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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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Trips to Asia

Spy – book

<ul class="cwp-ul "><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc external nofollow">Chica</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The dark side of Thailand</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc">KOMPAS TRAVEL</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">James</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">North Asia</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">North Asia</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc">KOMPAS TRAVEL</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The Polish-Pakistani Air Force</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">You forgot to mention this</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The Polish-Pakistani Air Force</a></span></li></ul><!-- Generated by -->
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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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Travel postcards


The ‘Travel Postcards’ service is an occasional and seasonal offer, which at least in theory might help to pay the bills for the domain and server. I think it would be nice for many people to receive a postcard from a distant country with a personal dedication and a postage stamp. You can order it for yourself or for a friend. You can also treat such postcard as an investment.

nepal-postcard india-postcard thailand-postcard malaysia-postcard

Would you like to receive a postcard from an exotic country of Asia for just £10 ?

To be able to send a travel postcard I need the following information sent through the contact form or email :

  •  what country do you want the postcard to be sent from (the list of countries will be updated before departure),
  •  exact address and the name of the recipient,
  •  what would you like to be written on the postcard,
  • payment via PayPal,
  •  confirmation of payment sent to the email address above.

I recommend,


 Other offers:

⇒ Post stamps from selected countries; usually 6-10 in a pack (good investment!!!) £20 or £30 including the cost of sending. (My choice unless otherwise stated)

uzbekistan-stamp nepal-stamp palestine-stamp thailand-stamp

⇒ old and new banknotes from Asian countries – another good investment, for example currently used and old banknotes from the former British and French colonies, or released by the Japanese Empire in the conquered countries. Usually 6 – 10 pieces for £20 or £30 including the cost of sending. (My choice unless otherwise stated)

ceylon-money palestine-money laos-money india-money

⇒ use your imagination (price to be agreed)

  • perhaps a t-shirt from a chosen country,
  • a rolled painting depicting traditional life of the chosen country,
  • for your wife: perhaps an ornamented hair brush, a dragon hair clip with a specific design.

Please give the best description of the things you order.

The stamp and banknote service on is strictly seasonal and sporadic and it depends on author’s expeditions and its dates (this information would be updated before departures). This service is supposed to help to pay for the upkeep of this website. Returns are not accepted.

♦ The price in PLN depends on the British pound rate, although I send to any country in the world.

♦ The reply to the email can sometimes take time due to the lack of Internet.

!!!Under any circumstances and regardless of the money offered the author of this site will not import: animal parts, leather, furs, ivory, corals, shells, plants, pornography, anti-Christian, homosexual or pro-Communist materials, and of course never drugs in any form. 

jordan-postcard china-postcard tibetpostcard mongolia-postcard

Why postcards are not free

Someone asked me once why I can’t send postcards for free. Well I used to, but life has taught me that it’s not worth it. I sent a postcard from China to one woman to simply please her, and then someone told me what her reaction was. I thought she would be glad to get a postcard from China with the Great Wall, but she gritted her teeth, she tossed the postcard in the bin and said: ‘Eh, how much money does he have to go to China.’ There were more similar situations like that.

Sometimes people had something unpleasant to say to me, and others stopped talking to me. I think that to make people happy, I should rather send them a postcard from Chernobyl and say that I was robbed, beaten and irradiated. Maybe then they would like me? Everyone tolerates my failures very easily, but few are able to tolerate my successes.

I recommend my article: ‘Is travel only for the rich‘, in which among other things I referred to envy.


  • Animals
  • The beach files
  • Interesting people - unforgettable faces
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Armenia
  • Tadżykistan