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Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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Trips to Asia

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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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About the author

From the author

By: Martin Malik

From the author


In this chapter, I, the author of the Kompas website – Martin Malik, write about the history of my childhood travels, which later influenced me to explore the remote, and sometimes even dangerous regions of Asia. According to me, the beauty of the world is based on differences, that’s why I am against shifting Africa and Asia to Europe, what is commonly known as multi -‘culturalism’. I have devoted a large part of my life to travel and description of the world and I definitely recommend learning about other cultures. However, I believe that we should also protect and respect the indigenous cultures of Europe and ensure the purity of the white race for the sake of our survival. The world would be boring and depressing if everyone was white and everyone was Christian. Diversity is therefore a valuable element of our planet, but only if it’s separated with borders.


Introduction to my travels

I travel mainly because it gives me great fun and it is also a great way of education. Travel enriches me intellectually and opens my eyes to things which normally go unnoticed. There is an old Chinese saying, that: “When a 7 year old returns from his travels, a 70-year-old should listen to his stories”.  Mark Twain said that: “when we get old we will more regret those things that we didn’t do, rather than those that we did”.  I agree with this completely, especially that my every day at work is the same, and my expedition to Mount Everest I will remember forever. Looking at this topic that way I suggest that we should all get to know the world, because life is short and holidays are unfortunately even shorter.

Thailand - in Koh Tao island.

Thailand – in Koh Tao island.

I’ve travelled the beautiful, amazing and at the same time very tragic world, and each time I feel enriched by new knowledge, skills and experience, which I want to share with you. I don’t spend a whole year in a big city, wasting my life on a grey prose of life. When the time comes, I take my backpack and a few pennies and go for the next, great adventure. My objective is to explore the remote and unknown countries on a small budget, and publish my journals and pictures in such a way, that my readers would find travelling easier, safer, cheaper and with greater joy and satisfaction. To those who would be never given an opportunity to experience such adventures, I strongly recommend to read my very informative and fun filled journals.

Independent expeditions on a low budget

I’ve travelled from an early age. In the beginning there were trips to various parts of Poland and the rest of Europe, and I still have a lot of great memories from the countries which no longer exist. I will never forget East Berlin, full of Trabants, grey blocks of flats and eternally depressed people. There was really something very creepy about the former DDR. After crossing the Berlin Wall I reached the other world – the West Berlin, full of life and colours, where people were actually smiling, and where Turkish bazaars offered every possible style of a  leather jacket.  As a 7 year old boy I travelled on a German highway, and I remember that jokingly speaking, Polish buses at that time where “sensational”.

Then, at the age of 10, whilst on a holiday in the former Yugoslavia, I spent a week in a hospital in Belgrade, where I had my appendix cut out. At the age of 12 I went for a walk around Paris, and by a mistake I reached the “pleasure district”, full of hookers and pimps counting money. At that time I didn’t quite understand it yet, but it was more than obvious to me, that wherever I went it was always a great experience waiting for me.

Burma Myanmar

Burma – a bath in a natural waterfall pool not far from Hsipaw.

I think that based on the above, continuation of my travels was quite natural, especially that it covered the main subject of my studies. When I went to Southeast Asia for the first time, I took it as a very different, interesting and exotic world. Although I went there primarily to train Thai boxing, I soon realized that travelling was exactly what I wanted to do in life. I could’t stay too long in one place and my trip was very chaotic, but curiosity and hunger for adventures drove me forward. After some time I also became interested in history, politics and economy of the countries that I visited, and later also in photography.

From my personal experience I know that it took me some time before I started treating my passion seriously, and before I started planning and learning how to take better photos and write better journals. I  always organize all my trips alone, because I think that it is the only way to get to know the chosen countries the way I want it.

I also realized that my type of tourism I could easily call “wandering”. I sleep in the world’s cheapest guest houses, but also in forests, caves, deserts and once even under a truck – because it was raining. I eat street food and I get around not only by very low class trains and buses, but also by rickshaws and on camels. As long as I go forward and I complete my travel objectives, it is enough to make me happy. In my expeditions I don’t look for artificial beauty directed for the rich, snobby tourists. I am only interested in the hard realism, because only conditions like that make me feel that I have achieved my goal and I get to know the reality of a country.

