on cursing other Blacks. A breakthrough came when Whites introduced Christianity so Negroes could at least stop eating each other.

I remind all promoters of race mixing that nation is a race and race is a nation and if a nation gives away its women to alien races, then such nation dies. Women are the foundation of a family, nation, tradition, survival and the genetic heritage of the tribe. For that reason White women should be of the highest value and they must be always protected with the highest priority. When another, alien race comes to a White tribe first it conquers its women in order to denationalize them genetically by producing alien children. Then they kill all men and boys or they invent a policy of weakness in order to make men feminine and therefore not able to fight against the hostile hordes. This is now happening in Europe.


Sorry, there is one thing that Negroes have invented. In America Negroes invented a game called “the polar bear hunting” what means that a Negroid picks a European person in the street (man, woman, child) and without any reason knocks him/her out, usually by hitting in the back of the head. When a White person falls to the ground and loses consciousness then it means that the Negroid has “hunted a polar bear.” This is a completely unprovoked attack on a White person where the only goal is to have “fun”. Once they carried out an interview with a White woman who was knocked out that way and everyone expected that she would hate all Negroes and that she would at least say that she would like all of them to be deported to Africa. However, the Negroid who knocked her out hit the local queen of liberalism who concluded that in that case Whites should offer Blacks better education and pay them higher benefits, so they don’t do it anymore – and that’s why White people are finished.
Negros, The cultural &#8220;enrichment&#8221; of Europe; part I &#8216;Negroes&#8217;, Compass Travel Guide

On the left: African woman left free in Africa so she could continue her culture and develop technological progress. On the right: the descendants of African slaves who were forcibly taken to a country of White people.

Many Whites, in countries such as England, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, USA and Canada are so infinitely stupid that they would feel more offended by my article than Negroes. The above example of “the polar bear hunting” shows that Negroes have automatic innocence policy given to them by Whites.

On behalf of the sensible White men, I ask that we send all Negroes back to Africa and then we give them KFC, rap, counterfeit golden jewelry, alcohol, drugs, blind police and inflatable white dolls. That’s all they need to be happy.

Read part two . . .

Replies to the prosecutor’s allegations regarding this article: “The Cultural Enrichment of Europe; part I Negroes” ==========================================================

“The Cultural Enrichment of Europe, part 1 Negroes “– is also an article about the fact, that the Left is not able to withstand the criticism of people of colour, because they use Blacks to achieve their own political and economic wins, at the expense of innocent white people. For this reason, criticism of Blacks is forbidden under the regime of the whip of racism.


I would like to remind that in 2017 the so-called ‘Organization of Monitoring Racism and Xenophobia’ in Poland sent a report on my article: ‘The Cultural Enrichment of Europe, part 1 Negroes’ to the prosecutor’s office in one Polish town, but the investigation was immediately dropped. This case would be forgotten, but in 2018 the main informer of the far-left /anti-white cesspit felt very jelaous, when he found out that I was in the Philippines. He saw the pictures of beautiful landscapes and beaches where I was, and it was because of this enormous jealousy that I was there and he wasn’t, he informed the police again! The anti-Polish informer (scum) and the founder of that company (prick), who is also a criminal on the run, forgot that they could go to the Philippines too, and admire the natural beauty, if they hadn’t chosen a career of: informers, spies, traitors, internal enemies, etc.

This time however, those informers filed a report to the pro-Banderist prosecutor who has been waging his private war against Poles for years. It’s a very common opinion, and I have not come up with anything new about it. Perhaps I will write more about him in another article. Now I would like to concentrate only on the prosecutor’s allegations, regarding my article about Blacks.


My article about Negroes is not an insult to Negroes. I talk mainly about the plague of crimes and the huge number of social problems that exist among them. Black gangs in Britain and the US take a murderous toll, as evidenced by hundreds of murders each year. Blacks also organize regular riots in the streets, during which they burn cars and shops, and they do all of that under the umbrella of ‘fighting racism’. In my article, I have included evidence from ‘The Color of Crime’, published by the US Department of Justice, but also my personal experiences. One of them was the riots in the Black crime ghetto of Brixton, London, where I lived for two years. Notorious theft, homicides, drugs, vandalism, arson – these are the charms of the companionship of blacks.

