UK elections 2024
UK elections 2024
Despite the globalists’ war on British national identity, the recent elections showed that some English people are opening their eyes. Most however did not bother to vote or behaved like carps voting for Christmas. Although the right wing achieved good results, it was cheated by an unfair electoral system and was blatantly robbed of dozens of seats in the British Parliament. Left-wing extremists under many names have come to power, who have been waging a fierce war against the English for decades using their own money. Power in 2024 was taken over by the Bolshevik Labour Party which will continue to destroy traditional England and Christian morality, under dictatorship of the Jewish globalists.
Internal enemies in power
All parties in Great Britain are the Left, whose main ideology is based on liberalism and is subject to pressure from globalists. Britain will continue to be ruled by internal enemies united by hatred of white people and their culture and hatred of everything that is British. On the other hand they share love for degeneracy, political Islam, and global Bolshevism which is called Zionism to confuse its victims.
The Conservatives were useless in all matters, so their great defeat was only an expression of their weakness. They were unable to fix the economy, health care and the housing crisis, but they “fixed” the massive illegal invasion by legalizing the stay of millions of military-age men from Africa, India and Muslim countries. When the pseudo-conservatives were in power, the homeless population also increased significantly, and this is the only group where there is a lack of diversity, because all the homeless are English. On the other hand the same party, ‘conservative’ by name only, plays on patriotic feelings and has no problem accommodating an invasive population in many shades of black.
The pseudo-conservative party, with its Indian prime minister whom no one elected, was embarrassing. For 14 years when the pseudo-conservatives were in power I also watched the BBC propaganda machine. It’s unbelievable that BBC can talk for years about the housing crisis and not even once use the word ‘immigration’. I despise BBC… and I believe that maintaining these apparatchiks is a crime against British people. What’s more, they have the nerve to ask for a paid license so that the British people could watch their lies and double standards.

UK general elections 2024.
It might seem that things couldn’t get any worse, but the red disease has appeared on the political horizon in the UK, spewing hatred, disgust and betrayal towards the English. Labour will abolish the Britain we knew many years ago and still hoped for. The Labour Party is hideous Bolshevism, which on Zionist strings will continue political Islam, biological warfare through race mixing, and of course promotion of degeneracy. Great Britain no longer has borders and the English have no idea that they live under a communist regime. The English are the least educated people in Europe and the lowest English social class is very low; so it is easier for Jews to rule such a mob.
The prime minister has become the Zionist Keir Starmer, who supported among other things genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and who has repeatedly contradicted himself in various interviews over time. Just like David Cameron, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Rishi Sunak and Sadiq Khan – they are all puppets in the hands of the global Jewish mafia. I just hope that ‘Britolshevik’ Keir Starmer would not start another war against innocent Muslims in the interests of Israel. Tony Blair did that, so in this case terrorism and war crimes would be a continuation of the Labour Party tradition. Even without this, the war in England will continue but without a single shot being fired.
.“I don’t care what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire,… The man who controls the money supply in Britain controls the British Empire. I control the money supply.”
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) – London financier, one of the founders of the international Rothschild banking dynasty.
I think however that the greatest symbol of the farce of British power are the so-called English Lords. Most of them are not even English, but Jews hiding behind English surnames. They don’t need any votes because they elect themselves, so people in the UK can vote for whoever they want. It doesn’t matter. There are also a few dark-skinned dummies as lords to maintain ‘equality and inclusivity’, but this just is another theatre. What makes me laugh the most in that group however are the English clowns dressed in comical costumes, especially when they make serious faces; as if they knew how much 2 + 2 is. I don’t see the point in the existence of the ‘English Lords’ and I think it’s a British tradition that doesn’t have any value. The English would cry if they ran out of beer, but no one would cry after the Lords.
The entire British system is infiltrated by Zionism and global Jewish stakeholders in all leading positions of power, media and banking. A truly English party would probably need 50 million votes to form a majority in the Parliament, which will never happen also because of the English themselves.