Some trips I like more than the others but every time it is a unique experience. In those moments I feel truly free and undisturbed, and I want my great adventures to last for as long as possible. Unfortunately there are moments when my time is limited, because at some point I have to go back to the prose of life, but after a while I realized that there is never enough time. I don’t want to pretend that I am a travel specialist, even though I have “ma” after my name. I keep on learning how to explore the world more efficiently, what to focus on, how to talk to people and how to take better photographs. I know from my own experience that it takes time to grow up to my way of travelling, to also understand what I experience.

Kazakhstan - expedition to Kolsay lakes.

Kazakhstan – expedition to Kolsay lakes.

Very important to me are not only my photographs but also my travel reports, which I write in the form of informative memoirs. Many travellers write only about certain objects and places in a very cold and general way.  Sometimes I do it too when it’s really necessary, but above all I always try to show the readers my own experiences and feelings, with humour when possible. Some countries I have explored very well and the other ones not so well, what can be seen in my reports. On the other hand I don’t have to see everything to get the character of the country and its people, and I don’t always have time to fulfill all my dreams. Also, even though I always write about my adventures and experiences, certain things I keep only to myself, because I want at least a little part of my memories to be only mine. I also feel that to some countries I would like to go back.

I know people who for 12 years have travelled only to Cambodia and others only to Nepal. It is not something what I would do, but even though they are small countries, it is still a different experience every time, because every time they have new adventures and they see new things, they meet new people and they take better pictures. To me personally it would be very boring but everyone has their ways.  Nice to know that in spite of the internet and the flying era, there is still something new to discover.

Everyone collects something different too. Some people collect records with the national music, flags or small caps. I on the other hand bring all kinds of souvenirs, that’s why today my house looks like a museum. I bring T-shirts, postcards, sometimes paintings, figurines and banknotes from every country. Even though that money is not worth anything, when I look at the Burmese kyat or the Lao kip, my beautiful memories do come back.

Travelling vs holidays

In my opinion the worldwide tourism doesn’t have a lot in common with education about the visited countries, because the world can only be known by learning about its realities. Organised, time limited trips are in my point of view the worst way of travelling, because they limit contact with local people. They don’t force to think and get to know the realism of the Third World Countries on the travellers’ own skin.

Laos - Luang Nam Tha.

Laos – after a jungle expedition from Luang Nam Tha.

A traveller needs time to understand a country and to lose himself in its chaos and lack of understanding. He should find the right way by himself, because only that way he would be enriched by realistic experiences. I feel sorry for all tourists who buy expensive trips, and whilst moving around by organised transport they are rushed by their guides like cattle. Their travel memories are then limited only to 5* hotels, meals, signals to use a toilet and commands of where to look without the real contact with the surrounding world. Later, the same tourists praise themselves to me that they have been to Bombay, Saigon, Tehran or Phnom Penh.

However in my point of view, because of travelling their way they’ve never been to any of those places. They have only been to London on the other side of the ocean. I would best compare this occurrence to observing the underwater world. You can either see it on a big screen TV or dive yourself and that way become a part of the underwater fauna and flora. It is really important that we know how to distinguish travelling from holidays.


Kompas Travel is an interesting, colourful tale about my fascinating travels on a low budget through the far away, and often the most remote regions of Asia. Regardless of whether I go to the Tibetan glacier or challenge the endless steppes of Mongolia, or whether I play with cobras in the Ganges Valley, it is always an unforgettable experience.

Sri Lanka Mirissa.

Sri Lanka – on a beach in Mirissa.

Travelling has been my passion from an early age, although I started to approach it in a more organized and planned way after some time. My travels through Asia, not only resulted in thousands of photos and memories, but also taught me a lot. The reason for bringing this site to life was to share my thoughts, tips and advice on travelling with a wider group of people. I hope that both the experienced travellers, and those who are just at the beginning of their adventures would find my website to be an inspiration and motivation for future travels.
All those who are planning or have already been to Asia would certainly share my fascination with this interesting and dramatic continent. I believe that my websites would be very helpful in organizing trips to Asia and beyond.

To all who read my reports I wish good reading and deep reflection; and then successful expeditions. All materials to my site I draw mainly from my own experiences, but also from books and internet sources. I think that my site is very different from all the others, because everywhere else all reports and photos are based on travel experiences of hundreds or thousands of people. Meanwhile on all the descriptions and photographs are from the trips, which I took myself.