‘90% of crimes in America are commited by Blacks on Whites.’


– The American Department of Justice

Whilsts living with Negroes I’ve see a lot of notorious crimes, and once I also saw a corpse in the morning, because the ‘black brothers’ were slauthering each other at night. Every evening we barricaded the doors and windows in our flats, but twice the Negroes got in to our flat with knives in their hands anyway. They only stole our phones, but they were so stoned that even if I gave them a banana, they would take it and run away. Unfortunately, but the most rampant crime and most social problems exists in all black areas, but at the same time there is hardly any willingness to work and a very demanding attitude to life. When I wanted to report a burglary with knives at an English police station, the policewoman replied, “This is Brixton, be glad they didn’t cut you.”

I want to make it clear that the brazen and intrusive accusations of the anti-Polish clique: ‘Organization of Monitoring Racism and Xenophobia’ + the Banderist prosecutor are of course caused by malice, but above all by a desire to repress Poles. I also heard opinions that the prosecutor’s office in Warsaw Praga North at 5 Jagiellońska Street is no longer a unit of the Polish police, but the executive body of the Zionists in Poland!

‘Afro Americans’ make up 12.61% of the US population, but they are responsible for: 32.5% of rapes, 34.1% of assualts, 54.9% of burglaries and acts of violence, and 49.4% of all murders. Additionally 91% of murdered ‘Afro Americans’ are killed by other ‘Afro Americans’.


– Source: 2010 US Census, and 2012 FBI Crime Statistics

!!! It is worth recalling that the vast majority of killings in London have nothing to do with the alleged “racism”, that the Left continues to perpetuate. The vast majority of victims are black men, who according to the BBC and MetPolice reports, in each case were killed by other black men. The problem here is with black gangs, their drug trafficking, constant struggle for influence, and knives as the black gang’s killing weapons. In 2018, 135 people were killed in London, what means that it is getting worse because in 2017 in London there had been 116 homicides; and according to The Guardian, in 2019 there were as many as 149 homicides. For comparison, according to the statistics of the Warsaw Police Headquarters, in 2018 there were 15 homicides. An English policeman will never say this, but the number of murders is in line with the black population in the given area, and if blacks are “brothers”, as they like to call each other, than those brothers should be called Cain and Abel. Therefore, when I advice to send all blacks back to Africa, the English and Americans still call these words “racism”, while I call them: common sense.

According to the national census, blacks make up 13.4% of the US population, but according to the source ‘Color of Justice’, which deals with the prison population by race, there are states in the US where half of the black population is already behind bars. The news from ‘The Sentecing Project’ is also interesting. For example in Louisiana, blacks make up 32% of the state population, but at the same time they make 67.8% of the prison population. In Maryland, blacks make up 29.2% of the state’s population, but a whooping 72% of the prison population.

In case I am accused here of ‘spreading racial hatred’ or ‘promoting totalitarianism’, here’s a source to one of the many articles on the subject. The anti-white Left is well aware of that, and that’s why they wrote a series of articles about how badly Negroes feel, that they are being stopped and searched by the police, and apparently how bad it is for their mental health; while deliberately avoiding statistical data. In my opinion, the truth is not racist. The truth is simply true.

I’m not saying that all blacks are murderers and drug dealers. Absolutely not! I like some black people myself. I like some songs of Tina Turner, and I consider boxers like Muhammad Ali and Roy Jones Jr. to be artists. However, I am against black immigration to Europe and against race mixing, because of the small population of native Europeans, and the huge population of blacks. Small European countries need to protect themselves because they can be replaced by other races and cultures even in a peaceful way. Such things have already happened in history.