Jews control social media and the Jewish town of the City of London, and they pour billions into anti-white parties and anti-white TV stations. Jews can replace political leaders in Britain who are critical of Israel. The most relevant example of it is the communist Jeremy Corbyn, who sincerely defended the Palestinians and openly spoke about Israel’s war crimes. What happened to him? The Zionist lobby in England removed Corbyn because he had unfavourable views towards Jews and felt really sorry for the Palestinians. Immediately, the global bankers replaced him with another Jewish rent boy Keir Starmer, and as a reward for being a good lickspittle he became Prime Minister. He will agree with the Jews on everything, blindly, without qualifications, and of course at the expense of the British.
Why do Muslims vote for the Labour Party? Maybe they really have such a low IQ or they only really care about benefits? Muslims should form their own party whose leader becomes known by his actions like a tree is known by its fruit.

ISIS is thriving in England and is under the protection of the police. However, you need to be careful if you display the British flag.
Just to be clear; I am not jealous about the power and money of Jews because my views are not based on jealousy. I don’t care who runs the banks and who has what assets. I criticize Jews for using their influence in a destructive way. If I was in their place I would build, not destroy. Jews never feel satisfied and they see enemies in the shade of every tree. That nation hates peace.
Double standards of British ‘democracy’
Liberal Democrats – the Siamese brother of the Labour Party and a clone of the American Democrats – have also been very successful. There are 650 seats in the British Parliament and there is the House of Lords – those for whom no one has ever voted, and who still make decisions outside the official ‘democracy’.
Labour Party won 412 seats, Liberal Democrats 71, the Conservatives 122 (the lowest in history), although there are also other left-wing extremists, such as the Greens; and Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru in Northern Ireland.
ReformUK, which is now apparently the only right-wing party only won 4 seats despite winning 14% of the vote. Interesting, isn’t it? Especially if Liberal Democrats won just over 12% of the votes and they have as many as 71 seats. For me British democracy is a fraud!
Why is this so then? This is because the voting system in Great Britain is very unfair, as many mainstream media have already written about. According to the Express, with Nigel Farage’s party winning 14% of the total vote, ReformUK would secure 93 seats in parliament under a proportional representation system. However, to ensure that the Left would win even if it loses, these elections were held in a first past the post system, which gave ReformUK only 4 seats. ReformUK also took second place out of 98 constituencies, which means that under the proportional representation system Nigel Farage’s party should obtain up to 30% of all seats in Parliament.
„It doesn’t matter who votes. It only matters who counts the votes.”
The British journalist also counted how many votes each party must get to obtain 1 seat. Under the current system ReformUK would need to win 1 million votes for 1 seat, while communist parties would need much less. The far-left Greens would have to get 400,000 votes for one seat, and the openly hostile Labour Party would only have to get 100,000 votes for each seat in the Parliament.
Turnout in the elections
It might seem that the British were once again deceived and forced to further denationalize, but no. According to ‘Turnout in the UK elections was 60%, the lowest since 2001.’ So who are this 60% and who are this 40%? That 60% are blacks, Muslims, Indians and the hardened white English leftist!! They are all like a well-disciplined army that goes to vote with their entire families on election day. In Muslim and African districts, where anti-British parties win, turnout is probably 100%, what means that only ones that don’t vote are those in hospitals an are in comas.
All the heavily tanned settlers get extra help during elections from the English mothers of black children, and over 100,000 native English people who have already converted to Islam. I don’t know what the reason is. Maybe Muslims don’t rape enough?
The 40% I mentioned earlier are the low English social class who are either indifferent to the elections or are too drunk to get to the polling stations. These are the English who openly dislike Poles, Germans, French and Russians because their regime allows them to dislike other white people. However on the other hand they would always elegantly lick the black ass to a high gloss. Many of them are tattooed, drunk, with cigarettes and with black children, but without teeth. These are the English who feel special because they are English, even though millions of illiterate blacks come to England to impregnate them, rape them, slaughter them, rob them and spit in their faces.