West Malaysia - in a bar in the island of Penang.

West Malaysia – in a bar in the island of Penang.

 The world’s beauty based on cultural differences

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the temples of ancient Persia, through the Himalayas, through the Great Wall of China and into the lush jungles of Borneo, I realized the the world should have its order. Whether I was shearing fresh tea with Buddhist monks in the tea fields of Sri Lanka, or whether I got stuck between lemon trees in chaotic Bangladesh, despite all the fine adventures and experiences, I was always aware to which culture I truly belonged. I always greatly appreciated the beauty of our own white christian culture and the heritage of our beautiful white race.

How beautiful it is that every country is different, every country has different people, different cultures and religions, different temples, different customs, different languages and different ecosystems; and those differences represent the true beauty of our planet. On the other hand let’s imagine how harmful and morally dirty it would be to put the entire world into one place, so no-one would have their national and cultural identity, and would be a forced to perversion Marxist puppet, called “the citizen of the world”. I travel all over the world but my nationality is my pure White bloodline and the honour of my Catholic culture, and none of these values will be ever for sale.

How beautiful it is that God created a man and a woman to be together, and so they could complete each other; and created such a huge diversity of races and cultures and so much inequality among them. That’s why to summarize I support multi – “culturalism”, but only on a condition that it is based on the very distant cultural and racial separation. As for ‘equality’, it is an utopian nonsense invented by the Communists with whom I strongly disagree, because nothing is neither equal nor fair and never will be. The world’s beauty is therefore based on cultural differences.

Tibet - Mount Everest

Tibet – in front of Mount Everest with my beautiful travel companion, who brought chaos into my expedition and completely ruined my budget.

Besides, whilst travelling the world I can see that the development of Asia would not have been as successful, if it had not been fertilized by the light of the white civilization. Economy, education, health, ethics and law in many Asian countries were built on the European foundations, and that’s why those countries enjoy its benefits until this day. Without White people, today Hong Kong and Singapore would be just obscure fishing villages, but they are powerful financial centres with the biggest ports in the world.

Without white people the literacy level in the Indian Subcontinent would probably stand at 20%, but today Sri Lanka has the best educated society in the region, because the British paid for it. In addition, South Asia is a global leader in tea production, which is exported around the world through ports built by the British Empire. I personally don’t believe in the “white guilt” and I am proud to be white.

I feel blessed by the privilege of knowing and exploring different cultures, habits, architectures, handicrafts and all the angels and demons of the far away lands. Because of educating myself this way I feel that apart from admiring the countries’ heritage I’ve become richer mentally and softer emotionally, and because of travelling I can see very clearly not only the problems of Asia, but also the problems of Europe and the native Europeans’.

I think that every nation in the world regardless of ethnicity and culture should have a fundamental right to continue its culture, its faith and also its race; because race, next to culture is what determines the origin and affiliation of a given human species to the ethnically appropriate part of the world. Europeans are White Christians and they should remain as such, that’s why national identity and racial purity are very important. Let’s get to know other cultures, but let’s respect and protect our own.


Azerbaijan – tea break in Seki.

Currently I live in the hard-line Bolshevik state – in the Kingdom of Political Correctness, in Londonistan, where as a white man I am already a minority. Every time I am fired for telling the truth I either look for a new job which they kick me out from too, or I leave for another expedition.

Whilst travelling around the world and seeing hypocrisy, lies and double standards of Asian but the European countries, I think of a quote of the infamous philosopher and enemy of the Polish national identity. It was the Nazi propaganda minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels, who said:

“One day all lies will collapse under their own weight and truth will ones again triumph”.

I’m just afraid to think what would be the price of this truth ?

The cultural village of Borneo

Referring to the topic of the beauty of the world based on racial and cultural differences, and on the other hand referring to the Afro-Muslim invasion of Europe, I would like to give certain example. Whilst traveling through the Malaysian Borneo, in the states of Sarawak and Sabah I visited several cultural villages inhabited by the ethnic people of Borneo. Those people lived in fenced areas, defending themselves and their values ​​from the outside world. In those villages people are open to tourism but at the same time they don’t import foreign races and cultures. In the cultural villages of Borneo, such as Damai or Mari Mari the people of Borneo continue the culture of their ancestors. They live in specifically designed homes, they have their own cultural rituals and social customs, as well as their songs and dances.