Briefly, the number of children per woman is:

Germany 1.57, Netherlands 1.66, Belgium 1.68, France 1.92, Poland 1.39, Russia 1.66, USA 1.76, Canada 1.50, Czech Republic 1.63, Australia 1.76. My conclusion is: the inevitable end of the white civilization, because at least 2.50 generational replacement level is needed to sustain a given ethnic and cultural group. Why is it not 2.00? Because some die of cancer, others die in car accidents, and others are homosexual who won’t have children.

The population of Africa in 2020 is 1.216 billion. According to the UN forecasts, the population of Africa will double from 1.2 billion people to 2.5 billion in 2050. According to the UN, Africa remains the region with the highest fertility rate, with 4.7 children per woman. The fertility is lowest in Europe, at 1.6 children per woman. Illiteracy in the sub-Saharan Africa stands at 35%, so only on that basis I believe that the cultural enrichment of Europe by Negroes is a lie, a burden, and it will certainly set Europe back in development. While I’m writing this fact-based article, blacks are demolishing southern Italy. It can be easily checked.

I respond to the bitter grievances presented by the anti-Polish far-left prosecutor, and my responses to his accusations:

Below I will refer one by one to those quotes from my article, which became so painful for the prosecutor and the far-left informers. In his opinion, this is an ‘incitement to racial hatred’ (Art. 256 of the Polish penal code) and ‘promotion of totalitarian state’ (Art. 257 of the Polish penal code). (I feel that if I was a Ukrainian, I could even praise the Volhynia Massacre on the streets of Warsaw, and that prosecutor would pretend to not to hear it. Because I’m a Pole, unfortunately the truth is the biggest problem for him.)

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik called dark skinned people ‘niggers’.

First of all I want to clarify that I didn’t call all coloured people ‘niggers’. I just named Negroes that way. I took the word ‘nigger’ from the English language, and from equivalent words such as ‘negro’, ‘negro people’ and ‘negroid’. These words have always been used to describe Africans, and are still legally used today. The words ‘negro’, ‘negro people’ or ‘negroid’, simply put have the same meaning as ‘blacks’ and ‘niggers’. I would like to remind that there are also countries such as Niger and Nigeria. A negro in French is ‘le negre’, and in Spanish ‘hombre negro’.

With the ‘progress’ of political correctness, the Marxists looked for ways to remove the words which didn’t suit them. In Poland, they wanted to remove the word ‘murzyn’, but they failed, because ‘murzyn’ is too closely related to the Polish language. There is a fairy tale about a black boy called murzyn Bambo, and there is a murzyn cake, because that cake is black. The word ‘nigger’ is a weapon that the anti-white Marxists use to beat the heads of white people, so that we are not only afraid to speak, but also afraid to think. Living in a black criminal ghetto, I noticed that Negroes talked to each other like that all the time, and the word ‘nigger’ is their most popular word. A famous black rapper Snoop Dog even sings the song: ‘Run nigger run’ – In this song he even calls himself: ‘a nigger’.

‘You fucking nigger! You owe me 20 pounds.’ – ‘ Hey nigger, you will wait another week.”


– During my walk in a housing estate in Brixton (London), where Negroes shouted to each other from windows.

The problem is that whites who were brought up on political correctness and the ideology of white guilt, stroke and pumper blacks just to not to offend them. English police are even afraid to arrest them for drug trafficking, also to not to be accused of “racism”. However, blacks organize themselves into gangs and kill hundreds of victims with knives each year. The problem is so serious that in England, black gang members even want to be famous. They record videos on Youtube where they boast about their blades, and the BBC recorded an interview with them. People like the anti-white prosecutor, and the far-left informers that sued me, want to place Poles at the altar of political correctness.

‘When words loose their meaning, people loose their freedom’.


– Confucius

If blacks chase each other with knives in the streets and they call themselves niggers, why should I apologize for using that word ??? This word is also used frequently in American movies. Let me add that the word ‘nigger’ is not my favorite and I use it rarely, but I don’t feel guilty for saying it.