All these English castes have one thing in common. They really think that Churchill was their hero and that he saved them. Churchill was a Zionist hero who devoted his entire political career to Israel in occupied Palestine and to the Jews in England. But try to explain this to the English…
„The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.”
Mark Venturini
It is also very important to understand that voting in the UK is not only political but primarily racial and cultural, just as it is in South Africa. The Muslim quarter votes for Jihad and the African quarter votes for BLM, so together they vote against the English. There are entire cities and towns in England that are Pakistani, Indian, African – but not English. Well; ‘at least they got rid of the Romans and they don’t speak German.’
Yet the Great Replacement Project is officially a “far-right conspiracy theory” until the Jews tell their puppets in England that it is time to announce that it is not.

And who is racist now ???
With the victory of the Labour Party the elections in Great Britain are now officially won by the deeply tanned descendants of the former British Empire, including illegal dinghy sailors who don’t even have the right to reside in the UK. England has not been the country of the English for a long time, but now this position has been consolidated. When a foreign army drops bombs, the nation unites. That’s is why Tony Blair dropped blacks, Muslims and perverts to divide the British, and then he convinced the English that they were racists, in order to destroy their national identity by building a sense of guilt.
Reform UK
I am sceptical about ReformUK because they are silent on very important issues. Currently however ReformUK is the only party fighting for the survival of the English in England. Many years ago there was a party called the BNP, but back then English morons were never getting tired of shouting “racists”. If they didn’t shout so much and voted for the BNP, maybe they would preserve the honour and ethnic continuity of their nation? It is now probably too late unless democracy is understood as a system hostile to British survival and appropriate steps are taken to ethnically rebuild traditional England.
Nigel Farage did a good job, although as a rule no politician should be trusted. ReformUK is too tolerant of degenerates, and doesn’t talk about blacks and Indians as biological weapons to carry out genocide against white people. Reform UK is a center-right party that even leans towards liberalism on some issues.
Nigel Farage, like all Englishmen, is terrified lest someone call him a ‘racist’, and this is probably why he once said that he prefers Indians in England to Poles. Of course he owes nothing to Poles, I don’t expect any sympathy from him and I don’t care. I also understand that Indians with British passports constitute a much larger electorate than Poles, who usually don’t have the right to vote in general elections. My advice: all Poles should be sent back to Poland and replaced with Indians, but would Nigel Farage really want that? I highly doubt it! Poles also don’t care about living in England, while Indians are willing to risk their lives to get there.
Moreover, Reform UK does not address the Jewish issue, which is essential to our survival. Jewish globalists are behind the massive invasion of blacks and Muslims into Europe and are the biggest advocates of White Guilt and race mixing. Jews will always strive for total control and bastardization and degeneration of the white race, which is why free Europe is only possible without Jews! Muslims in Europe are the instruments of crime, while Jews want to win Europe, among other ways with the help of Muslims, but without a single shot. This is what the global project of ‘Greater Israel’ looks like, which is only possible by removing white people from the present times and from history.
Illegal wars in Arab countries by the Jewish murderer-for-hire Tony Blair, in the interests of Israel, resulted in carefully planned by the globalist genocide of Europeans. In addition to small boats, which are not stopped by anyone, there is also a large ship that carries Negroes from Africa to Italy around the clock. That ship belongs to an Israeli company.
I wonder who in such a “democratic” country as Great Britain elected George Soros to have so much power over the British, Germans, Poles, Swedes…? There are a lot of his institutions in Poland, Germany, Sweden and many other countries. But he is just one of many Jews who have their own racial plan for Europe; including of course for England and Ireland. These are the topics on which ReformUK is silent because they are afraid that someone might call them ‘racists and anti-Semites’.
