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Travel blog about Asia - Compass Travel Guide

Martin Malik

My name is Martin and this is my story. I travel because it is fun and a great way to continue self-education which enriches the worldview and opens my eyes to unnoticeable things, both in the distant countries and the closest ones. Let's get to know other cultures but let's also respect and defend our own.


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The Politics of Truth

===============================================  “Religion, like alcohol, should only be for wise people”

Martin Malik

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Trips to Asia

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<ul class="cwp-ul "><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc external nofollow">Chica</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The dark side of Thailand</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc">KOMPAS TRAVEL</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">James</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part IV ‘Indians’</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">Kai</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">North Asia</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">North Asia</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link"><a href="" class="url" rel="ugc">KOMPAS TRAVEL</a></span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The Polish-Pakistani Air Force</a></span></li><li class="recentcomments cwp-li"><span class="cwp-comment-title"><span class="comment-author-link cwp-author-link">You forgot to mention this</span> <span class="cwp-on-text">on</span> <a class="comment-link cwp-comment-link" href="">The Polish-Pakistani Air Force</a></span></li></ul><!-- Generated by -->
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A few words from the author

Whilst travelling from the Christian remains of Constantinople and the ancient sands of Persia, through the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China and the dense jungles of Borneo, I realized that the world must have its order. Therefore despite my beautiful adventures and experiences I always remembered which culture I myself belonged to, and I also appreciated the beauty and values of our beautiful - White Christian civilization.

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The politics of truth

UK elections 2024

By: Martin Malik
Power in 2024 was taken over by the Bolshevik Labour Party which will continue to destroy traditional England and Christian morality, under the dictatorship of Jewish globalists. The Right achieved good results, it was cheated by an unfair electoral system and was blatantly robbed of dozens of seats in the British Parliament. Left-wing extremists under many names have come to power, who have been waging a fierce war against the English for decades using their own money.

Democracy exposed

      "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.


The politics of truth

Israel’s war against the whole world; part I – ‘Hamas attack on Israel’

By: Martin Malik
On the 7th of October 2023 Hamas attacked Israel, beginning its conquest with the murders of music festival participants, mainly Jews. Hamas fighters entered Israel, where they killed Jewish civilians and raped Jewish women. The Hamas terrorist and liberation attack was like a gift from heaven for Israel, and may have even been planned by Israel to weaken Hamas.
The politics of truth

Simon Mol – the black supplier of HIV

By: Martin Malik
Simon Mol - a black man tricked himself into Poland, where he fulfilled his degenerate sexual fantasies by infecting naive left-wing Polish women with HIV.
The politics of truth

The Great Replacement Project

By: Martin Malik
I've never heard that Africa is too African, that India is too Indian, or that China is too Chinese, but because of the Great Replacement Project Europe is too European, and that's why white civilization is the only one that 'needs' diversity, and that's why it is uniformly exterminated in all the white continents. Only white people 'need' tolerance and mass immigration, only white people have to feel guilty, and must apologize.
The politics of truth

The philosophy of truth and deceit; part V – Al takiya-The Islamic philosophy of deception

By: Martin Malik
Muslims lie without even thinking about it, without blinking an eye and without regret. Lies define them as Muslims because Muslims are children of lies, and all the teachings that come from them are false and based on double standards. Koran makes it clear that 'there is no greater deceiver than Allah,, and it shows the prophet of Islam in the same way.


        "God save me from my friends. I can protect myself from my enemies."  


About the author The politics of truth

Facebook publications

By: Martin Malik
Today there is Facebook, and tomorrow it might be gone. All over the world, the politically awakened pages are being removed by the Jew in power without any announcement or warning. My account has always been blocked and restricted, although I also received a warning that it may be completely deleted, like Twitter. You know: 'community standards';)
The politics of truth

The Bolshevik Revolution 2020

By: Martin Malik
The Global Communist building its political strategy on white guilt and fighting alleged "racism" planned to make a coup for a long time, to prevent the current US President Donald Trump from winning again. George Floyd was thus a randomly chosen criminal, who first the American and then the Global Communists (incl. the British) needed for their own political purposes.
About the author

Is travel only for the rich ?

By: Martin Malik
I often receive questions about my money. Sometimes people ask out of curiosity, but more often out of jealousy and hatred to me, as if I owed them something. I get accusations that "I must come from a wealthy family", that I "might have robbed someone", but also other ugly comments which edge over harassement. Nevertheless, I would like to explain how everyone can afford to travel, and I can assure you that this discipline is not only for the rich.
The politics of truth

Race or civilization?

By: Martin Malik
INTERVIEW with Martin Malik. I believe that young people should form couples in such a way that they would guarantee themselves racially clean children because when a child is born in a particular land it is not only a gift to the family but also a gift to the state. For this reason every child should meet the racial standards, ethnically characteristic for a particular country.
The politics of truth

Great Britain and the GREAT betrayal of Poland; part I

By: Martin Malik
Betrayal of Poland was planned by the British to smallest detail. The English wanted to beat Germans anyway, as they couldn't afford to have strong country in Europe. First they wanted Germany to eliminate Poland from the war, so they could destroy Polish economy and infrastructure, so after the war Poland could fall into complete dependence on England.