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik called dark skinned people ‘dark-skinned savages’.

I didn’t call all blacks that way, but only some of them because they deserve it. It is true that the black savages sets fire and demolishes cities, and unfortunately these crimes are tolerated by the mainstream politics and media out of political correctness, and due to the over-representation of Negroes who have the monopoly on being ex-slaves.

In Africa, the Caribbean and Papua New Guinea there are still primitive, wild tribes that are illiterate, have no contact with civilization, and wear straw bands, with sticks in their noses and with spears in their hands. When it comes to technological progress, the blacks are unfortunately the most primitive and are the only ones who didn’t create any civilization. Until recently, when black people in Papua New Guinea saw a landing plane, they approached it ‘to feed the great bird’. However, I emphasize that I don’t call all Negroes savages, and I point out that those who have achieved success, only achieved it because such opportunity was given to them by white people.

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik called black women ‘fat, black breeding machines’.

Unfortunately, this is often the case, even though the media presents black women as models. I’ve seen over and over again how fat black women stand at bus stops with a lot of kids they can’t handle. Then they get on the bus with screaming children and burgers and fries in their hands, and all the passengers listen to that concert and the sniff greasy fries and spicy chicken. Whoever hasn’t lived with them doesn’t know how it is, but these are the realities. I would like to add that bus stops are always the dirtiest places in black districts, because Negroes still don’t know how to use garbage boxes, even though they have lived in Europe and the USA for over 5 generations now.

If anyone needs proof of my words, let them do research on that subject by themselves. Most black women are very fat and they have a lot of children. I think their obesity is partly due to their genes (Somali women), and due to eating KFC, which is a Negro delicacy.

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik made a statement with the following content: ‘With the intelligence of a rat, a moral backbone equal to locusts, a Gypsy ambition and unstoppable appetite for murder and rape, every fanatical Arab and wild Negroid would change the White Christian civilization beyond recognition.’

– Fanatical Arab ‘ – first of all, I shouldn’t have put here:’ fanatical Arab’, because it is not an article about Muslims. However, because it is already here, this cliche is about religious fanaticism and Muslim terrorism, and I do support my opinion. I like traveling in Muslim countries, but mixing our cultures is very dangerous. Poland didn’t have any terrorist attacks and it didn’t have a plague of rape, because we didn’t take Muslim ‘refugees’. Plagues of Muslim rape took place in England, Sweden and Germany, what the mainstream media also wrote about.
It is clearly written in the Koran that ‘Muslims must conquer new lands for the cause of Allah, and that wives of the infidels will be their war booty’. I believe that there are a lot of Muslims in Europe, whom I personally call “sleeping wolves”. They just wait for the right moment. Let me remind you that on the surface they seem to be very gentle and pro-European.

– ‘Wild Negroid’ – I think that I have already clarified that point. ‘Wild’ means criminal and a gang member. Armed black militias organize to conduct bloody revolutions, including vandalism and arson. The weight of evidence is overwhelming. ‘Negroid’ is an older word for Africans, which is avoided for being politically incorrect. In England, the bloated heads specializing at liberalism and white guilt tried to change the term describing Negroes, but every time, after a while each one of those words turned out to be so ‘offensive’ that they invented a new word. One by one they were: negroid, negros, negro people, blacks, black people, Africans, African people, coloured, Afro Americans.

By the way: has anyone ever heard Negroes referring to: ‘their rich African cultural heritage’?