I heard Nigel Farage referring several times to the so-called ‘Judeo-Christian’ culture. He probably thought that showing heart to the Jews would make them take pity on the English and stop the coloured invasion but unfortunately not. To Jews Nigel Farage is just a ‘dirty goy’ and according to the Talmudic philosophy: ‘even the best goys must die’. There is no such thing as ‘Judeo-Christian culture’, just as there is no such thing as ‘black British’. These are two separate cultures, especially since Jews openly ridicule and destroy Christianity, and in occupied Palestine Jews also destroy churches and Christian cemeteries. Not Muslims, but Jews. I suggest ReformUK to ask rabbis if they consider themselves ‘Judeo-Christians’.

Parents! Protect your children from degeneracy! Degenerate marches in the UK are becoming more and more vulgar. Even children are not safe.
No matter what, if ReformUK wants to achieve 30% of the seats in Parliament, it must fight to change the electoral system and must first get its drunken English ‘gentlemen’ to rehab and then to polling stations. If the English don’t organize themselves and don’t start caring, then they will still have aircraft carriers, submarines, combat planes and atomic bombs – but they’ll be conquered without a fight by illiterate simpletons armed with knives and ‘tools of rape’. Poland will not save them for the second time.
I also wonder what ReformUK would think about me if they read my article? I guess I’ll never find out because they will never read it?
What will the Labour Party do?
What can we expect from the Bolshevik party in the UK? The same as every other one, but now without wrapping in colourful paper. The Labour Party will not act on the patriotic feelings of the British people, as the ‘pseudo-conservatives’ have sometimes done. Labour will declare open war on the English and other white people, and make it clear to them that they are the lowest form of life in England, responsible for all evil from the times of the cavemen until today.
Here are the main things that come to mind:
- Abolition of British borders, but now without pretending that they still exist. To maintain power, the communists will make sure to Africanize England as much as possible.
- Favouring Muslims, mainly by introducing Sharia law and the law of ‘blasphemy’ against the prophet, as well as by ignoring their crimes. What is important however is that the Labour will flatter Muslims in Britain, while destroying them in Muslim countries through blind support for Zionist Israel. For Labour, a Muslim’s life is only worth as much as his vote, and it is exactly the same with all the other: ‘persecuted and oppressed ethnic minorities’.
- Violent crimes beyond control due to constant racial/cultural enrichment. In this case, the police will be there to protect invasive species and implement the policy of white apartheid. (Officially there are other names, but I use the real ones.) England chose Russia and the definitely vile KGB as its greatest enemy; but the KGB is already in England, under the name Met Police and many others.
- I hope I’m wrong on this point but it’s possible that Keir Starmer would release black and Muslim paedophiles and rapists from prisons. Due to overcrowded prisons in the UK Muslims calling for the slaughter of infidels will be ignored, but on the other hand for white people who criticize this system there will be always a place in prison.
- The war against white people and war against the British national identity. Waving the English or British flag is already “racist and brings back bad memories of the colonial past.” The Union Jack and St Georges will be further replaced by rainbow flags and ISIS-like flags in many variants.
- Further promotion of race mixing to the detriment of the white race. After all ‘multi-culturalism’ means a European country without whites. The obsession with pairing white women with black men and white men with Asian women will continue. All children must be of colour to reduce the white population. That is exactly the goal!
- Further erasure of white people from British history; through films, TV shows, commercials, and vile anti-white propaganda that only describes whites as villains, homosexuals or morons. We’ve already seen black Vikings, black Romans and a black Snow White. We’re just waiting for a children’s story about a non-binary black polar bear…
- Continuing to promote degeneracy within the globalist agenda of tolerance/inclusivity. The biggest victims of this satanic idea will be children, and I suspect there will be more cases of mental health problems and suicides among children. Sec change operations, taking hormone blockers and other forms of torture of young minds will be promoted. Globalists will make sure that whites are weak and have no identity. This way they won’t pose a risk to them.
- De-Christianization of Christian holidays. Attention! Muslims will benefit from it but for this Muslims we cannot blame.