Saudi Arabia … and passion for travel

By: Martin Malik
Saudi Arabia is a new and unknown travel destination, which from the beginning of its existence was closed to followers of religions other than Islam. Saudia has been open to visitors from outside the Islamic world only since 2019, so to the vast majority it is still shrouded in mystery and stereotypes. I believe that this kind of approach is understandable in this case and it was one of the reasons why I decided to get to know Saudia thoroughly.
The politics of truth

The cultural ‘enrichment’ of Europe; part III ‘Gypsies’

By: Martin Malik
GYPSIES. They live in separate ghettos, they are known for their high crime and they base their survival on theft, fraud, kidnappings for ransom and social welfare. Gypsies were thrown out from all the countries they settled in and they are always hated because they have a well deserved reputation of thugs, thieves and lazy breeding machines.

Trip to Lebanon

By: Martin Malik
Lebanon is a very interesting country which I have a lot of beautiful memories from, but its military nature forces us to adapt to new conditions. Although in the first few days you may be wondering when the war might start, and despite the horror stories told us by the British Foreign Office, I will always remember Lebanon as a very interesting adventure.
The politics of truth

Facebook and the media control

By: Martin Malik
Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented. Here we have the world's most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, names, addresses (...) all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence. In many countries the social media is forbidden, in order to prevent foreign corporations from having power over governments and societies.
The politics of truth

The political virus Covid-19; part I

By: Martin Malik
WHO: “Globally, approximately 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu typically kills much less than 1% of those infected. There are now 90,893 reported COVID-19 cases and 3,110 deaths worldwide. " This WHO calculation means that even if someone gets COVID-19, the risk of dying is 1 in 30.
Curiosities Travel reports

Khyber Pass in Pakistan

By: Martin Malik
Khyber Pass is a road leading through mountains from the city of Peshawar in Pakistan to Afghanistan. This dangerous section is the main trade route to Afghanistan, which has a reputation of being outside of the Pakistani law, and it is a place of many surprises. This strategic trade route is a place of constant fight for influence between the forces of the Pakistani government, the Taliban, and the local Pashtun tribes.

The Stalin museum in Gori

By: Martin Malik
Stalin's Museum in Gori is an intrusive and downright pathetic attempt to present a wolf in sheep's clothing as well as unpleasant proof of the hypocrisy of the Georgian government that openly tolerate these lies.

White women as the genetic legacy of the White tribe

"I remind all promoters of race mixing that a White nation is a race and White race is a nation, and if a White nation gives its women to alien races, it goes extinct. Women are the foothold of the family, nation, tradition, survival and genetic heritage of the tribe. For that reason White women are of the highest virtue and they must be protected at all cost. When a different race comes to a White tribe, first it conquers its women to wipe it out genetically through producing with them alien children. Then the alien race kills all men and boys or it invents a policy of weakness so that White men are feminine and are unable to fight the hostile hordes. This is now happening in Europe".                                                                                                                                                                                Martin Malik
The politics of truth

The philosophy of truth and deceit; part VI – Levels of lies and its evolutionary phenomenon

By: Martin Malik
Do different levels of liars actually exist, and could we qualify a specific liar to a certain level of development? In what circumstances a liar needs to find himself to advance to the higher level of deceit? Can deceit be turned into a professional career?
About the author

Best travel films

By: Martin Malik
There are many films that encourage travel and deep reflection about the world. I present films which would surely encourage you to travel and help you in developing many interesting passions. I'm going to update this topic regularly, adding new films here. I recommend.
Travel reports

Expedition to the Malaysian Borneo 2018

By: Martin Malik
Malaysian Borneo is a picturesque corner of Asia, which I recommend to travellers who like close contact with nature. The states of Sarawak and Sabah are home to primeval rainforests, great spectacular caves, and the rich cultural life of Borneo. In national parks and reserves you can see orangutans, proboscis monkeys, hornbills, sea turtles and crocodiles.

Expedition to Israel and Palestine

By: Martin Malik
The Berlin Wall was seen as an attack on freedom and democracy, and the fence surrounding concentration camps as a crime against humanity, but on the other hand the wall in Palestine, although much longer and higher than the one in Berlin is kept in silence ..... as if it didn't exist. This means that brutal occupation and walls of that type are perfectly fine, but only on a condition that they serve Jews.

Expedition to West Asia 2013

By: Martin Malik
Ancient Persia is one of the oldest civilization of the world, and it has a lot of historical and cultural heritage, rich art and good people. Regarding terrorism and the "axis of evil" it simply makes me laugh when I hear about it, Globalists have military bases in the Middle East, the terrorists state of Israel, and thousands of nuclear bombs - and Iran has none. This proves the best who is the threat to whom. In the picture, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei.
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