The people of Borneo have original tattoos and old ways of hunting. They also have many kinds of original dishes, and even their own way of making alcohol with the use of coconuts and bananas. Exploring the cultural villages of Borneo proved to me to be one of the most beautiful experiences with distant cultures. During that time I understood that thanks to the so-called ‘xenophobia’, which I strongly support, people of Borneo have a chance to survive and preserve the culture left by their ancestors.

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak and Sabah

In the Mari Mari cultural village in Borneo I discovered a new way for women. First I dip my arrows in a sleeping liquid, then I choose a woman that I like and I shoot. Then I pick her up from the ground and take her home. As soon as we get home I chain her to the kitchen and then to my bed, in order to begin our relationship. When I return to England I’m going to start a family that way. I am very romantic.

On the other hand, let’s imagine what would happen if the ethnic people of Borneo began to be liberal, tolerant and if they started to fight ‘xenophobia’. Let’s think how the people of Borneo would end if the government of Great Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium or the entire European Parliament came to power in their village. I think that in such case the people of Borneo would go extinct through diversity and tolerance. They would have to accept lazy blacks with their hideous cough called rap, they would have to accept the Islamist invasion and pervert parades, and certainly in the cultural villages of Borneo the number of murders and rapes would rise rapidly.

I therefore feel that in order to ensure the protection and prosperity of the people of Borneo, and to guarantee their survival, they should continue xenophobia and they shouldn’t fall for the unconditional tolerance towards strangers. Apart from that they should never apologize for anything and they should remove their internal enemies, so those whose specialties are destructive socialist ideologies, such as: ‘diversity, tolerance and fighting racism’. For that reason O wholeheartedly support ‘racism and complete lack of tolerance’ because I want all the best for the people of Borneo.

I want to remind that he native red-skinned Americans were also against immigration of foreign races and cultures. But as soon as the ‘immigrants, refugees and guest workers’ from Europe and Africa arrived on the American continent – 95% of their population which was about 130 million were killed, and those who survived live in reserves. Does this mean that the native red-skinned Americans were racist?

Iran Yazd.

In the city of Yazd, Iran. By the way, I recommend Iran. It’s a very interesting country that has a lot to offer, but it is being terrorized because it is one of the last countries in the world which is not covered by the international (Jewish) banking system. It is also rich in oil.

Being Polish and a White man in Asia

I will start with the Polish question. Generally, hardly anyone in Asia knows where Poland is. In countries such as the Philippines, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and in most of the Asian countries which I visited, Poland is a black hole. When I wanted Asian people to more or less guess where Poland was, they often said that in America, because according to them “every White person is from America”. Some guessed that maybe Poland is in Europe, but they were not sure. Those who knew that Poland was in Europe, asked me if we were part of Germany and whether we speak German. They often take me for a German because it is easier that way. For example in Vietnam they expect Poles to speak fluent Russian, and over there we are actually from Russia.

Most often however, when I said that I was from Poland, everyone thought I was Dutch, because according to Asians “Poland” and “Holland” is the same country. The level of education in many Asian countries is so bad, that people have no idea where Poland is. They only know that “Poland is very rich and everyone in Poland is also very rich.” Why are we so “rich” then? Because we are White. These are the answers.

Usually, it turns out that I’m Dutch, and I’ve stopped explaining that I am not, because no one can locate the Netherlands on the map anyway. In all the regions of Asia where I’ve been, people don’t even know about the existence of: Belgium, Finland, Norway, Luxembourg, Portugal, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, and most countries. It’s as if they’ve never seen a map, or they’ve never been to school. In Asia they also don’t know Scotland and Ireland, and they don’t even know Great Britain. However, they know England, even though most Asians are unable to locate it on a map. Asians are so ignorant, that explaining this to them doesn’t make sense, and sometimes I feel that talking to them is like talking to small children.

Palestine Betlehem

In front of the Palestinian refugee camp. Bethlehem, Palestine. Yes, Palestine does exist, and not only in the hearts of Palestinians, but also in the hearts of all people who don’t want to accept the brutal occupation and injustice.