The official version has already changed from: “demographic change is not happening” to: “demographic change is happening, and it is a good thing.” The final stage will be: “we won against racism because there are no more white people.”
- Like all communists, the Labour Party will take money from those who were hardworking and intelligent enough to save money, and they will give it to their parasitic voters. As a result of this socialist policy everyone will be equally poor, except those who are always more equal than others. Labour Party and its leftist gang will design the economic system in such a way that the government could legally take away homes from English people, only to give them to the newly arrived illegal criminals and parasites. This practice already existed during the ‘conservative’ government. The artificially created “housing crisis” is based on extreme racism and apartheid against white people, in order to prevent young English couples from having a chance to start families.
This strategy is a part of the UN definition of genocide!

Please compare the UN definition of genocide with ‘multi-culturalism’
- There have been complaints about the health service for a long time. It is underfinanced, waiting to see a specialist is long and many operations are being cancelled. I suspect that the situation with the NHS can only get worse as more and more people settle in the UK, who are completely dependent on the state and who also get sick.
- As for public debt, I hope that Labour will not choose another ‘Axis of Evil’ rich in natural resources on the world map, which will result in an even greater invasion of terrorists and rapists in the name of Jewish/British humanitarianism.
- Further promotion of women’s fashion borrowed from prostitution. Promotion of tattoos, facial piercings, promotion of social problems and all sorts of estranged habits. The nation must be drunk, degenerate and racially mixed to make it easier to rule.
- Vandalism and blocking roads in the name of ‘climate defence’. The BBC and political parties will never admit that they are really hooligan Communist militias like in the times of Lenin and Castro. Today for example the Communist bandit, arsonist, murderer and terrorist Che Guevara has been promoted to a hero. There will be more such pseudo-heroes, and the stupid, uneducated mob will love them. History tends to repeat itself, but how can a dull British mixed race mob after worthless schools can know about it?
- Intrusive promotion of abortion for white women and only white women, and because not all white women will want to abort their white children, the second phase will be the promotion of single mothers as the new normal. Under the pseudo-conservative regime the anti-British KGB arrested women standing in front of abortion slaughterhouses because they were silently praying.
- I expect Labour to anoint members of the ‘persecuted and oppressed ethnic minorities’ to high positions. They will dress them in suits and give them some time on the BBC, so they could explain to the English how much 2 + 2 is. They don’t even have to understand what they talk about, as long as they show their dark faces for support of the party. Therefore, black overrepresentation in the media and public life will continue.
- Further continuation of “freedom of speech” only for the left, which is exactly the same as in North Korea, where only one version is legal. The BBC will continue its mission to deny the British people and their culture the right to exist, but luckily for them there are always Russia, Iran and North Korea, to distract attention from the internal enemies.
- The British Government will choose Russia as its greatest enemy, but this would not stop it from shaking hands with Russia over Poland’s grave, if their interests required it. I have already described this historical issue in the article: “Great Britain and the GREAT betrayal of Poland”.
Britain will continue to decline morally and culturally and become less and less British.
My advice to English people
First they need to sober up and stop watching the BBC! They’d get smarter right away. Once they achieve success in being sober, it is imperative that they accept racial purity in order to survive. The English must stop living in fear and say loudly and openly that they are ‘racists’ and that they are proud of it. Let the leftists then explain to them what their definition of ‘racism’ is. Besides, what did being ‘non-racist’ do for white people? Only huge problems.

Perhaps the English should be paid with a can of beer as soon as they arrive at the polling station and put a cross in the box. I’m talking about that 40% who didn’t vote.
The English should start educating themselves and the turnout in every election should be 100%. This is however a big problem because the English believe in their uniqueness to such an extent, that even in times of greatest humiliation they believe that someone else should get their hands dirty to solve their problems.
„It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”
The huge problem of the English mentality is that the nation that occupied 20% of the world is too proud to admit that it is being colonized itself, and that to its regime it is worthless.
This is the end of my: ‘far-right conspiracy theory saturated with racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia’.