– ‘With the intelligence of a rat, a moral backbone equal to locusts, a Gypsy ambition and unstoppable appetite for murder and rape, every fanatical Arab and wild Negroid would change the White Christian civilization beyond recognition.’- I emphasize that this is not my opinion about the entire black population. There are Negroes who work and cause no problems, but they still have the highest unemployment rate. There are whole estates in England where nobody works. I remember pubs in black neighborhoods, which were always full of black people from early morning until closing. Black people themselves admitted that they had such benefits that it was not profitable for them to work. The British Government calls these ghettos “disadvantaged areas”, what should translate into “areas of poor management system”. Why are they so disadvantaged? Nobody would dare to admit it, but it’s because these are black ghettos, gang lands, drug areas, and the local capital cities of unemployment. For example, in the USA whites constituted the majority of the workforce, as much as 78%, while blacks only 13% (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics). Less than 17% of blacks in the US are unemployed (source:, although there would be probably a lot more if at least half of the black population in each state were no longer jailed for murder, rape and drugs (sources listed above).

ATTENTION WOMEN ! ! ! As for the “rat intelligence” itself, I would like to give you one more proof that I didn’t talk about all Negroes. Therefore, if you are a lonely, old, ugly, fat woman, and you have posted a photo of a nice house and a luxury car (which are usually not yours) on your Facebook account, and if you have praised (your neighbor’s) fairytale vacation, it is very possible that you will be contacted by a “NIGERIAN PRINCE”. The ‘Nigerian Prince’ is a black bullshit expert, trained to pull money from you. He will write to you in broken English that you are beautiful and young, that he is in love with you, and that as soon as you send him the money, he will come to you and fulfill your every wish. Of course, after sending the money, the ‘Nigerian prince’ never writes back. The so-called ‘Nigerian fraud’ is also a scam trap for young and pretty women, who have no brains. Then a Black Prince might even come to her to make her pregnant, and so she could help him to get European documents; but as soon as he achieves that, he runs away with the same story to another naive woman . . . . . over and over again.

Lagos, Nigeria is the scam capital of the world. Over there, false British visas can be bought in the street, and for meetings at the British embassy, in order to get real visas, sometimes eight Blacks come with the same papers, the same photo, and with the same naive story. I was told in an English bank that in Nigeria there are even courses on how to fraud English banks, but fortunately Negroes do it very inefficiently. That’s why their best deception is still the ‘Nigerian prince’.                                                                                                                                                            By the way, those kinds of frauds are also practiced by Indians and Gypsies. My advice: if you’re looking for love, don’t search the internet for it. Also, don’t buy anything over the phone, and never give your name address and account number over the phone. Just hang up immediately. This one is seemingly simple advice, but the losses are in billions. I know that whatever I do or say, it is just the ‘Nazi propaganda’, so why don’t we read what the FBI thinks about it:

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik wrote: “further breeding of Negroes is pointless and it is a crime against humanity.”

The population of Africa in 2020 is 1,216 billion. According to the UN forecasts, the population of Africa will double from the current 1.3 billion inhabitants (2020) to 2.5 billion in 2050. According to the UN, Africa remains the region with the highest fertility rate, with 4.7 children per woman. According to the UN, the population of Africa will reach over 4 – 4.3 billion in 2100, which is about 40% of the global population. If the planet is to survive, it is a crime against humanity, because the Earth will not be able to feed 8.8 billion people and provide them with a decent life. I believe that a one-child policy should be introduced in Africa from tomorrow, as it is in China; or preferably 1 generation without children. Additionally, Africa doesn’t need advanced weapons to conquer Europe. They only need mass emigration across the Mediterranean Sea, and liberals in European governments. The population of Nigeria alone will be 400 million by 2050, and nearly 800 million by 2100. Such a huge population of Negroes is unnecessary and harmful, especially since 22% are still illiterate. So I stand by my opinion.

“Crime against humanity” – this term is only a personal opinion; a point of view. For example, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said that in his opinion: “Islamophobia is a crime against humanity.” I disagree with his opinion, but I’m sure there are people who probably agree with him. My phrase “crime against humanity” should also be understood in the same way as the opinion of the Turkish president. I don’t force people to agree with me.