Therefore in general “I’m Dutch because the Netherlands and Poland is the same country. Sometimes I am German or Russian, though more often an American, because I am White, and therefore very rich. ” Ironically I asked Dutch people if “they were sometimes Polish” and they sad that they were. They say that to Asians there is no difference between Poland and Holland, because we are all White and rich. Therefore Asians understand the world through the prism of race, what Whites have lost because of their anti-White, liberal regimes.

Being a white male in Asia equals to be a lottery winner. I often had the impression that according to the Filipinos or Indians, every White boy is born in golden shoes, and at the same time they transfer million dollars into his account. Then he goes to Asia with unlimited credit card and lives a dream. Alcohol, girls, eternal holidays. Many people in Asia do not even believe that White people work and that Whites can be poor. There is also no point in explaining what a credit card is, because according to Asians it is a bottomless well, where White people pull money out and never have to pay anything back. Especially in the Indian Subcontinent there is such ignorance.

Precisely because of such approach, in many Asian countries people have developed a view, that they can rob White people and cheat them on money without any moral consequences. After all, “in the land of the Whites we have mountains of gold”!? In my opinion, the most extreme countries in this respect are India and Sri Lanka, and to such an extent that this practice has become law. Then, with such an attitude dark-skinned nations come on a mass scale to Europe, and stupid hordes of White sheep loaded with leftist ideologies allow them to be legally robbed.

I suspect that in Africa and South America it is exactly the same. As soon as I left the airport in Tunisia, they immediately called me “rich.”

Burma Myanmar Buddha

I liked this Buddha in Burma as the element of the local culture and art, but the same Buddha in Europe would be the symbol of loss of the European culture and the symbol of prostitution of our liberal puppet masters.

Additional note from the Author

When writing about economics, education, freedom of speech, social problems, culture, religion or political affairs in the countries I have visited, I do not exalt or justify European countries or other countries belonging to the Western civilization. Regardless of the political system and culture of countries, all governments are united by hypocrisy, greed and the desire to take complete power over people. It is always the same wherever I go. People in distant corners of the world complain about their governments and think that I came from the country of “freedom, democracy and prosperity”.

In the so-called “democratic countries” people do not matter. All that matters is a narrow international elite that tailors education, freedom of speech, culture, religion and the promotion of social problems to their own advantage. Through their power over global finance they control our governments and infiltrate key organizations in countries, and through control of the media and pharmaceutical companies they shape public opinion and destroy our mental health. Figureheads in high positions have power over the smallest aspects of our lives.

You can make a lot of money off healthy people who think they are sick. There is a lot of money to be made on organized religion to make the flock feel safer in the group, to have a sense of community and the promise of life in paradise after death. If you live in ignorance, they will surely tell you what you should think, so you would have even more questions, and as a result know even less.

We are all deceived, no matter what race or culture we are. Tragically however, based on my observation I came to the conclusion that most people are too immersed in the prose of life, too simple and too destroyed by the avalanche of lies to be able to cope with the truth. Many people don’t care about the truth either because lies are sweet and truth is bitter. When the belly is full and crude entertainment is provided, the truth could shatter a false sense of security.

Others however, those more intelligent and interested in the world live in fear of: an Islamic or Zionist regime, a communist or fascist dictatorship, or a liberal-democratic totalitarianism where patriotism is illegal. Each of these systems requires victims, and where there are no problems and enemies, a given regime will create them by itself.

Travel does educate but I’ve noticed that those who don’t travel and who are not interested in the world like me, have problems understanding people educated by travel experiences; because they consider distant countries, their cultures and customs through the prism of their own. Those who think that we are all equal and believe in the naive fairy tale of a ‘global village’ are inspired by communism; but they don’t understand it.

Hegra, Al Ula, Saudi Arabia.

Hegra, Al Ula, Saudi Arabia.

If at least 10% of my readers can understand what I’m talking about, there is hope for improvement. These 10% are feared by the global elite. Imagine how people would react if the mainstream media around the world admitted that most studies have no value and that most higher education was created only to put young people into slavery through debt, from the very beginning. Poor they are already, but would they still at least feel educated? Imagine how quickly their self-esteem would collapse?!

I wish all travellers successful adventures, educational experiences and acquiring new skills.



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