THE WORK QUALITY OF BLACKS. I have experience in this matter in case anyone sees ‘workforce in Negroes’. Well, while working in the office I saw how blacks slept during working their working hours and they also entertained each other, talking about what they ate and what they bought recently. The head of our department complained that the work was not moving forward, but due to political correctness he could not fire blacks from work, and due to the top-down ordinance he organized another ‘Black History Month’. In other words, the task of the whites was to lift the blacks above the clouds, because of their appparent ‘Great Contribution’. If blacks are present in the office as employees, this means that white people must work harder to keep them there.

Black shop assistants move very slowly and are not interested in the customer service. They just look around and gosspi, and work is something they do in addition to the conversation.

At the construction site, whites workers hired a negro to see how he works. Well, the negro walked around the construction site, from time to time he swept , even though it wasn’t necessary, but because it was the lightest job, so he did it purely out of boredom. At that time, the white men were carrying heavy cement bags of 25 kg each, and they asked the black man to help them. The response of a Negro was: “Why me? Is it because I’m black?” Based on these examples, I think that hiring Negroes is a waste of time, money, and nerves.

Of course, there are also blacks who work reliably, who are honest and try to show whites their good side. This has spawned black-made terms such as “acting white” and “black struggle” in the US and the UK; meaning that blacks want to act like whites. However, in my opinion, and also in general terms, the black population in Europe and the US is rather lazy with a very relaxed approach to work. For example the Chinese work like ants, the working day for Indians is too short, but whatever blacks have to do in one day, would probably take them a week . . . or forever. In addition, the British Government makes us understand that when white people work, it is a norm which is not worth talking about (I agree) – but when blacks go to work, the British Government gives blacks a standing ovation, preaching about their ‘Great Contribution for England’, because they were at work too! Goerge Orwell is still so much alive !!!

I, for example, don’t know how to work with Negroes to not to offend them, and I think the English people don’t know it neither.

Anti-Polish far-left prosecutor: Martin Malik wrote: “On behalf of the sensible White men, I ask that we send all Negroes back to Africa and then we give them KFC, rap, counterfeit golden jewelry, alcohol, drugs, blind police and inflatable white dolls. That’s all they need to be happy.”

I stand firmly by the above. I am against African immigration to Europe, and I don’t want to hide it. On the other hand, as long as Negroes are in Africa, I wish them all the best. I want them to live in peace, happiness and prosperity, and I want to have what they like the most, and which is what I have listed below:

Negroes love rap, hip-hop, KFC, alcohol and drugs, so I wish them that. All Negroes smoke marijuana and many smoke crack. There is even a saying that Jamaicans are born with a twist, and they laugh at it.

‘Blind Police’ means a politicaly correct police as it is in England. This police doesn’t see blacks stealing and dealing drugs in a broad daylight. I know it because I’ve seen it many times with my own eyes.

‘Inflatable white dolls’ mean white women. It is a belief that blacks will take any woman as long as she is white. It doesn’t matter how fat and ugly she is, as long as she’s white. The ‘white inflatable dolls’ also symbolize the irresponsibility of those women, as they too weaken the white civilization, while further increasing the mad population of Africa. Here are the results of the ‘Single Parents Statistics’ in the UK from the 20th of February 2020. They did a research by race, and found out that among blacks it is 24% and among whites 10% of single parent families. Even all the left-wing English women know that as soon as a Negroid impregnates one woman, he immediately looks for another one, and the probability of becoming a single mother when the father is black, is like 1 to 4. These are the facts, and it’s a pity that the ‘stupid English dolls’ didn’t know about it 20 years earlier. It is a major social problem in England, and there is always a wide variety of black children to choose from orphanages in the UK.

I once asked a black man why they love to wear thick gold chains. He replied that they used to be slaves and had to wear iron chains, and now as free people they also wear chains, but made of gold. So I confirm that I want to give black fake gold jewelry. Leftist prosecutor! Where’s totalitarianism and insult here ???

‘They don’t need more to be happy’ – I don’t think so. Black people are not an ambitious and hard-working race. Give them everything I described above and they will be very happy. On top of that, I forgot to mention the hairdressing salons, which are a part of black culture. The whole district meets at the black barber’s. Blacks talk over there, they make fancy hairstyles, they stick their plastic nails, eat KFC, buy cannabis, and sell stolen goods.


I would also like to write a few words about racial segregation, which I promote in this article, and which is defined as ‘disgusting views’ by the nations of silent white victims. Attention, I’m opening your eyes:

– Abraham Lincoln, who fought for the abolishment of slavery, and who fought for the rights of Blacks, also wanted to send ex-slaves back to Africa or other tropical regions, with their consent and the consent of the authorities of the country where they were to be settled.

– World famous black activist Malcolm X: While the civil rights movement fought against racial segregation, Malcolm X advocated the complete separation of African Americans from Whites. He proposed that African Americans shall return to Africa, while in America there should be a separate country only for black people.

– The famous boxer Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) repeatedly spoke out against mixed relationships. In fact, he despised them.

“Interracial marriage without trying to give kids a sense of identity and pride in that identity is damn stupid.”

Muhammad Ali

I present a conversation titled ‘the racial integration’, which a politically correct Englishman did with Muhammad Ali. Ali told the white idiot about his racial identity and how he disgraces his fellow white people, because he doesn’t want his children to be white like him –

It is worth paying attention here to the hypocrisy of the anti-white system. When blacks call for racial segregation, it is “respect for the will of the persecuted ethnic minority.” But when whites call for racial segregation, it is “fascism, white supremacy, racism and xenophobia.” This kind of policy is generally used in the so-called ‘democratic countries’, where everyone is ‘equal’.


I absolutely do not think that every black person is a criminal, but I live with them and I know them so well, that I won’t let anyone to scare me or blackmail me with white guilt and racism. The biggest dream of every Negro is to get to the former colonizers and slave traders, and once they come to Europe and get all the benefits and privilages, they start to grow horns, claws and sharp fangs. In London for example, throwing acid still leads to a mild shock, but mass killings with knives do not anymore. As the Muslim mayor of London said: “Crime is part of living in a big city.” The killers are mostly blacks, but the motto of the British government is still: “Diversity is our strength.” Whites don’t go to many parts of English cities anymore, and politicians supporting multiculturalism only go there with protection, and in knife-proof vests. ‘Diversity is their strength’.

Besides, I emphasize that Poland never had colonies nor black slaves, and that’s why I don’t owe blacks any apology, any special treatment or money. I know that ‘being a victim of slavery and racism’ is the main branch of the black economy in Europe and the US, but this is their wrong point of view, created by the media hostile to the European civilization.

I’ve already said everything I wanted about blacks, and I hope that I won’t have to come back to this topic, because I simply got bored of it. I hope I won’t be provoked anymore. Anyway, sooner or later the blacks will remind us about themselves. I would love to go to Africa to meet black people there, perhaps from a slightly different perspective. I sincerely wish black people well, but in the countries of white civilization they simply cannot stay. From generation to generation, blacks are brought up to believe that whites are their enemies, and that whites should give them everything for free, for the wrongs they have suffered. They absolutely must return to Africa and Jamaica, because otherwise the pain will continue to worsen for both sides, and the Left’s monopoly on power will continue. Blacks should be paid to accept a voluntary repatriation policy, be paid to submit their European passports, be paid for free one-way flights to safe countries of their ethnic origin, and then maintain peace. I would start with illegal immigrants, prisoners, career criminals, and those who have been economically inactive for more than 3 months. I wonder how many blacks would qualify to stay in Europe then ? ? ?

Moreover, I repeat that I want the best for Negroes in Africa, and I think that from the right-wing point of view it makes sense. If there was peace and prosperity in Africa, blacks wouldn’t risk their lives on their way to Europe, and they wouldn’t have to drown in the Mediterranean Sea. Let them live well in Africa, because then they wouldn’t want to emigrate to Europe. In such a scenario we could develop better trade to the benefit of both sides.




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